The Comments |
does anyone have photos of the site as it is now?
to those people that have already completed:-
are you still on builders main services?
what percentage of finished properties are inhabited?
is there pedestrian & vehicle access to all completed properties?
who is maintaining the pools & communal areas at the moment?
regards ceel & dave
due to complete phase 3 very soon
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Just completed on Ph 3 last week and returned home today. We are north facing Ph 3. Our street has road barriers at each end so will be very private one once they are in use. The site is looking fabulous. We are on builders electricity and water - not a problem,, far from it, it isn't costing anything. It's hard to say how many houses are inhabited - first we thought you could tell by if a light had been fitted at the front but some people have bought and not put lights up yet. I think the only way you can tell for sure is if they have the two gas cylinders out the back that Peinsa are supplying. Certainly I think a lot have been bought but are not being lived in yet. The best access for driving is up the road to the right of Montesols. For walking there is a path to the right of the fenced landscaped area. The pools and communal areas areas are immaculate and are being looked after by Peinsa. Unfortunately these areas cannot be used until the Licenses are granted. It was 20 degrees plus every day while we were out there and not a cloud in the sky. However it does get cold at night. We were swimming and sunbathing yesterday. Caught the last of the rays until about 5pm on our sun terrace. If you need any info give us an email. It is a learning experience but that's our house bought, furnished with white goods, fans, lighting etc. Can't emphasise enough the help and advice we received from Almeriastu and his wife Denise.
Jo and Jim
This message was last edited by mojito on 11/20/2008.
Jo and Jim
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Hi Jo & Jim
Great news about your house, just a bit worried about what you have said about the swimming pools. We were told that all Licenses were granted for the first three phases.
Mick & Pam 
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It is our understanding that the licenses aren't through for the communal areas. These do not affect the licenses for the 'habitation' ie the houses and roads. Once these licenses come through the community charge will be set and we'll be issued with the keys to the pool areas. The communal areas look lovely as well as the floral walkways through Phases one and two.
Jo and Jim
Jo and Jim
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Ther e is an iteresting thread on EOS regarding Peinsa! I am not sure which thread it is on as I came across it purely by accident.
I put in a search on 'Peinsa' the general threads section and found a message which said peinsa had applied for voluntary liquidation but that this had been rejected by the courts as there was not enough debt!!! Do the search yourself and see what you think, I am only putting this message on here so that people are made aware of what MIGHT be happening.
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Hi Kev
This one is doing the rounds for a few weeks. You will see it under a thread called "Peinsa in Voluntary Liquidation"
I have tried to have independent confirmation of this but neither my lawyer, an idepenedent lawyer working for us on a different site and even Rob Watchorn of Clearwater Properties can find any evidence of this. (ALL will say that doesn't mean it isn't true!)
However the new growth industry in Spain for lawyers is pursuing developers for the return of money paid on developments that are late and are in trouble. It has been mentioned in this forum that some solicitors are deliberately stirring it up by posting on web sites like these suggesting developers are in trouble and that buyers should contact them for advice etc etc. In fact, the person (who claims to work in a law ofice) who posted the message about Pensa on our site has posted similar stories on other forums about other developers.
Please dont say to me that I am being naive here. I am merely posting the other side of the story - I am not saying that we shouldn't all be vigilant, we must be.
Rowleyhouse has posted a question today asking has anyone completed in the last few weeks. That is our best guarantee, that houses are being completed and people are finishing. My worry is that there is so little work being done on site - why is that?
Regards to all
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Hi Kev
This one is doing the rounds for a few weeks. You will see it under a thread called "Peinsa in Voluntary Liquidation"
I have tried to have independent confirmation of this but neither my lawyer, an idepenedent lawyer working for us on a different site and even Rob Watchorn of Clearwater Properties can find any evidence of this. (ALL will say that doesn't mean it isn't true!)
However the new growth industry in Spain for lawyers is pursuing developers for the return of money paid on developments that are late and are in trouble. It has been mentioned in this forum that some solicitors are deliberately stirring it up by posting on web sites like these suggesting developers are in trouble and that buyers should contact them for advice etc etc. In fact, the person (who claims to work in a law ofice) who posted the message about Pensa on our site has posted similar stories on other forums about other developers.
