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13 Aug 2007 12:00 AM by GASMAN Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

Is this going to be the month we finally hear some good or bad news..??. If we hear nothing then surely its time a lot of us started questioning this whole situation.


So to the people who think they have a source or good idea whats going to happen lets hear from you, thats negative and positive view points. For me, come 6 weeks time which takes me over the 6 month delay period if i've heard nothing it maybe time to look elsewhere. Surely its about time we heard a statement from Parador or other agents and especially Huma on their viewpoint on all of this..??. Huma are the guys who submitted the plans, at least tell us where the plans are with the Junta and when they believe we'll all finally get an answer.


September will be an interesting month.

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13 Aug 2007 8:59 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

Well, don't know anything other than what is on sites like this, but someone on the Viva-almeria site has today said that their agent - Superior - ( quite a small group I understand and used to specialise in Florida) have told him to get his money back, as there will be no licenses in the near future.  But September is not too far away now, so I guess that will be the deadline for lots of people.  My best guess would be that something much smaller will eventually be allowed - but I would not be putting money on when!!!





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14 Aug 2007 11:23 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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Another Brian!

The people I deal with in Spain in relation to property in this area are a Spanish firm and the owner bought a Tarifa

he is well connected and like the rest of us got caught up in the political flack which stopped this development in it's tracks

Long storey but Huma have gone about the new planning application in a professional manner  and I am advised that the final plans are with the Junta in Seville for approval and that is expected in September but like Uk it 'may just be a little later'...I hope not

I have also bought a Tarifa and it is looking a ' very good buy'.....2005 prices at circa early 2009 completion

Even if there had been a 'price crash ' which there has not to date

I do not agree with the advice given to the person who made the post on 'viva almeria'

The money is secured so why get out now

You  have had all the worry so let the investment flow!


For buyers who  do not want to wait because of their own personal time scale for a home in Spain , then get out

After all 'life style now' is for many more important than a profit






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15 Aug 2007 12:55 AM by GASMAN Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

Without putting pressure on you rowlandsbb you are a beacon of light on this forum and I hope you are right.

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15 Aug 2007 9:47 AM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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So do I

Yesterday I received an e-mail from our lawyers;

' we are waiting for the ratification of the Junta of Andalucia, I will keep you informed as soon as we get some news'

Note that it is 'ratification' which I read as meaning that everthing has been approved on a local basis and all the approriate planning requirements have been met 

There would have been discussions and negotiations with both local and regional government to make sure that  this is the case

So once all the 'i's' are dotted & 't's crossed it needs a final approval from the Junta in Seville

This is 'expected ' in September 2007 but as I said in my last post, don't worry about a slight delay....government bodies are the same everywhere!

My view,rightly or wrong, is that if it was going to be cancelled we would have known by now.....why would Huma waste time and money on a project that had none or little chance of success!






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15 Aug 2007 12:51 PM by Philmel Star rating. 214 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for that posting rolandsbb;

This is better than a day at Alton Towers. (and it's free).

Yesterday I felt very low and upset. In fact going to pul out. Due to a post (on another forum) which said something along the lines of 'no licences would be issued in the foreseeable future for ACC' . Absolutely no idea where they got that info from.

 But then I paused , and waited, and thought , no, hang on in there. Don't pull out yet. After all what's a few more months added to 3 years 4 months we have already waitied !!

Anyway, back to today and I'm dancing in the streets all Happy again after your positive posts. Great and I thank you for them. But I did smile at your point about - Quote "don't worry about a slight delay....government bodies are the same everywhere!"

And that's what it's been like (for many) since they stopped buiding on ACC in Nov 2005. When many dreams were shattered. Luckily time is on my side so I am still waiting and dreaming of the day when day soon hopefully.Please god.


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15 Aug 2007 1:05 PM by GASMAN Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

Have to agree with you "Philmel" that rolandsbb is offering us a bit of hope but if his contact or lawyer in Spain can give him this information then why can't Parador in my case or Huma communicate this to us..??!!.

I'll certainly be sending rolandsbb a thank you gift if this does come off in the next few months because his advice has been a saving grace. Like many of us time is on my side, I can wait until 2010 as long as were told whats going on. If news broke September that its got the go ahead and my property would not be liveable until 2010 I'd take that, its an investment for me etc etc.

I have to agree with rolandsbb on the fact as well as Huma are a business then if they knew in their heart of hearts this was a definate no go then they'd have pulled the plug on this ages ago and so would the likes of Parador for their repuatations.

Imagine the feeling of relief and joy when hopefully one day soon we see a thread saying "Its been given the official go ahead"...??!!.

