The Comments |
Have been feeling like having the weight of the world on my shoulders since completing in March 2008, what with problems from lawyers - still fighting overcharging, and then with San Jose going into Administration.
Now after reading severaal other issues, the people who weren't so far advanced in their completions and now find themselves as registered creditors, I know that things are perhaps not as bad as could be.
Interested in communicating with anyone who has purchased on this development as I am sure it will be good just to have and offer moral support on issues.
Have not been out to Playa Golf since around June time ( had just purchased 2 Boxer pups before the completion and now this makes for thinking of them before being able to jet off on a whim). When last there I was really quite impressed on the shopping precinct area as this was all new to me and it is really well established.
My purchase has taken 4 years to completion and what with the credit crunch seems to have alll completed at the wrong time, with people not holidaying as much so the prospect of a rental income looks slim!
I am at the stagee where I have completed the snagging list - think they were surprised how much I had listed as their forms seemed geared for about 4 points. But to be fair, I thought the quality of the build was pretty good and I was merely nit picking as I know you cannot add points at later date. Majority of issues were irrelevent and could be remedied to my satisfaction really easy if they did not amend. Only really had 2 - what I would call major issues and as far as I know they have rectified this. I have not been back to check yet as have been fighting with IAP (who I brought through) as air conditioning units had not been fitted. Unfortunately they too have now gone into administration so looks like I can kiss goodbye to getting the units in. What with these issues and also the long drawn out fight with lawyers over overcharging, it has quite taken the shine out of the property.
Now time to get things ino action!
Have been lucky that a neighbour is having security grilles fitted to the upstairs beginning of November, so I have been able to piggy back the order to get mine done and we have both saved money to the bargain.
Unfortunately he has informed me that there is a smell of damp in theproperty so this is an issue to be addressed. Has anyone else had this problem and any ideas on how to overcome?
I am looking to furnish the property myself rather than get an all round package ans although I will be saving money this is now rather daunting to get it all t come together at the right time when I aam there. Especially the lighting! Have been told that if you order lighting the stores aactually put it in for you, does ayone know if this iss right? And what is the time scale, would it be feasible if I went over for say 3 days to be aable to purchase lighting and get them to fit within that time???
Lots of questions and would really love to hear from anyone who can help or lives there for general chat.

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Sorry your purchase has been so painful - I think that is the way for all of us who have bought through IAP - just because our expectations of a 'turn key' investment were not met and so we really launched ourselves into something which we had no idea would turn out the way it has - no one was prepared for the rollercoaster ride!!
We have had similar issues as yourself but you are absolutely right to say that, in actual fact, the properties have been built to a high standard so, in maybe the most important way, IAP did do their job - although this may be by luck more than judgement as I have been reliably informed that they didn't even send anyone out to look at the site before recommending it to their members - not too much due diligence there!!
I took some friends out to Playa Golf because they wanted to buy int he area and, after looking at the properties on offer in the whole area, they ended up purchasing on Playa Golf - it has such a lovely feel to it - and it seems to attract friendly and welcoming people.
We truely believe that the location is superb - have you been down to La Zenia beach yet? - it really is beautiful and the promenade that has been built along the coastline to link all of the beaches together is amazing. With so many golf courses in the area as well and Murcia aiirport being so close AND another airport being built close to Murcia too, I really believe that this is a great holiday destination to suit a variety of visitor types - golfers, sun lovers and people who like to find out about the local history - there is so much to see and the whole area is steeped in history - we are just building a website on the area and are putting LOADS of information on it about the area so if you want to learn a bit more, go to - our aim is to raise the profile of the area and, by doing so, spark the interest of visitors and promote rentals.