Please dont say to me that I am being naive here. I am merely posting the other side of the story - I am not saying that we shouldn't all be vigilant, we must be.
Rowleyhouse has posted a question today asking has anyone completed in the last few weeks. That is our best guarantee, that houses are being completed and people are finishing. My worry is that there is so little work being done on site - why is that?
Regards to all
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Hi Kev
This one is doing the rounds for a few weeks. You will see it under a thread called "Peinsa in Voluntary Liquidation"
I have tried to have independent confirmation of this but neither my lawyer, an idepenedent lawyer working for us on a different site and even Rob Watchorn of Clearwater Properties can find any evidence of this. (ALL will say that doesn't mean it isn't true!)
However the new growth industry in Spain for lawyers is pursuing developers for the return of money paid on developments that are late and are in trouble. It has been mentioned in this forum that some solicitors are deliberately stirring it up by posting on web sites like these suggesting developers are in trouble and that buyers should contact them for advice etc etc. In fact, the person (who claims to work in a law ofice) who posted the message about Pensa on our site has posted similar stories on other forums about other developers.
Please dont say to me that I am being naive here. I am merely posting the other side of the story - I am not saying that we shouldn't all be vigilant, we must be.
Rowleyhouse has posted a question today asking has anyone completed in the last few weeks. That is our best guarantee, that houses are being completed and people are finishing. My worry is that there is so little work being done on site - why is that?
Regards to all
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We were over at cdp week 1 nov - 8 nov with absolutely no activitey on site at all Patricia in the office told us that the builder had gone bankrupt and not to worry because a new builder had been appointed and work would resume in 2 weeks
my understanding is that the 2 halves of cdp are being built by 2 independant builders which means that the 2builders must have gone bust at exactley the same time . this leaves me quite worried so have peinsa gone into liquidation .
My wife thinks I am worrying over nothing lets hope so
Regards Margaret and Paul.
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Hi Sean, I agree that people must be cautious about what is said on these forums unfortunatley the legal people cannot be trusted to tell the truth either. I will ask a good solicitor who is acting for spanish and english people buying on CDP what they know and post a note when I get a reply. My message to everybody is do not let your bank guarantee run out at any cost.
This message was last edited by KP on 11/26/2008.
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Dear All,
I see that my previous posts regarding the application of "Voluntary Liquidation" of PEINSA have opened some eyes on this issue (they were turned down by the judge!).
I asked our Barrister for a further update and he could only tell me that there are many lawyers presenting lawsuits against this developer to reclaim deposits before they apply again for voluntary liquidation and succeed this time.
According to my calandar, 2 weeks to recommence building after the 8th of November has already passed. Has work already begun again on site?
If I can be of assistance to anyone regarding PEINSA, then please PM me.
Kind regards,
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Hi All,
Without being alarmed I have tried to get my solicitors to get the bank guarantees for the last ten months. In July I was told that the office had been on to the solicitors as the guarantees were there in Peinsa head office and they were just awaiting their arrival by registered post. I felt reassured by the e mail from the solicitors but Since then i have heard that my guaratee runs out in January 2009I have just e mailed them for an update, What is the precise position with the bulding and has anyone acertained what the legal entitlement is for anyone who has a contract for a particular house. Is there a method by which you could purchase the asset and have it completed by another builder in the event Peinsa go bust.
Has there been any movemnet on the site and it might be prudent that a group of people might seek a meeting at a high level in Peinsa or with some of the local policicans if there are real concerns. If it is true that Peinsa have applied then anyone in phase 4 onwards should be concerned if the work is not continuing. I thought I was just over the hump and now this.
_______________________ Paul
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just to let you know, if you havent got a bg you might not get one or one renewed. peinsa have no money, so the bank will gaurantee nothing. on other devolpments they are telling customers to take them to court for their money.
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I was under the impression that a bank guarantee ment just that, that the bank guaranteed any deposits. If you are saying the that the banks are not paying out, were does that leave all the buyers? Can I ask you how you know this information? not that I doubt it but I need to check it out with my solicitor. Thanks
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