Cheeky request - step ladders to borrow

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25 Feb 2009 12:00 AM by RBrettH Star rating in Bedfordshire & Naran.... 134 forum posts Send private message

RBrettH´s avatar

Hello all.

I have a cheeky request.

Rather than purchase a set of small step ladders that will be used once to fit lights then put away for good, does any body have a set that I could borrow for a day?

I'll be coming over on the 11th March ( two weeks today, can't wait!) to fit lights, furnish etc so would want to to pick up on the 11th in the afternoon if at all pos.


Brett - Naranjos Jardins 02

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25 Feb 2009 9:38 AM by graham204 Star rating. 144 forum posts Send private message

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We were in a similar position (fitting lights with no ladder) and had to use a coffee table until very nice chap arrived to fit aircon from Majestic and he very kindly let us borrow his.



Graham & Carolanne

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25 Feb 2009 1:12 PM by chris hardman Star rating in Devon & Naranjos. 14 forum posts Send private message

Sorry RBrettH, I haven't got any either. You should have sent some over with your furniture. HA HA.

Your loving brother.

P.S. Good luck !!

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25 Feb 2009 1:14 PM by chris hardman Star rating in Devon & Naranjos. 14 forum posts Send private message

By the way, is the cat and mouse supposed to represent us when we were younger?

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25 Feb 2009 2:27 PM by craig (extract) Star rating in condado de alhama. 43 forum posts Send private message


i have a set i will be glad to lend you........ dont skip the country tho!




0034 634309883

complete property solutions

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25 Feb 2009 3:08 PM by RBrettH Star rating in Bedfordshire & Naran.... 134 forum posts Send private message

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Many thanks Craig

Much appreciated! and you're far more help than my brothers comments!

I've sent you a PM with my details etc.


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16 Mar 2009 8:04 AM by RBrettH Star rating in Bedfordshire & Naran.... 134 forum posts Send private message

RBrettH´s avatar


You were a diamond! Cheers for the stepladders and the drill, didn't think for a minute our drill wouldn't work.

To everyone else reading this Craig is the chef at the Steak House in Camposol and I can't recomend it highly enough - best steak I've had in a long time!

Cheers again and look forward to sharing a beer or two next time we're out.


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