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15 Aug 2007 4:16 PM by halegate Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

I have got to say guy,s that the delay has worked in my favoir and only hope that it works for you too!

A compleation date of late 2008/early 2009 would be great for me i just feel sorry for those people who had much shorter time scales and have had to pull out. It will go ahead its just a matter of legality and the time it takes to sort out, as for the doom and gloom merchant,s ?? They will be proved wrong eventually, and some wont even have had an interest in the A.C.C


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15 Aug 2007 6:19 PM by Truff Star rating. 46 forum posts Send private message

Yes- I agree that rowlandsbb is keeping many of us (including myself) buoyant through these uncertain times but as a natural born cynic I do wonder about your motives sometimes brian?

Thinking about this logically, apart from the junta the next best informed body on all this must be Cuevas Town hall - Therefore is there anyone with good spanish and residing locally to Cuevas able to approach them for the latest situation to post on this forum?

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15 Aug 2007 6:33 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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May get egg on my face if it does not re start!!!!

But as you can see from my signature I am an agent and an investor [ Tarifa] and I want ACC to be a big success in the future

So all I am doing is passing on my positive vibes

As it seems that the negative people always make a lot of noise

Please call me Brian......rowlandsbb is part of my e-mail address

One day we will all meet!





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15 Aug 2007 8:32 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

Brian, I thought you were being rude about my name, but I see you are also Brian!!

Well, I try very hard not to be negative, but I can only see the out and out investor winning here.  Yes, if you don't want to pay for the property, the longer it takes the better - but just remember, those who pulled out and bought elsewhere will also have property at 2006 prices come 2010  - and they will also have spent many happy holidays or yearsof living in Spain!!

I agree with everything you said earlier about the region - long term I think it is a good investment, but I still think there are lots of good bargains out there and not just ACC.

Fingers crossed for September - and I also agree, might as well wait until September now!!  Alarmed by the 'may go over idea' though!!





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15 Aug 2007 10:44 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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Brian to Brian !

 Agree but to be fair I have to admit that my wife and I have hedged our bets and we have bought a 'winter home' near Huercal Overa

it is off plan in a small development and will be ready before ACC and nice timing as just after I am '65'...although not retiring just slowing down!!!!

We did this because we like the area so much  

Down size in Uk and keeping Tarifa at ACC as an investment [ not for re sale flip]

Quite right

If you get out now and buy you will have the 'life style ' benefits sooner and still benefit from the growth in property values all comes down to personal time scale

PS...a personal note

I was called Brian because there is no general ' short version' or so my Mother thought and generally that is true

And not because my G/Father came form Wales.....I was born & bred in Liverpool !

She also thought it was not popular!

Yet when I joined Round Table  there was 3 of us!!! 





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17 Aug 2007 4:14 PM by Sparky Star rating in Somerset and Vera. 127 forum posts Send private message

It is really good to have these latest positive vibes,  I have most of the time felt o.k. with the situation but now and again feel concern.  I think most people buying on ACC are first time buyers in Spain and have realized, at a cost mentally, that things are so different to here.  I have felt quite cross that although going through a reputable agent I should have studied things more carefully myself regarding planning permission but left it to agent and solicitor who I thought were experienced and professional.

Brian, could you tell me please, how as a professional oversees property agent could you make the same mistake and purchase when things were not in a legal state?

It just goes to show it can happen to anyone. I would be so pleased to hear your comments.



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17 Aug 2007 5:48 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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ACC is a long storey but I will try to be concise

I have a list of all the various permissions and agreements which were in place when they started to build and there was nothing wrong

But regional politics got involved which was in conflict with the local government and in simple terms[ and like everything else it is not simple] the permission was revoked

Now in England planning permission can be revoked and compensation is payable

It used to happen quite a lot in the 50's when dealing with non conforming uses [ say a smelly factory built in Victorian times in the middle of a residential estate and the Council wanted to get rid of it]

So ACC was stopped and they had to go back to the drawing board and start again- other developments in the area were also affected

Similar situations happen in UK- eg in general terms Greater Manchester were granted permission for a Super Casino by a body set up by the UK government  Money was spent only to find that later the UK government changed their minds for political reasons and cancelled it,[ lot of unhappy people] ,,,,,and may change their minds again and let it go ahead!!

