The Comments |
Hi everyone on the forum
I know there was a prievious thread introducing yourselves now that the times for completions are upon a lot of us, unfortunately I cannot find it, so please forgive me for starting a new one to introduce myself.
Our names are Mark & Karen & we have bought an upstairs apartment on Jardin 8.  
I am presently working in the Offshore oil & gas industry off the coast of West Africa.
As you will see from my avatar, I love scuba diving & most sports, extreme or otherwise. I am actually a drinker with a diving problem.
I am a tiddly winks champion & can give you a fair run for your money at domino's, (I told you I was into extreme sports).
We are going out to stay in our new apartment on the 19th Sept & are really looking forward to meeting lots of new friends in the bar. 
Mark & Karen
_______________________ "I'm in no condition to drive.......wait! I shouldn't listen ...
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Hi Oceanaut,
Started to write a welcome note, but got interupted by Tevez goal at Anfield......Bingo!!
Welcome to the forum. Look forward to having some craic with you both in the future & sharing a glass of Ginger beer or two with you soon
Nick & Deb
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Hi all, Hi mark & Karen,
As you can see from our signatures, we are Will & Jackie. I also work in Oil & Gas but in the less hospitable North sea - maybe why southern Spain appeals so much. We are in jardines 8 in a 3 bed. I see this as an ideal opportunity to make best use of my leave time and leave the dreary wet weather of the UK behind. Also hope to re-kindle my love affair with the little white ball as I have lost a bit of enthusiasm in the last year or two mainly due to the weather. Only problem is Jackie still works part-time so does not get as much time off (together)as I do so we will just have to maximise her holiday entitlement for now. I have asked her to suggest to the Civil Service that they start employing the part-timers on a two weeks on/two weeks off basis like I work !!
We have enjoyed snorkelling over the last couple of years on holiday and now I am just trying to persuede Jackie that we need to go to the next level and get into the scuba - apparently it is great off the coast of Mazarron and Calblanque national park.
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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Don't think we've had anything before that gives proper introductions like this.
Our names are Mike and Dawn and we have bought an upstairs apartment on Jardin 5.
We have 2 boys Dan (aged 16) and Ben (aged 11) - who both love football and support Sunderland.
Mike is partner in a draughting company and I work for Durham Constabulary.
We are partial to a little red wine now and again and can't wait to be back to Spain trying out the restaurants and relaxing in the bar. Mike used to play golf but hasn't had much time lately to play. He plans to take it up again in Spain.
Our next visit will be 25th November for a few days.
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We are Sue + Dave and have a 3 bed on Jardin 5. Going our in late October to start furnishing,
We live in Kent have a large family of 5 sons!! 2 grown and left home 2 at home (promising to leave the nest soon) and 1 at Uni in Exeter. Really looking forward to spending as much time as we can in Spain Dave is self employed and pleases himself, I work in education and still have to accommodate a boss.
Can't wait to put faces to the names on the forum and enjoy a drink or two with our new neighbours.
Hope to see you all soon
Sue & Dave
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I'm George and my wife is Pauline and we have two girls, Holly (15) and Kirsty (11).
I work in semiconductor research and development and through that in the last 12 years we've lived in Holland, France and now Belgium. We currently live in just outside Brussels but we're originally from sunny Greenock in Scotland, which for those who don't know is a lovely seaside resort on the 'Clyde Riviera'.  We still have a home there and will no doubt go back there to live one day.
I support Greenock Morton, who are otherwise known as 'The Magnificent and Majestic Cappielow Cavaliers'. Only we're not quite so magnificent or majestic at the moment as we're currently bottom of the league.  I'm sure that'll have changed by 5:45pm this afternoon though after we've given Queen of the South the hiding of their lives!
I have a feeling I might live to regret typing that last sentence.
We have a 2-bedroomed apartment in Jardine 13 which we intend to use as often as we can for family holidays, hopefully 3-4 times a year.
Hope to bump into some of the regulars on here when we're there next month. Mine's a pint.
George. This message was last edited by Cappielow on 9/13/2008.
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Hi I am Pauline & hubby Martin. We are in Jardine 5 top apartment. Have 3 sons, two already left home and Dan 13 still in residence! Middle son in armed forces....hmmmm.
