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Almanzora Country Club forum threads
The Comments
04 Nov 2007 12:00 AM by Mikenmandy Star rating in Dewsbury, Yorkshire .... 232 forum posts Send private message

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Just been through a few threads and am actually surprised that the number of people mentioning pulling out exceeds the number staying in. Those in, includes some doubious ones, those out are only those that have said they are withdrawing. It was only jotted on a bit of paper as I started doing something else, I just found the result interesting. I went back through about the last 10 threads looking for something else so there maybe others in or out on other threads. It's not meant to be set in stone


In - Halegate, Mushy, Philmel, Karendavid, Jasp, DPJ, Tboneted, RowlandsBB, Bri, Middleage1, Mickmemate, Cuffie, Ethelfleda, Gasman, Jethro, Sparky which I make 16


Out - Mikenmandy, Marilyn53, Les, Mave Perry,Val123, Cath Bogan, Ian Sal, Joetogo, Craig7183, KGGriff, Hylenda, Alfie, Hicky, AndylynnW, Rob6578, Slarti, Philbydand, Roly2, Heyho, Alfie, NigelA, Tony B, Scales, Julie Ali, Robski, Ferino, Deaks, Cooprdoop, Sprockchick. - 29


If anyone's on the wrong list, I apologise now.



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04 Nov 2007 7:46 PM by GASMAN Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

Its simple for me, were at the last hurdle and thats the Junta's decision. I imagine this will be January sometime, if its a definete YES then I'm happy to wait because I know the buliders will be on site. If its another AMENDMENTS have to be done then I'll be flying to Almeria to speak to one of the respected solictors people have spoke about on this forum to get my money back. If its a NO then then I imagine unless Huma go bust that we'll get our money back.

Can't see the point of all this points scoring and bickering with eachother because come January either Mikenmandy will be correct and that we've been taken for a ride or RoblandsBB (sorry if spelt wrong) will be correct in telling us to be patient.

Isn't it all hot air until the Junta's decision..??!!.

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04 Nov 2007 7:58 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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The reason I am patient is because it seems to me to be the sensible approach but then I do not have a ' want to be in Spain now' time scale

For buyers like me staying in is the current best bet!





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04 Nov 2007 9:00 PM by hicky Star rating in campello,spain/x tin.... 51 forum posts Send private message


                         we are not in the "want to be in spain now" group,we have been in spain three years,but are still of the opinion,waited long enough ,if people carry on letting these builders sell ,knowing there could be big snags then it will continue to happen,to more and more people like us,this kind of thing is getting more and more common in spain,only because we let them get away with it.sensible for you maybe,not for everyone,and thats what these forums are about ,so people can share there personal feeling on whats happening,,i for one will continue to express my feelings,nothing like a good moan now and again,

one day i may see a real positive forum on how happy acc residents are enjoying there new homes,until then, i will read the negatives.

still a few grey cells willing to learn

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05 Nov 2007 9:08 AM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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I think that perhaps everything is getting tighter for the Spanish developers now so in the future these problems will not happen

Lets hope so anyway






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05 Nov 2007 10:19 AM by cuffie Star rating. 43 forum posts Send private message


our purchase in acc is long term investment'so we are happy to wait' our reason being the delay in building is not the  fault of huma'but due to a change in goverment and a change in the laws'since this huma have acted correctly in thier application to the junta's office,

also according to pilar at huma this final meeting of the junta's political office is to ensure all report's are in order and not to make a y/n decision and in my dealing's with pilar i have found her to be very honest,

i do agree that huma have been very poor in the way they have treated buyer's wishing to pull-out

re. your survey not having a pop but huma have sold approximately 1400 plot's so a survey of about 50 people is not very representative


keep the faith

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05 Nov 2007 10:21 AM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

MikenMandy - just to clarify - we have bought elsewhere - we are very much more out than in with a very limited financial interest.   And it is highly unlikely that we will proceed with anything on ACC.  This has as much to do with the lack of confidence we have in the finished development even if it gets built, and that is based on the problems at MCC.

We made the decision to buy elsewhere as soon as problems were apparent, and have a beautiful apartment just behind Mojacar - with electricity, water and gas - oh and habitation licences.  Of course, this doesn't guarantee that all will be hunkey dorey in the long term, but it makes it more likely that it will be.  I have consistenly tried to make the point that people should be looking at other sites, and that they will be surprised by the standard of what is available.   Prices have moved downwards and I don't think it is going to be easy for Huma to sell on ACC never mind their other new site at Tabernas.  I would also be surprised if the Junta do approve Tabernas, as it would be a bit of  a blot on the wonderful desert landscape - that is not a criticism of Huma's building, just any large scale development.

So before anyone asks why we have not gone for our money back, the answer is it is just not worth the hassle.  If the plans get thrown out, it will be returned if Huma have it. 




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05 Nov 2007 10:27 AM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

But it might be a fair representation.  Most people do not post on this or any other site.  But if the figures are accurate, then it could represent as many as 400 having pulled out.  Huma have a lot of work to do to sell these plots - and those who are already heavily committed need to watch carefully for any substantial incentives they offer - which you will not be getting.




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05 Nov 2007 11:21 AM by cuffie Star rating. 43 forum posts Send private message

Hi Bri

take your point on incentive's if  they offer anything realistic i'd tread carefully and if it's ott then i will know they are trying to stuff me

im pleased you have found something you are very happy with, and i wish you well in your retirement

Best regard's


keep the faith

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05 Nov 2007 1:55 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Cuffie, we are holiday home people, not retirees - though moving to Spain does look increasingly attractive as the dark days and nights of winter close in!!!!




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05 Nov 2007 7:53 PM by Philmel Star rating. 214 forum posts Send private message


You make a intersting point regarding 'if the plans get thrown out'.

