Hello Folks,
Just got back from a week in our apartment that was spoiled by a group of young people in 4A who thought it was fun to get in at 2:30 each morning.
After banging the doors, raising all the blinds and dragging the furniture they then proceeded to party until at least 4:30. On the second night of this torment I went upat 4:00 and begged them to shut up. They kept the noise up until 5:00.
The following nights they did try not to shout as much but the noise was still very annoying.
I don't think it is unreasonable to expect people to keep noise to an absolute minimum after midnight. I would be grateful if anyone knows who owns 4A asks them to get in touch with me.
My brother was at the apartment the week before us & he said that the noise started on Tuesday 4th November and sounded like they were playing football up there. He had gone over for a rest before heart surgery, the last 2 nights of his stay were a nightmare.
I think we should all ask any persons staying in our properties to respect the other occupiers and not do anything to spoil their holidays.