In UK you can start a development without full planning and building permission but for anything significant you will get a Stop Notice very quickly

I have to admit that I have in the past done something similar, been served a Stop Notice [as they were called then] appealed against it and eventually got the permissions   

So I was confident when I bought that everything was OK as regards local permits 

Also the Spanish firm of Estate Agents I deal with are well connected and the owner is a Spanish Lawyer and he has also bought a Tarifa .......I have to say they are very upset about what happened as they have never before been involved in a situation such as this

So that is how I became a buyer

Why am I still in? well I like it and it is now such a good buy...great location and price

Do I think it will re start? yes because locally it is supported and Huma have done a professional job in dealing with the situation & I am advised that it will re start

Everyone could be wrong, I do not think so and certainly hope not

Huma marketing to their clients perhaps not so good but that may be because they have relied on their largest agent  [ P]

My view , as stated, is stay in if you can but;

If your 'life style' change time scale means that the delay is too long then 'life is for living' and ' not just profit' so get out....up to now most people seem to get out in 6/8 weeks

But they are on holiday now  

Regards to you all and see you on ACC






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17 Aug 2007 11:20 PM by TheRobster Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone I'm new on the forum but have been v interested in reading. I've also invested in ACC on a Tarifa a couple of years back but I have no great rush for it to be built (apart from sizeable deposit making no immediate interest ) so I dont have the same grievance as many of you....My mother lives in puertocico so I paid a visit and set out to find the ACC site - It wasnt easy but we found it and I was surprised at what I saw. Imposing gateway to the site , cranes still in place , general building equipment and at least 200 started units with some complete. I had a good feeling about the place seeing as I had never seen it.  I went to the office and spoke to a chap about the prospective restarting of the project. I think the progress through the various offices of officialdom is well documented but he did tell me that representatives from Huma had been to the site some 2 weeks previous - he wasnt party to the discussions but he said they were walking around the site and clearly in deep 'building' talk. Make of this what you will but why would cranes and building equipment be left and why would Huma personnel be surveying the site.  

I'm sure most of you will be aware that the project has been downsized and those who managed to secure a property in phase 1 should see some 2000 units built as opposed to the original 8000 projected across phases 2 & 3. I have read a lot of bad posts , quite understandably, but for what it is worth I have positive vibes about this project continuing and so had the person I spoke to - and I genuinely found this chap sincere.  Last of all as someone who hadnt seen it before the location is awesome and I'm sticking in there.               

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18 Aug 2007 6:26 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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Well you are a dealer, buying without seeing ACC!....not many have done this I suspect!!!

Correct, great location 

phase 1 approved but expect in due course for other phases to be approved and whilst it may be a few years before we see 8,000 properties I will be surprised if Huma [ and the local Council] are not planning for this





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20 Aug 2007 11:41 PM by TheRobster Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Not quite Brian

My wife went over to buy but I'd never seen it .  Where did you hear that the subsequent phases would follow ?



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21 Aug 2007 9:35 AM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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The original outline plan prepared and agreed with the local council was for 8/9000 properties but as far as I am aware only the first phase was planned in detail

Similar in UK to having outline planning permission for a site which can take 500 houses but only detailed for the first 100- this enables the developer to be flexible in the design of the properties and adjust them according to changing demand for the rest of the site

At ACC politics got in the way  so they decided to get the new permissions for phase 1 of 2000 properties only

As the planning arguements over 2000 are less onerous than for 8/9,000 

Once this is done and dusted it is expected that they will go back for phase 2....etc

Everyone wants this development which is really why it will re start 

The facilities will be built to match each phase

But if for example the world economy went into free fall as some experts write about then of course everything will go on hold [ also in UK!!]

I have also been told that when they do re start marketing they may have some different designs for the plots not sold

There is one question which I have  not yet been able to get an answer;

I am buying off plan a villa near Huercal Overa and as part of the spec the hot water is heated by solar- to comply with current building regulations

So does that mean that for the houses not started on ACC Huma will now have to provide solar hot water?

I intend to ask the question when they tell me the new date for our Tarifa    





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21 Aug 2007 12:19 PM by Philmel Star rating. 214 forum posts Send private message

With regards to new building regs and Solar panels that have to be fitted to new build.

This has been talked about for a while now. So clarification is needed from the developer as to what they are doing. When do the regs apply from ?

We have propertise on ACC that have been started (some nearly complete) so will they be excempt ? Or will the developer have to retro fit them ? Who pays ?

Lots of questions to be answered.

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24 Aug 2007 12:18 AM by halegate Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

I trust  you good people have had your update from parador ? regarding the country club and the reports required to obtain the full go ahead to re-start construction.

Anyway if you havn,t they gave information regarding the planing permission and the reports received from the enviromental inpact and also the reports regarding the water supply and the town council expects to be able to submit all reports for difinitive approval in september. so the town plan should then be approved by the provincial planing commitee in the autumn !

I,ts not there yet but i think its getting pretty close.

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