Would Huma automatically refund everyone quickly without question or would we see individuals having to fight (sometimes via courts) to get money returned that is rightfully theirs ? Will they pay interest if the plans get thrown out ?

What do we all think ?

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05 Nov 2007 9:19 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

I honestly don't know.  Huma have had to put a lot of money aside for the promised facilities in MCC, and I really don't know how easy they will find it to sell  plots/properties if they get the go ahead.  The recent difficulties people have had in getting anything could indicate that Huma have no money now, but the fact they have offered some post dated cheques would point to the expectation that  will have money in the near future. 

I sincerely hope that people do not lose out.




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06 Nov 2007 6:29 PM by Mikenmandy Star rating in Dewsbury, Yorkshire .... 232 forum posts Send private message

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Glad to see some interesting comments.

It wasn't meant to be a scientific survey, but as I was looking for some information on something else, there appeared to be alot more people pulling out than I expected. I don't know how many of these are the 'Andersons 30'.

I know that people think I'm the gloom and doom merchant but ,as I think people are beginning to realise, due to the lack of flack over the last few days, I merely want what is due to be returned to me. I still think that there is a better than 50-50 chance of ACC being completed, again I know that some people probably don't believe me. Things sound promising then fade, promises are made and then broken. The current promise is a cheque on Friday, which is another 3 weeks on from the previous promise of a cheque. Post dated or not.

There was a survey on the news last night which had polled only 1000 people and was representing the whole of Britain. I can't remember exactly what it was for, but it made my survey a little more credible.

Perhaps I should have paid a bit more attention to the comments as I went through, but I don't remember that many other people saying that they thought ACC wouldn't, at some point, be completed. For whatever reason they weren't prepared to sweat it out.

I'm still waiting for answers on HUMA as a company, no-one really seems to know much about them. Re. post dated cheques, I thought that was a bigger no-no in Spain and France than in the UK. (That's only hearsay)

Bri, glad to here you found somewhere else, I thought that was the implication but included you on the in's as I wasn't sure.

Philmel, to be totally honest, and not meant as scaremongering comment, I would dread to think what might happen if the approval wasn't given. We have currently spent 9 months chasing our money. This is with HUMA proclaiming that everything is as hunky-dory as it possibly could be, given the circumstances and that everything is going to be sorted in the end.


If it goes tits up then there is the cost of the land, the build so far , the plant on site, etc., etc., it doesn't really bear thing about. I could see HUMA just disappearing. That doesn't appear to be the case currently. They can sell on the cancellations at a profit, even with a slow down in appreciation there's still a profit to be made from 2004.

The biggest problem I see is one of trust. Whilst the talk is there, occassionally, it hasn't been backed up with action, who really knows what the true position is?


Some of the anti-negative posters seem to have gone very quite, maybe they've realised my true postion?

As another little poll........and potential money earner for someone,


Is there anyone staying in who would want to buy my property right now? Is anyone brave enough to say, yes Mike I'll take your Manzana of your hands now, at 2004 prices.

 Answers on a postcard to......this thread.


Please,please please. This is meant to be an honest opinion. Philmel asked what we think. You can take it as gloom and doom or negativity or anything else, just read through a couple of times before firing off a quick blast



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06 Nov 2007 6:41 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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Depending on the property you have bought I may be interested in taking an option and would need details of when you paid your deposit and how much Also bank guarantee details

It is not easy to arrange so perhaps if I can will you give me a discount of say 15% for a quick deal?

This message was last edited by rowlandsbb on 11/6/2007.





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06 Nov 2007 6:44 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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This was a repeat of previous post re option!!

This message was last edited by rowlandsbb on 11/6/2007.





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06 Nov 2007 8:40 PM by cuffie Star rating. 43 forum posts Send private message

Hi mikenmandy

Doom and Gloom ! i don't think so,     p---ed off  , yes  and with good reason

as you probably know im on the positive side ,but it dosen't make me blind

Re your new's survey 1000 from 75 million i take as tounge in cheek (at least i hope i can )

A lot of the promise's made were by people posting on this forum without the full fact's,so we can't blame huma for that. please don't get me wrong, whatever you have had promised by huma is between you and them, and i would not insult you  by defending them on that

Re post dated refund's  Huma start marketing  next year,take deposit's, then start paying out,  i dont know this for a fact but business get's done this way everywhere

whatever happen's i hope all work's out for you

regard's cuffie

keep the faith

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06 Nov 2007 9:00 PM by Mikenmandy Star rating in Dewsbury, Yorkshire .... 232 forum posts Send private message

Mikenmandy´s avatar

Thanks Cuffie.

I wish I could remember what the survey was about. It was something fairly headline, but the small print said 1000 people surveyed.

I do try and post information that I get from the horse's mouth, i.e. HUMA, Parador, Andersons & PALS. HUMA's last promise to us was a cheque before we went out to Spain 3 weeks ago. Now its a cheque on Friday.

Having said that I'm not sure where the post dated cheques bit came from, which its why I was trying to clarify.

As with alot of things you sort the wheat from the chaff and make your own decisions. Unfortunately alot of the information seems to be a secret and its only on forums that any info or news gets bandied about. (i.e. the original info that work on ACC had stopped) Some people jump in with both feet, some people try and balance all the pro's and con's, & I'm probably as guilty as others in not always checking the source of the info as much as I should in trying to be accurate. Some of my p/ss take comments have probably been taken as serious posts, but sometimes this is the only outlet.




Rowlandsbb, not sure what the options comment is, can't find a thread


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06 Nov 2007 9:12 PM by cuffie Star rating. 43 forum posts Send private message

Hi mike

i think rolandsbb option's comment was in reply to your earlier post on this thread

Answer's on a post card


keep the faith

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