want to trade down and release some cash ?

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08 Sep 2008 12:00 AM by rabc77 Star rating in Belfast. 65 forum posts Send private message

rabc77´s avatar

Does ayone know what you can pick up Shower Screens and Shower enclosures fro our flat.  I am getting stuff from Ikea and they dont do that type of thing.  Any info on where and ball park price would be appreciated.

Cheers, Rabc77

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08 Sep 2008 3:43 PM by Yair Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message


I suggest contacting Pat from Chillout. 
She is giving a bespoke service for furnishing apartments. You can  contact her or her husband Pete on mobile 665611238. their details can be also found in the classifieds section of the almerimar24 site. 


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08 Sep 2008 5:29 PM by andykelly Star rating. 23 forum posts Send private message

We have found  Charmaine and Wayne at  DBJ  in the port more than helpfull with all our needs.
They did our furniture packeage fitted shower screen and bathroom furniture.
you can find them on their own webb site or call in to their office on a morning after 10.30am.
They also liased with Gary and Chris at Absolute satelite systems to arrange the fitting of the TV and Freetoair package.
I also have to compliment The Guys at Absolute Satelite for their prompt and efficient service not only did they fit the system but sourced the 32" Samsung TV at the best possible price. 

Hope this helps

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09 Sep 2008 1:07 PM by al24 Star rating. 41 forum posts Send private message

If you want to do it yourself then a place to consider looking is Leroy Merlin in Grand Plaza in Roquetas. They have a reasonable range of prices and styles.

To get an idea of what they stock you can look at http://www.leroymerlin.es/

It is in Spanish but bathroom is baño which is at the top of the menu on the left.

You can take things home in your car if it is big enough or you can have it delivered (at a price).

There are also many other bathroom fitting shops in El Ejido and Roquetas. One example is Newlar in El Ejido. Go straight on at the roundabout with the massive tower in El Ejido (rather than turn left for the main street) and the shop is at the end of the road on the right. They insist on fitting the shower screens themselves but you can fit your own base if you wish. The reason they insist is that they give a guarantee on the fittting. They are not cheap but  have some more up market stuff compared with Leroy Merlin.


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