The Comments |
Hi Everyone, after our latest visit to the site yesterday we thought it would be a good idea to update you with the latest information we were able to get hold of Straight from the Horses Mouth so to speak !
Firstly it is only fair to mention that the site was a hive of activity and there were hundreds of workers especially on phase one, the cleaning ladies were also working in the completed properteis. While we were in the show house with some of our clients two large groups of official looking bodies appeared, speaking through the girl in the show house we managed to put a few questions to them the answers of which are detailed below.
The continued delay in hand over was our first question, as you can imagine this is very costly to our business as at the moment we offer a complimentary service. We were informed that no one is more frustrated than the developer themselves for these delays, however the team of architects, surveyors, and techincal personnel were in the process of checking the houses in order to make preparations for the fin de obras certificate, but all of the Esthers have to be handed over by the Construction Company to the Developer at the same time, each individual client will then be contacted by the developer direct giving them a final completion date, however the clients have already been pre-warned that completion is drawing near.
Certificate of First Habitation, we were curtly informed the NO ONE will be required to sign the title deeds for the property without the certificate firstly being in place, apparently this is now the law in Spain !
Each individual plot has its own inscription which will be used for the detail on the title deed, we can confirm that we have used these details with some of our clients and have managed to obtain NIE Numbers, and Residencia Certificates at the local Police Station ( by appointment only ) and open Bank Accounts in Hellin, these detailes were already registered on the Police data base therefore we assume must be in order.
We are hoping to get the opportunity to take some more photo's later today and will post them on here as soon as we can. We assume that agents are keeping their own clients informed directly about progress, however if you are not receiving updates may we suggest that you contact the developer direct.
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Hi Ricman,
thanks for the latest update.
However, as numerous people have observed here, the realistic completion timeframe is well into next year and the issuing of Certificates of Habitation, hand over from builder to
developer, connecting of services, outstanding works, notary process and the usual Finca Parc delays would put us into march 09 if not later.
That's a further six months passed the contracted completion timewhich was substantially delayed in any case from the original deal.
I'm pleased that there are hundreds of workers on site, pity that there weren't the same numbers working a year or so ago!
With regard to your overall comments, obviously you have a vested interest in portraying a somewhat more 'rosy' picture than perhaps is the actual situation.
This is understandable.
The information you mention available from agents and the developers is laughable. Gerrado wrote to me in september to say that my phase one will be ready in october.
Well it's not and not likely to be for six months more.
The actual situation is that the substantial delays,
This message was last edited by colin0701 on 11/12/2008.
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Knowing he Spanish system well , having been to the site, and recently met with 2 buyers on phase 1, I have to agree with Colin completion after March 2009
The fin de obras certificate is simply the document for the completionof the property, not the infrastructure, which is accessed when issueing the COH which includes safe entry to the site etc so all of the roads providing access to the properties including street lighting etc must me completed and then, it will normally take 3 - 6 months for the Town Hall to process the application. It may be different, due to the lower volume of property being released, in your area
What some developer do it try to insist that people complete, pay their money without a COH, and then sign and get the deeds later so not sure why the comments are made because, it is not the law in Spain that you cannot complete without a COH, just that a buyer has the legal right to refuse and that, for contractual timings the property is not considered complete until the COH is issued
Again you do not need an address in Spain to get a bank account, or NIE Certificate as their are 2 types of bank accounts resident or non-resident
To sign on for medical cover, schooling etc you normally need a Padron which you can get if you are renting in Spain, as well as a residency crertificate, by presenting your passport and rental agreement
You only needc an NIE Certificate, which you can have issued against a UK address, to buy a car in Spain, in fact they are desperate to sell you a car
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
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I have posted some more photos taken yesterday.
The roads between the Esthers have been laid with 'Mono Block Paving' which we thought looked really good. Much nicer than tarmac.
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Hi Ricman,
Thanks for the latest photos.
At last we are starting to see what a fantastic development Las Higuericas is going to be!
The photo of the houses with the cobbled roadway is incrediibly atmospheric and has that traditional Spanish feel we were all promised.
Simply stunning!
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Hi Jeff2,
Thank you for your kind comments.
We will be onsite again later today, and will make sure we take more photos to post. I understand that we will be able to get access into some of the completed showhouses today and will do our best to take some more photos of the kitchens etc that have been fitted in the showhouses. We hope that the mono block roads will be finished also and will post some more photos of those too.
Mandy and Rich
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After visitig the site yesterday 13th i must agree with Jeff the place is now getting some atmosphere you can now get a feeling for how its going to be when eventually finished, the roads in between the smaller houses are looking good and the lamp posts finish it all of nicely. We managed to have a sneak into the other show houses to see the kitchen units, the other half was well impressed, nice quality a bit lighter than the ones in the first show house, we even have the makings of an airing cupboard an unheard of luxury in spain, a bit disappointed with the completion time scale but if they keep working at the same speed maybe some of you could still be in for xmas, if not it may have to be a picnic by the lake. Chingo
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Hi Everyone,
We have just posted some photos of the site taken this morning during our visit. There are 3 sets in all. The first set are just general ones of the site (details below), the second set of 3 photos is the Lorena showhouse kitchen and the last 6 are of the Rosanna showhouse and kitchen. The kitchens are not yet completed so will post more photos when they are finished, but at least you can get a taster of the colour and quality.
Further news to report........
The main entrance to the site was being prepared today and should be completed by end of next week.
Further monocaping of properties above the Esthers has been done including those at the very top of Phase one. (please see pics).
Street lamps have been placed and installed on the main entrance road on the site leading to the roundabout.
Boundary walls have begun construction on the main road into the site on Phase two properties.
Two of the roads between the Esthers have been mono-blocked, the third one next to the showhouse was being prepared.
The final Esther gardens were being cleared of builders rubbish etc and levelled off ready for gravel to be laid.
More kitchens in the Esthers were being fitted. The first 10 Esthers are already completed, cleaned and ready for handover to the developer.
I think thats about it, but, will keep you posted with more info as its received.
Regards, Mandy and Rich 
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