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20 Sep 2007 12:00 AM by lester Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message

All Sectional reports  approved & will be now forwarded to Junta  to approve town plan

Indications that Huma expect Final Approval very shortly & expect to be back on site by November.

Looks like this development is now finally going to happen & will be TOTALLY  COMPLIANT with all Spanish Planning requirements.

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20 Sep 2007 6:23 PM by rob6578 Star rating. 103 forum posts Send private message

You say the indications are that permission will be given & that HUMA will be back on site in November.

How do you know this?

Are you a member of the body which has to give approval?

If you are not then you have no more idea than any-one else. You may hope that your statement is correct but you don't know. People have been making posts like yours for the last 3 years and have been wrong. I hope you right but I don't know & given the past record I am not hopeful.

What is your evidence?

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20 Sep 2007 7:17 PM by lester Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message

Calm down Rob!!!!!

If you read my posting again you will see that I did NOT say'  ''the indications are that permission will be given'' suggesting that this is my opinion.

What I did say was '' Indications that HUMA expect Final Approval very shortly & expect to be back on site by November''

This is based on the fact that ALL Sectional Reports have now been approved & will now be submitted to the Junta for Final approval.

Huma expect to be back on site in November.I hope they are right but ......hey Rob....DONT SHOOT THE MESSENGER!!!!!!!!

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20 Sep 2007 7:28 PM by rob6578 Star rating. 103 forum posts Send private message


I'm calm & I but you did say  the development would be (I quote)  'TOTALLY COMPLIANT with all Spanish planning requirements'.

I ask again, what do you know that no-one else does?

A simple question but one that I have yet to receive an answer to on any forum.

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20 Sep 2007 7:35 PM by lester Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message


I'm not sure what your agenda is but you believe what you want to believe!!!!!!!

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20 Sep 2007 8:06 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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I think the general opinion is that we are moving closer to a final conclusion

As with all planning , even in Uk , fixed dates for approval by local / regional councils be moved!!

All the evidence and info I am given [ I am an agent with a very good Spanish connection who also is a buyer] and I am also a buyer...Tarifa ....is that a 'new'  full permission is due very shortly  

A start can not be on the day it is granted for practical reasons

Also the 'target' for Huma appears to be to have all sold units built within '1' year of the re start

Expect to see the marketing for the balance of Phase 1 start as soon as it is a 'GO'.......been in Parador 2007 Brochure all year!!!

But for some, if any further delay is too long and you want to buy something else now, get in touch and we will help you find an alternative and also help you to cancel ACC so that you can buy  a different property in this area or near





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21 Sep 2007 5:03 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

Well, this is the only thing I can find out coming from the Junta, as reported in the Costa Almeria News today:

'Significantly, the Junta views isolated holiday homes and urbanisations unfavourably, stating that most of the population in the Levante is dispersed, which hinders proper planning and believes only large-scale hotel development by linking all the towns in the Levante will change that.'





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21 Sep 2007 5:48 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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A little bit more complicated

The Junta have ambitious plans to develop the hotel industry in the area

A draft proposal for the future has been prepared and there was a meeting with the local councils to present it to them

910.m € to be invested in local economy from 2008 including new transport between the towns

Preservation of environmentally sensitive land

Safe guard the agricultural sector

Emphasis on hotel development instead of only residential as now

Proposals are open for discussion and the locals prefer to restrict hotels so bound to be a big arguement

But it does mean that there is going to be a lot of investment in the area producing economic growth and property values will increase with this growth.....can't be bad!!!   

Buy now before prices increase to say CDS levels!!!





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21 Sep 2007 7:01 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

Yes - I know all of that, (and I agree about the interest in the area, but I think you are talking about a ten year time span at least before things really take off) but the point I was trying to make or ask - is where is the other information coming from about sectional reports etc????  Is it new info, or is it just same old same old?




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23 Sep 2007 7:21 PM by GAZ ITFC Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone .  Just joined the forum site through  Cueves de Almnazora site . Like many other people we have bought a Tarrifa  about 2 1/2 years ago  and luckly ( if I can say )  we are suppose to be on the first phase . I know we have heard many stories  and gossip about what is the latest news ., but from our own experience  we choose not to listen to gossip. On the other hand with many negative and positive  conversations we have  had so far  we duly  believe that it will be built and property gain will out way our wait .  Our solicitor should be calling us this week with news on to  carry on or withdraw. What we would like to see or professional hear is the sectional reports from the builder or the Junta, does anyone know how to get access to these as it would confirm concrete evidence  and not idle gossip as to what exectly is going on and hopefully dates .


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23 Sep 2007 7:55 PM by mickmemate Star rating. 115 forum posts Send private message

Hi Gaz

The news that the sectional reports have all been collected came from Huma.  And the bit about the the Junta promising to deal with the PGOU as quick as possible, comes from the Town Hall (you can view the doc. on www.almanzoracountryclub.net  username and password obtainable from your contact at Huma).  I shouldn't imagine that you would be able to view the reports until the Junta has dealt with them.  Maybe your solicitor could contact the planning dept. at Almería.



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04 Oct 2007 10:16 AM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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I have a PDF file of the approvals

Can send a PDF copy to you on request






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