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02 Nov 2008 12:00 AM by mazbaz Star rating in Cheshire/Phase 2 Til.... 69 forum posts Send private message

Here is the link for those who haven't found this one yet

Photos are great and are accessed via the 'Recent News' link on the right hand side of the Home page.

This message was last edited by mazbaz on 11/2/2008.

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02 Nov 2008 10:32 AM by SteveandJane Star rating in Somerset and Corvera.... 481 forum posts Send private message

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Great link Mazbaz

Doesn't it all look different from street level and you can see so much more progress than long-shots from the perimiter.

Exitement levels just jumped.


 Steve (Lifestyler)

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02 Nov 2008 6:54 PM by mazbaz Star rating in Cheshire/Phase 2 Til.... 69 forum posts Send private message

Yep, put a smile on our faces, too!!

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02 Nov 2008 7:02 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Believe these photos  you are talking about are courtesy of a commercial enterprise that also operates on Roda Golf.  Have you seen the great photos of Corvera on this link :  



Luxury holidays in Murcia spain at 



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02 Nov 2008 8:36 PM by masters08 Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for the link Sandra, I did count only 9 pictures of Corvera and they were ok, the rest go on to 3 molinos by inspectahome and then god knows what other developments, I notice that if you click on your web site link in your signature, I see you are associated with the company that posted those pictures, so I guess yours would be a commercial enterprise as well.
Thanks for the info tho. the more photos and info about Corvera the better.

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03 Nov 2008 8:12 AM by Simon P Star rating. 18 forum posts Send private message

These are all commercial posts apart from Steve but nevermind.

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03 Nov 2008 9:04 AM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Steve

Thanks for pointing this out - but you are in fact not quite right.    Never mind - just introducing some more photos - thought I was being helpful as well.  

I have an interest in a property on Phase  3 - if it gets built - so fingers crossed for everyone.



Luxury holidays in Murcia spain at 



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03 Nov 2008 9:56 AM by mazbaz Star rating in Cheshire/Phase 2 Til.... 69 forum posts Send private message

Not sure what 'these are all commercial posts apart from Steve' means, but just to make it clear that I have nothing at all to do with the Corvera Golf info site, other than an interest in finding out everything I can about the Corvera development in which we have invested, and contributing to this forum by passing on any information I can.

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03 Nov 2008 10:40 AM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Luxury holidays in Murcia spain at 



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03 Nov 2008 10:41 PM by SteveandJane Star rating in Somerset and Corvera.... 481 forum posts Send private message

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If commercial posts give me more information about Corvera where to get things, what to do etc. then bring on the commercial posts. However it's only fair on Justin and the E.O.S. team if you try to keep the actual commercial part to a minimum if not actually paying them for an advert as the revenue from such adverts funds this website, thus benefitting us all. Anybody want to buy some windows?


 Steve (Lifestyler)

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03 Nov 2008 10:56 PM by mazbaz Star rating in Cheshire/Phase 2 Til.... 69 forum posts Send private message

Anyway, getting back to the pictures on the the Corvera golf site, I hadn't realised initially that if you double click on the pictures, there's a narrative my defense, when I found the site, it was early in the morning and I needed sleep :))

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03 Nov 2008 11:08 PM by SteveandJane Star rating in Somerset and Corvera.... 481 forum posts Send private message

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Just browsed those pictures again Mazbaz. No wonder it's a bit of a wait, the scale of the development is huge and the street level shots really bring this home.

If anybody hasn't yet seen them then DO!


 Steve (Lifestyler)

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12 Nov 2008 8:45 AM by SteveandJane Star rating in Somerset and Corvera.... 481 forum posts Send private message

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Have a look at this link. Awesome! (sorry did that sound too American?)


 Steve (Lifestyler)

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12 Nov 2008 11:51 AM by wangy1421 Star rating in Dublin. 107 forum posts Send private message

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Whilst on holiday last year in Mexico  there was this American lady on a coach trip out for day who was telling everyone how AWESOME this sausage roll was she had eaten............

How do you get an awesome sausage roll!


This message was last edited by wangy1421 on 11/12/2008.

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12 Nov 2008 1:02 PM by rickp Star rating in High Ongar, Essex. 36 forum posts Send private message

Hi, The link would not work for me, what was it?



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12 Nov 2008 1:58 PM by Frank11 Star rating in Dublin / Corvera. 83 forum posts Send private message

They're fantastic Steve. I was there in Sept but it seems to shot up.

The internal photos are great too. Gives a good idea of what to genuinely expect.



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12 Nov 2008 8:47 PM by wangy1421 Star rating in Dublin. 107 forum posts Send private message

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come on you spurs..........

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12 Nov 2008 9:42 PM by difi Star rating in Roda Golf . 146 forum posts Send private message

Hi Rick,

Go to the website for "" and scroll down to "full report and gallery" on the right hand side and you will get an update on the development and a gallery of photos.

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12 Nov 2008 9:45 PM by rickp Star rating in High Ongar, Essex. 36 forum posts Send private message

13 Nov 2008 8:45 AM by SteveandJane Star rating in Somerset and Corvera.... 481 forum posts Send private message

SteveandJane´s avatar

Hi Rick

Once you have got onto the "first visit "section of Corveragolfinfo site, look at the bottom of the "introduction" section and clik on "Flickr page here". This will give you full sizr piccis, then if you click on "Info on" it will overlay information about them.


 Steve (Lifestyler)

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