Martin is in the print trade and I work for Avon & Somerset Constabulary - hello Dawn! We are Bristol City Fans, well the boys are but I keep up with things. I am back out next week for a fews days - finishing off with furniture bits & pieces, Martin very jealous. Will hopefully be taking a look at the new bar - to report back of course!
Hope to meet and put name to faces in the future.
Pauline & martin
_______________________ Pauline & Martin
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Good morning to you all from sunny Worcester (no I can't believe it myself!!). Mark and I (known at school as Mork and Mindy) have bought a 3 bedroom apartment on Jardine 7 hoping to complete next week. We have a daughter Grace 21 at uni and a son Will 17 who is doing Aa levels. Mark is due to retire from the police force next March (lucky him) although will carry on working at something!!! I am a nurse and have been for 28 years at present working in sexual health have also worked in the drugs area so just have the rock and roll to do (maybe that will happen in Spain.) We are hoping to spend as much time out there as possible.
And look forward to making some new friends.
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Lucky I'm a good boy now as there seems to be a whole Police force on Condado
Lynsey & I (Dan) have brought on Los Naranjos, I run my own land & building surveying practice in kent (Hi Sue & Dave!!!) and intend to use our place as a holiday home.
We are both in our early thirties and have a 4 year old daughter & 6 year old son, completing Oct 21st and can't come soon enough.
See you all soon for a few jugs of Sangria.
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Hi everyone, my name is Alison(45) and at college part-time (he won't let me retire), hubby Simon(35) is a financial advisor, we met on the telephone as we both worked for the same company at the time. Simon is a Yorkshire man but I managed to persuade him to move to pastures greener and thats how he now lives in Scotland. We have two girls Robyn (14) and lucy (6)
We have purchased a Penhouse apartment with the intention of using it for long weekends and holidays. Simon is a dye hard Barnsley Supporter but if i had to choose if would have to be Man United, sorry, but its managed by one of the best Managers in the World and wait for it............................................................... hes Scottish. I used to be a fitness instructor but due to hip problems I can no longer excercise for long periods of time, now I am unfit and fat, thats what happens when you give up an active life style.
But watch this space I may start taking a weekly class for all those wanting to up their fitness levels and that includes me. Simon is the serious one and I am the nutter ( I keep him young). and he keeps me in the style that I have become accustomed to.
Looking forward to all those wild parties and practical joke playing.
Alison & Simon
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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We are Kelly & Roy, and we have bought a 2 bed on Jardine 5. We completed in July but are hoping to go out again in October or November to furnish the place and enjoy ourselves.
We are in our twenties (are we possibly the youngest to buy on the resort?!) and have a 3 year old daughter Chloe.
Husband is in the forces, comes from Blackpool and is a Man Utd supporter (family is from mancester just to let you know!!), and i am a proper north Yorkshire girl from York and am currently part time self employed (the life of army wife!! eh!) doing nails and spray tanning, used to be an accounts manager but it is hard to have a career being married to the army!
We have bought on Jardines to enjoy holidays there as much as possible and hopefully to rent out too eventually!!
Nice to meet you all!
_______________________ Kelly
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Hi everyone. This is a great thread to learn a bit more about people. We're Debbie and Jim, both 30 and living in Sheffield (but Scunthorpe United fans!). I'm an accountant and Jim is a copper (Danseex - really does look like there will be a force out there, so you best behave!!!).
We've bought a two bed on Jardin 13 and are hoping to get out there on hols as much as possible. Next trip is planned for 23rd - 30th Sept so hope to meet a few people then. We're expecting our first child in December and have already booked flights for the 3 of us to go out again at the end of Feb (with parents-in-law in tow to act as babysitters!).
Debbie & Jim
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Hi everyone
We are Russ and Louise, in our late 30's from Chesterfield (although I'm originally from Sheffield and still hang on by my fingernails to my Yorkshire roots).
We both work for the Royal Bank of Scotland and have bought an upstairs apartment on Los Naranjos, Jardin 7
We dont have children (hence why we can afford to buy a place) and decided we spend far too much on holidays and travelling the world that we should at least have something long term to show for our money. Although despite our financial acumen, I still ask why we picked the worst possible year to buy a place - hey ho !
Sportswise, we both love football and I am an avid Sheffield Wednesday supporter although find myself going less and less these days given the quality of the entertainment on offer. I am very much starting out as a golfer and hope that by the time Condado is ready to play, I will at least have mastered which end of the club to hold
Look forward to meeting you all over a sangria

_______________________ Russ & Louise
Salud !