We will also be running a proeprty service. Chris, my business partner, and his partner Natasha, will be actually living out on Playa Golf from November onwards so if there is anything that you would like him to help you out with as it is not easy co-ordinating operations from Britain, then please get in touch with him - contact details are on teh website and there is a forum there as well so that you can touch base with playa golf owners and residents
As regards security, yes, grills are REALLY important - there are a few security issues out there although it would seem that they target the proeprties when they have people staying int hem so if you have guests it is REALLY important to get them to lock up proeprly every time they leave the apartment. We bought some simple clips from the local DIY store for the shutters - you slide them in at the edge of the shutter where it sits in the frame and that just wedges it so that the shutters can't be lifted or prised open. I am not sure how useful alarms are in protecting your property as it takes the police quite a long time to respond - security lights would be a good idea - and we have got triple bolts on our front door and on our front door gate. Hope this helps.
As regards the air con - we had similar issues, although they did actually supply the unit, they just didn't fit it properly so we had to have it fixed. Unfortunately Bridge Holmes did the snagging for us and somehoe didn't spot this problem - despite the fact that we had pointed it out to them!! - so we only found out that the problem hadn't been addressed AFTER San Jose went into admin - so we had to pay for the repair ourselves - not as bad as not having a unit at all - but I have the contact for that if you need a man to come and help you with getting it sorted out - although air con units can be a hassle because they have a tendancy to go wrong, they are essential in the heat of the summer and people considering renting your apartment over and above somebody elses will look fro air con as a feature.
Best of luck with everything and do call us if there is anything we can help you with
All best wishes
Nikki Seal
Playa Golf Resorts
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Just be warned that there are grills and grills !!! Sounds strange but we had a break-in yesterday on R3, where the grill was just left hanging off as it had been pulled to one side..Maybe difficult to explain, but the difference can be seen and the better made ones are much more difficult to lever off..So much so that I have yet to see the better design broken in to.
Don't worry too much about getting any crocodile clips straight away as a few clothes pegs do just as good a job.
We have not seen burglars for months but just this past week, they have come back for some reason..
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Hi Sxgal - welcome to the forum and to Playa Golf. It can be really overwhelming at the beginning but it does get easier! The place is shaping up well and there are lots of friendly people to help you when you need to ask another question - there are no stupid questions!!
Re the lights - I do believe that you have been given the right information. There are lots of light shops and I think they will fit everything for you. Am not sure about the 3 days but others may be able to tell you if that is enough. When I first came out I came for very short trips and was exhausted by the time I went home again. If it has to be a short break then do try to avoid the weekend - the spanish still regard weekends as time off and that includes DIY shops - none of this going to B&Q on a Sunday! Also check for local holidays as there are lots of them and again, everything closes. Part of the charm of living in Spain!
There is an Ikea in Murcia if you want to buy all your odds and ends in one go - the route is easy but the final roundabout has to be seen to be believed! Just take it slow and look for the lane diagrams. They don't open every Sunday so you need to check if you want to go then.
Re the smell of damp. There is a common problem with the sealing of the roof terrace so look around the solarium door and see if you have water penetration at the bottom on each side. If you have this then you need to get San Jose back to lift some of the solarium tiles and reseal underneath. Although they are in administration, they should still be doing repairs and they did mine after the administration started. If it isn't that, it might just be the fact that these houses are not insulated and get cold in the winter. You need to leave your wardrobes and cupboards open if you are away for any length of time and then give the place a good airing when you come out. You can get little boxes to put in all the cupboards which soak up moisture in the air. You will need some heat at night from Oct to Mar so you should get heating through your air con but I also supplement this with little fan heaters which are great as you don't need much to make a big difference.
Have a look at the entries for all the Playa Golf developments, you should find lots of info there and don't be afraid to ask - I found this forum to be invaluable when I came out so make full use of it!
_______________________ Claire
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Claire/Freddy & Nikki
Thanks a lot for all your comments - they are appreciated and it makes me feel a little easier knowing there are friendly people out there ( as learning the Spanish language is coming on very slowly LOL!!!)
Regarding the grills - got to hope that they are decent ones being put in, the guy comes from other side of Torre and was recommended by someone from Fuel ( Company linked to IAP)
Well regarding the burglaries - they won't get much at mine at the mo! Hopefully they will get fed up and leave you all soon.
