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Almanzora Country Club forum threads
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20 Nov 2007 12:00 AM by Craig7183 Star rating in Torquay. 46 forum posts Send private message

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All gone a little bit quiet, calm before the storm.

any new news


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20 Nov 2007 10:50 AM by Philmel Star rating. 214 forum posts Send private message

Indeed, a wait and waiting game.

Info from other sources are saying that realistically we will not hear anything until Jan 08 now !! 

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20 Nov 2007 11:10 AM by Craig7183 Star rating in Torquay. 46 forum posts Send private message

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just checking thought my computer  had packed up on me.


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20 Nov 2007 4:48 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

So what happened to the month of September?   And the two weeks? A lot of people had this autumn as a sort of deadline - so this is not helpful!! 

RowlandsB we need you comments!!!




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20 Nov 2007 8:49 PM by Jasp Star rating. 71 forum posts Send private message

you need to give it two months minimum after the Junta got all the paperwork as that is the frequency of their standard meeting times. Hold tight till end of Jan, if nothing is heard by then, we are out of that time slot. I would think a lot more people will be thinking of calling time on the development should we get to that date with no positive news.

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21 Nov 2007 8:28 AM by Philmel Star rating. 214 forum posts Send private message


There are very few of us still hanging on I would have thought !

But you are right Jasp, Jan 08  is 'another' dead line / decision point. And my opinion is (for what it's worth) is,  we will not hear anything in Jan either . Hope I'm wrong. ...........................I think that because there is so much turmoil to decide on the PGOU within the command ranks that I don't see them making a decision or  can't make a decision. The whole market out there has several different strategies so no one knows where it's going with regards to planning / demolition / coastline / build numbers / infrastructure / development .....bla  bla  bla......

Sorry to put a negative on it.

''and for that reason...  I could be out '    as the say....  

Answers on a post card please to ...................

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21 Nov 2007 11:39 AM by GASMAN Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

Junta's decision is final for me and I will wait for that, they have all the paper work and they have to make a decision on what they have been given. I'm sure Huma and the agents will put pressure on them for any kind of decision, whatever that decision then I know where I stand. If its a yes I'll wait a year aslong as I know work is being done on the site but if amendments need to be made to the application again then I will be off on a plane to Almeria to see a reputable solicitor to get my money back, its been long enough.

Yes decision - 100% positive result

Yes/no - More work to be done, coming out of the project

No - Put our of our misery at last and I'll take that as a positive because as least we all know where we stand.

A right bloody mess, January 2008 is a start of a New Year and I certainly won't be logging onto this forum in March still trying to get any scrapes of information or hear say. I'll only be logging onto this site to hear from people who have been out to Almanzora with their updates on how the site is coming together in terms of buliding etc etc.

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21 Nov 2007 12:34 PM by Philmel Star rating. 214 forum posts Send private message

But you know what will happen!

In Jan 08 a few more carrots will be dangled which make you hang on and hang on......................

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21 Nov 2007 2:25 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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I have not checked my previous posts but I think I did at one stage say that there would be some slippage as there always is with any regional or local planning decision both in UK and Spain and elsewhere.....and that a decision circa Dec was most likley!!! 

When I was in Spain at the end of October everyone was still positive and naturally we will be reviewing our position early in the New Year as no doubt everyone will

If only because even if they do get the green light Jan or Feb 2008 and allowing for a sensible build time, it does mean that for many it will be late 2009 before their's [ & ours will be ready]...and that is a long time if you want to be in Spain soon

There must be many who, for their own life style planning ,are not prepared to wait  and there is of course a good selection of properties of all types. new ready now or re sales,which you can buy and be able to use within 6/8 weeks

If you have any doubts about this, I can assure you that we can find something you will like....if you want any examples just PM me   

As you will have seen from various posts on the different forums ,you can start to arrange a purchase pending getting back your ACC deposit

Some really nice re sales in very good locations do sell quickly but the market in Spain is very much more like it is in UK now  and you should be able to tie up the purchase with getting your deposit back

So to those who have waited too long and think this futher set back is 'just one too many' then get on a plane [ flights at this time of the year are relatively cheap] and  find your 'Life Style ' home now 

You could even have it all set up before Xmas!






