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22 Feb 2009 12:00 AM by Pete Pooley Star rating in Norwich & Jardin 5. 4 forum posts Send private message

We are looking to rent our apartment on a long term (6 month) period to a professional couple. Unfortunately they require broadband internet access. I have read the previous threads and can't find much info on if or when it will be available or how much it will cost.

Does anyone have any updated information?



jardin 5





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22 Feb 2009 6:39 PM by junenpaul Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

Hi the easiest way for them to get internet access is by means of purchasing themselves a spanish dongle you can get these from anywhere where they sell mobile phones, theres an outlet in the port, or one on camposol sector A.  They will pay a monthly charge but it does not work out as expensive as a permanant line as you only pay for what you use.


hope this helps Barbara.

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22 Feb 2009 7:13 PM by Sonatigh Star rating in Condado de Alhama Re.... 621 forum posts Send private message

At the Owners Community Meeting we were told May for Internet and Phone.

When available 1 mb will cost 32€ / month plus tax and you may need the phone line to use broadband at 10€ / month plus tax so could be exspensive.



I got too old soon, and too late smart ! 



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22 Feb 2009 9:45 PM by tomea Star rating in Larvik (Norway) and .... 46 forum posts Send private message

tomea´s avatar

As far I have been informed, by customer service last week, there will be an alternative to connect a router/wireless in your apartment and access the internet with their "60 minutos" and "300 minutos" cards. For renting and less frequent visitors, this will be a more cost effective option than the monthly 32E 1MB line.



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