Assume you all live out in Spain for most of the time, I will only be popping over as and when, no doubt with my daughter and granddaughter in tow most of the time, she has offered her services to help me clean the place and furnish it. Mind you how much we will get done with a 16month 'little madam' with us - I don't know!
Do you all work over there or are you just enjoying your leisure? Last time I was over we drove along the different coastal parts to view the beaches available, don't know if we went to La Zenia perhap with a few more visits I might eventually know where I am. Have visited Ikea although think took the wrong route and ended up going all round the world to get there. Didn't know they were building another airport in Murcia, where abouts? Are the lighting shops you talk about local or do have to go into Torre? I will have to check out your thoughts on the damp when I next go out and was wondering if they done something to soak up moisture like you can find over here.
We did manage to get one air conditioning unit put in the living room area, it was the ones they should have put in the bedrooms that did not materialize. Would you say they are needed in the bedrooms or could I get away perhaps with ceiling fans?
I will have to have a delve into the suggested website and past forum entries as suggested, having PC problems at moment though as my desktop has decided to play up, so no doubt will be spending hours on the phone to Dell - luckily I have a laptop as back up.
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Hi Pauline,
We have also bought a property on Playa Golf III, R4. We completed in July after a long drawn out exchange from another of San Joses sites ( a long story)
We wont be living in Spain ,but we are trying to go out as often as we can. We have been furnishing our place and we bought a package, mainly because it saved time and because my hubby doesnt "do" DIY. We paid a bit more but everything was done in one day..furnishing, lights, air con etc.
We have also had grills fitted plus window locks and an alarm! We feel we are well protected at home so why wouldnt we be in Spain?
This forum and the people who contribute have been really helpful, Claire and Fred have both offered good advice. Every one weve met when we are in Spain has been friendly.
Good Luck!
Myra & Davy.
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Murcia airport ( San Javier) is expected to have the second runway operational by the end of this month (quote last weeks Coastrider ) and will for the first time be able to fly 24/7...but the better news is that they have approved the building of a second terminal that should be opened in 2012.
The new Murcia airport now underway is at Corvera nearer to Murcia itself and although behind time is due to be opened in 2010 ( last official report, I read ! )
For us on the Costas, that will give us the choice of three big airports all within an hours drive of each other.
Sxgal..There are many places with lighting depts., around here with Bricohouse at Los Dolcis a few minutes away..Al Puente at Pilar another good selection too.
We got all our white goods from Tien 21 locally, who were excellent with both prices and service.
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Re Lighting and other items that perhaps IAp did not fit, We found that the lightng shops will fit lights ofr a small fee. We picked our lights from the shop near la Zinia on the main 332 - the one with all of the statues in the morning and the lights were fitted by 4:00 p.m that day.
We also had to buy a cooker/oven, washing machine , cooker hood and fridge which IAP forgot to fit. We bought thee on the monday from millars the shop near the small Eroski just up from LA Zenia. They delivered and fitted everything later that day. trying getting Comet to install a washing machine including plumbing or fittinga hob and oven unit.
They generally provide a better service than in the U.K.
Gordon (Les) Smith
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That's really good to hear as need to make every minute of my trip count. Wasn't expecting such prompt service to be on offer,
Not too bad really, main things apart from furniture are the lights and a washing machine, cookers fridges etc are already in, so suppose that is a bonus.
Only 2 weeks to day before I drop in at the deep end !
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Hi Sxgal,
We have a property on R4 - also bought through IAP. We exchanged in November 2007 after a lot of chasing. However when we visited in March 2008 there were very few occupied properties - what with the problems with IAP and San Jose, I can guess why!
As in the case of just about all other threads you read, we had grilles fitted on the upstairs windows / doors, but that did not prevent the property being burgled in November 2008. They prised the grille off the downstairs bedroom window
None of our snagging got completed by San Jose - we sorted most of it out ourselves. The most difficult being the lighting in the front room - basically neither switch worked. We got a local recommendation regarding an electrician who lives in Playa Golf II - he's reliable, has good rates and very helpful.