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21 Nov 2007 3:11 PM by GASMAN Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

rowlandsbb I notice even your posts are no longer as ultra positive as in the past, you always had a contact who said it would definetley happen. You now even say Feb08 in your latest reply, is Feb08 going to become March08...???.

My view is its not looking good again, just can feel somehing non positive coming back again.

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21 Nov 2007 3:27 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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Quite correct Gasman, not positive for a planning resolution and re start in Feb 08!

Still hold the view that ACC will be built and we will all have a good buy

The local council want it, all the required planning reports as far as we know are OK and it will be to the economic benefit of the area and possibly a disaster if it does not re start

The problem is that it is taking so long to get the decision

But in the end people get fed up with delays and if you want to be in Spain now, then start looking in Spain now

The positive vibes that the green light will be in 2007 have gone,

What 2008 brings, I do not know yet!...just have to wait and see





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21 Nov 2007 4:02 PM by GASMAN Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

Today has been the day when I've finally snapped.............

Just had a conversation with Sarah at Aldea, finally an English person who was great to talk to....!!!, very helpful. Im going out before Christmas with the likley hood of pulling out.

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21 Nov 2007 4:16 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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Be objective when you make your final decision!!

Just sent you a PM....why not have a look round when you are out there?






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21 Nov 2007 6:13 PM by Truff Star rating. 46 forum posts Send private message

Surely there must be some dialogue / communication happening between the 3 key parties HUMA, Town Hall and Junta. And all 3 probably know what the next stage is or when to expect a decision.

I douubt if it boils doen to the next  Junta meeting or one of the the following meetings for thatmatter. Surely planning approvals don't work like that.

I thought I heard on one of the earlier threads that the Junta had 6 months to respond following the full application was submitted but were looking sympathetically at this development (due to delays already incurred) to give an earlly response where possible? Or was this HUMA propoganda?


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21 Nov 2007 6:49 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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Maybe but may also be confidential at this stage

This may be part of the reason why full facts are not in the public domain

And politics being politics the Junta may not want to guarantee a date when they will give a decision provided they are within the planning laws and even then they may be able to extend the date by agreement with the local council

Planning decisions can be quite long winded in UK !!!

Everyone just has to take a personal view relative to their own time scale and feelings on this matter..stay in or get out

We all know that the local council supports ACC and always have done and we are told that they expect the Junta to also support ACC

The plans are in...who knows when a decision will be given

Everyone can take a view, but so far everyone has been wrong and we are now nearing the end of 2007 and still waiting!!!  

Given up trying to find out or speculating on the possible time scale!!!

Just think it will be approved eventually..but now except that all we can do is wait!!

Not a nice situation but that's it






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21 Nov 2007 6:55 PM by halegate Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

Plannngs now approved and huma have instructed ferovial to go back on site and gear up for an all out effort! Huma have offered solar powered water heating along with complamentary white goods and Air con, investors are being offered free return flights in the early spring to check on the progress with 5 star accomodation and £250 spending money!! yipee

Carlsberg dont post messages on the almanzora news board,but if they did they would probable be the best postings in the world.!

Sorry couldnt resist be we still live in hope.

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21 Nov 2007 6:55 PM by halegate Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

Plannngs now approved and huma have instructed ferovial to go back on site and gear up for an all out effort! Huma have offered solar powered water heating along with complamentary white goods and Air con, investors are being offered free return flights in the early spring to check on the progress with 5 star accomodation and £250 spending money!! yipee

Carlsberg dont post messages on the almanzora news board,but if they did they would probable be the best postings in the world.!

Sorry couldnt resist be we still live in hope.

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21 Nov 2007 7:47 PM by Craig7183 Star rating in Torquay. 46 forum posts Send private message

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                                                                   (   WHAT A GREAT JOKE    )


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02 Dec 2007 5:41 PM by Mikenmandy Star rating in Dewsbury, Yorkshire .... 232 forum posts Send private message

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There are very few of us still hanging on I would have thought ! , said Philmel

Odd.......its less than a month ago I was being slagged off for being in a minority and negativity against ACC was outlawed.

Is it because nothings changed, that opinions have changed?

Andersons seem to be going down the elusive route that all things Spanish seem to take. Once I get a straight answer from them I'll post more details



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