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Hi all & especially Mark & Karen
As our name suggests, we are Don & Kerry from Rustington in West Sussex, both in our late 40's, with daughter Michelle(25) & son Joe(20). We are buying on Golf Suites & plan to use it for hols for us & family & friends.
Underhand, we were also known as Mork & Mindy but I noticed the name of your kids, Will & Grace, very clever  .
I am a Building Site Manager & Kerry is Cleaning Supervisor. We plan to move to Spain eventually.
I Cant Make My Mind Up If I'm Indecisive Or Not
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We are Peter & Ashley, late thirties from Northern Ireland with a 3 year old son & a 2 bed in Jardine 3.
I am a Regional Manager for a mobile Phone company & my wife is a teacher.
We have bought for ourselves & will let it out to friends & family.
We completed in July & are out again for a week in October to use the apartment for the first time.......................but mainly for wine & sunshine!!!!
Avid Liverpool fan in danger of having to have this grin surgically removed after our superb victory today................major celebrations tonight with fingers crossed for Man City against Chelsea.
Looking forward to meeting all our new neighbours in the near future
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Hello everyone,We are husband and wife Mark & Tracy.We have two children,Bryany nearly 12 and Lily May who is 2.We have moved out to condado,and live on Jardin 10.We are Keyholding and general property management.We are originally from a small town called Penistone,near Barnsley,South Yorkshire.Seems there are a few from gods own county,yorkshire.Mark is also a Barnsley supporter and also watches Glasgow Rangers.Hope to see you all soon,Good luck,Tracy.
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Hi All - this is a really good idea for a thread.
Gary & Angela here from 'not so' sunny Swansea. Gary is 49 & a postman. I'm 42 & work for the civil service.
No kids - we like 'em as long as we can give them back. Just a cute cairn terrier who will be seeing more stays in kennels once all is done and dusted with the apartment.
Gary is a very keen rugby fan - no playing these days - only watching - off to the Millenium Stadium for the Australia & South Africa games in November and still narked that we couldn't get tickets for the New Zealand game!
Not the active holiday types so sitting on the terrace in the sun is perfect. We're in a 2 bed in Naranjos 4 and have bought with a view to moving out to Spain permanently as soon as we can.
Look forward to putting faces to names.
Gary & Angela
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!
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What a good idea for a thread
Mike and Jan-. as forum regulars will know, we have bought in Jardin 8. Mike's a Police Sergeant retired and rejoined (far too young to let him retire properly) Many moons ago I was a police officer but for the last 10 years I've been a lecturer in an FE college. We have three sons 25, 22 and 18.(plus 1 regular girlfriend) Mike plays golf though not as much as he would like and I like driving the golf buggy but am hopeless at golf (dangerous even!) Mike's a red hot Liverpool fan- so much so that this afternoon we spent a good hour dragging around Morpeth nr Newcastle ( weekend away for a 40th birthday) to find a pub with SKY Sports- not an easy task because of the flood damage from last weekend, fortunately sorted, albeit with regular glitches throughout, at the last minute ( I read, he watches)
We enjoy a glass or several of red wine and we are looking forward to lazy days and evenings on our roof terrace and an occasional get together at whatever watering hole the EOS CdA gang are meeting up at.
Jan & Mike
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Hi all
I’m Phil, We will have a 2 bed on Los Naranjos, Jardin 8
I retired about two years ago at 50 so I’m not popular at the moment after spending 32 years as a Fire Officer in the Fire Service, my wife Ann retires in about three years from being a Nurse also working in sexual health so will be able to swap stories with Mindy? (underhand).
We have decided to buy the apartment to spend extended vacations now, and if we enjoy increase the amount of time we spend in Spain after Ann retires. We don't intend renting the apartment out.
We have two daughters Helen 24 Solicitor just qualified and Vicky 22 Nurse like Mum also just qualified, but they are not taking the hint to leave home.
I like playing Golf being a 23 handicapper but hopefully playing in Spain will improve this, Ann isn’t into playing Golf but likes to watch it on TV, she likes reading books and worshiping the sun.
We are really looking forward to getting the keys to our apartment despite all the hassle with PW and meeting our new friends neighbours.
Out next week hopefully to complete??? So will be at the bar on 20th as arainge on another thred.
Phil & Ann
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_______________________ Jill
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