Condition of Jardines.

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The Comments
03 May 2009 12:00 AM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

Hi folks,

I think this thread interfaces somewhat with the discussions ongoing regarding community charge, % of each zone, same facilities for everyone, 2 bed charge, 3 bed charge etc, etc.

Something that we have have observed during our last visit is that it is evident we are not all equal in the standard of the landscaping. It is obviously apparent that some of the Jadines are sparsely populated with mature plants compared to others. Take our jardine (8) for example - there is not one mature palm tree around or within the pool enclosure while in others there is an abundance. Also the lush foiliage type plants are a bit of a rarity. I personally, intend to campaign to RPM, and the association of owners when we get there, that we get uniformity of facilities throughout the resort and that no particular garden should have an obvious lack of landscaping compared to, for example, J13 showgardens which have set the standard with the mature olive trees and palms beautifully spot-lighted on an evening. It is like going into a car show-room and ordering the demonstration all singing-all dancing model (AT THE TOP-OF-THE-RANGE PRICE) and then being delivered the no frills version. This can not be right. We ask for no more-no less than anyone else.

Here is a copy of my e-mail to RPM:-

Dear Victoria,
                    Please be advised that during our most recent visit to Condado during April, it was evident that there were several examples of trees that had died and been removed from Jardines 8. These trees should have been replaced. Specifically for me, the larger of the group of three palm trees directly outside my property J*** has been removed and requires replacing. I consider the landscaping of the gardens to be of the utmost importance and would argue that this represents a considerable quota of the actual property purchase fee and ongoing community charge. We could not help notice that in general, Jardines 8 seems to be sparsely populated with more mature plants and trees when compared to some of the other Jardines, typically 13,12,11. As we have all paid roughly the same purchase price throughout the Jardines, we would ask that this is brought up with Polaris. During the snagging process 6 months ago, I actually listed the dying Palm tree outside my property for replacement and nothing has been done other than removing it.
Could you please advise on Polaris's intention in these matters and RPM's plan to get the issues resolved.
Thank you.
W. Elliott.


This message was last edited by Billbo on 03/05/2009.



( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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