We also gave up on BridgeHolmes who managed our property until last March when we visited and found the property filthy after a 3 month let. We now have a keyholder (wife of the electrician above), and a long term tenant which pays some of the mortgage.
As for the damp - we've experienced 3 potential sources which you may want to check out. Firstly, we got damp / mildew in the kitchen units - apparently this can be caused at installation (there is pipework in the wall behind the wall cabinets) and is 'fairly' commonplace we were told. Secondly, our boiler started leaking and filled the well in the solarium cupboard - our electrician removed it and was shocked at the state of a so-called 'brand-new' boiler. The keyholder managed to get San Jose to replace it free-of-charge - I think they were a little embarrassed, surprisingly. We also had a damp patch appear between the French windows and the wardrobe in the main bedroom - this may have been caused by the leaking boiler!
As for furniture packages etc - we furnished the villa ourselves using Conti in Almoradi (a fraction of the price of Villapac etc and much better quality and choice). They stored our purchases for over a year until we completed on the property. We bought our washing machine at Carrefour in Cartegena - which was cheaper than Torrevieja, but delivered and installed anyway (we did have to collect them from the Roca roundabout as they did not know where the urbanisation was).
Although it's been hard work (and not the service we bought into from IAP) we don't regret it, and look forward to spending an extended period out there in the next few years. Hope you enjoy your move.
Have fun!
Rebecca & Dave
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Hi Rebecca & Dave
Assume you are quite a near neighbour then as we are also on R4. When I went out last at the beginning of Dec. the President pointed out someone on same side of road who had just had the downstairs bedroom grilles prised to gain access - that may well have been your house. Assume you have got this sorted again now but it is such a worry. Doesn't seem like anything you do can stop them gaining access if they want it!
Yes IAP have just been a waste of space and unfortunately the same goes for our Spanish solicitor too. So far (touch wood) San Jose have been pretty good and my snagging basically completed. I did include every thing even pathetic little niggles and whilst some of those haven't been attended to my major concerns were - much to my surprise, like changing the bath and major pieces of marble, issues which I know would have bugged the life out of me. Now that I have grilles at the front door they are able to attend to anything else so will have to gain access when I am there if needed.
I had a bit of a problem with the lounge light, but the electrician of Playa Golf (possibly same one you used - S) came and sorted it out apparently strange wiring issue. Electrician was recommended by another resident that made contact with me and he was great and so helpful.
Luckily whilst I thought I had damp from what the grille installer had remarked, when I actually went there there didn't seem a problem and I found no damp tell tale smells. My neighbour did mention they had problems in their cupboards though, so have to point your thread out to her.
Have now furnished except for items like washing machine & tv, these will have to be done on my next trip at least I can now stay there - thanks for tip about carrefour as would have gone to the nearer not realising a price difference. Assume you have been out several times since your completion to get so advanced in the time. A weight off your mind for security and the mortgage to now have a long term tenant - Assume you went through an agency for this?
It is a lovely area and people I have met are so friendly will be a lot better when more properties are habitaterd (for security purposes) and the exchange rate gets better again !! My granddaughter loved it out there especially being on the beach and so many people made such a fuss of her think she felt like a little star.
Perhaps our paths will cross one visit - thanks again for your tips.
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Hi R & D
Just reading one of your messages from January and you mention an Electrician on RII. We are on RIII and when we are back over will be looking for one. Is it possible for you to give us his contact number? We have managed to put our lights up, but OH! the wiring, certainly not the same as back here in England. Our lights work, but they ALL come on and sometimes we only want just one on. We have the switches to do this, but obviously the wiring is not quite right!
We have had our place a couple of years now, and each time we come over we do a little more. Hope you soon get settled. Like you we experienced a few set backs during the purchase and after, but we think now it can only get BETTER!
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