asociacion Condado de alhama reunion?

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29 Apr 2009 12:00 AM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All

I sent the asociacion Condado de alhama some information, this is the pressure group that are taking PW & RPM to task about the community charge. In replying to my email they informed me they are having a reunion meeting (social event I think) for Jarding & Naranjos on the 9th May. I emailed them back asking for more details like location, time and who is welcome to go. As I don’t speak Spanish I thick they haven’t understood my question so I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge of this reunion?




This message was last edited by PGM on 4/29/2009.

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29 Apr 2009 12:21 PM by dringman Star rating in www.Condadoexcursion.... 772 forum posts Send private message

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Its not a social event. They are putting pressure on RPM to call a general meeting Junta to agree budget and vote officials for the comunidad . This way the owners take control. New lower payments have been agreed and I will try and find a way to put the spread sheets on the forum or a link. I have sent e mails to a few and if anyone is able to publish them please do.


We should get garden Presidents elected as at least one garden has done, and they should get together . Proxy votes could be given to your elected representative .ready for a meeting. if unable to attend

Alhama council offered a sports stadium in Alhama . I will try someone who may have more information. RPM should officially notify all owners of this meeting and it should not come from other sources. Every owner needs to have official notification. 14 days notice should have been given to non residents so its passed that. This meeting date kepts being pushed back. Pressure continues to get it sorted

_______________________   Airport Transfers Day Trips Alhama de Murcia Taxi No 10  
tel +441212881323   +34 622714979

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29 Apr 2009 12:58 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message


Are you able to enlighten us on which garden has elected a president and how they went about this ? How did they get the information of the nominee/nominees to the owners in that particular garden and a representative elected so quickly ?  Regarding RPM being behind schedule regarding giving us official notification of a junta, this is pretty much as per current form and maybe this is intentional so that their powers of administration are not whipped away from them so swiftly. Could be that the ulterior motive here is to cream off as much ££ as possible for the RPM/Polaris collaboration before the rug is pulled from under them.


Any thoughts on this ?




This message was last edited by Billbo on 4/29/2009.



( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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29 Apr 2009 2:22 PM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

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To be fair to RPM how can they sort anything out with one person working 2 days a week, I know at the last meeting they decided to reduce costs and hours of RPM, surely this was a huge mistake? its got to be a full time job for a few people at least?


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29 Apr 2009 3:16 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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You have you remember that we are only paying them €330K so you can't expect full time staff for that....










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29 Apr 2009 3:23 PM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Phil if that is the figure then something is serious wrong somewhere, one of the  biggest problems we all have is we just dont know what is going on, if they really are only working 2 days a week then I would expect that figure to be incorrect? well I would hope lol.

5 emails I have sent now and still no reply, what is going on I don't know.


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29 Apr 2009 3:47 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Dan,

These are the figures from the last 'official' info i've had from RPM, it also said they work 5days a week 9 to 5.  Since then, there was an email from 'the association' saying they were after a "  4. 83520 administration cut without reducing services." but I don't know if they got it or not.   I've seen nothing from RPM saying that they now only worked two days a week?

Dringman,  I assume you are one of the five people who form the association?  At least the azure properties email is one of them, so is that you?    when you say 'New lower payments have been agreed', agreed between who?  If you sent me the spreadsheets I will upload it to the server so everyting can get at it ( ) 










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29 Apr 2009 4:37 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Phil (Dringman)

Exactly who are THEY.  This question has been asked before but I don't think has been answered.  And why can't they come online and asked us directly for our support?

Hi All,

This whole thing is a complete and utter shambles.  PW & RPM couldn't run a pis--up in a brewery and as for these pressure groups well, I don't hold out much hope for them. I am really hacked off with all the third hand info we seem to get which is either inaccurate or misleading.  Until someone steps forward and takes the bull by the horns I feel we will go round in circles for months to come.

An extremely pis-ed off



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29 Apr 2009 6:21 PM by dringman Star rating in www.Condadoexcursion.... 772 forum posts Send private message

dringman´s avatar

.There are many documents around showing what these guys are doing, Who are they? a group of owners just like us. Join the club of p'off people , I remember reading that we are lucky to have so many Spanish owners who have had experience of comunidad on Condado- well they are doing what we want. Suggest you get David Searl You and the law in Spain, Try the section on the law of Horizontal Property . I think its garden 3 that have got their act together and voted a Spanish and English representatvive.

e mail below if you want to support them. If we do not act as one we do not have a chance.;

Written in Spanish and English.

El día 6 Abril de 2.009, como ustedes saben, esta comisión de propietarios  mantuvo dos reuniones. Ambas fueron positivas.

La primera con el administrador  y algunas subcontratas de nuestra comunidad.

 La segunda con el presidente de Polaris.


Acuerdos alcanzados en la primera reunión

1.       La elección de cargos y aprobación del presupuesto para 2.009, se hará en una sola reunión general que se celebrará en Alhama de Murcia y será lo antes posible.


2.       En seguridad se ha establecido un protocolo de seguridad, pues últimamente ésta dejaba mucho que desear.


Se propone un recorte en el presupuesto de seguridad en torno a los 120.000 €/año, dejando sólo un vigilante para jardines y naranjos.

 El 2º vigilante entraría a  prestar servicios, sólo algunos días (8 días al mes  y por sorpresa).


3.       En jardinería y limpieza se  consiguen recortes de 50.296€  de STV y de 40.368  de Ciscocompany,  sin reducción de servicios.

Se sigue negociando, con ambas empresas,  para una 2º rebaja de 50.000 € adicionales, con una reducción en el mantenimiento del anillo.


4.       En administración recorte de 83.520, sin reducción de servicios.


5.       En seguro de responsabilidad civil recorte de 9.584 €/año.



6.       En telecomunicaciones nos presentan un 2º presupuesto, con un recorte del servicio de mantenimiento los fines de semana que supondría un ahorro de 150.000€.


7.       El fondo reserva al tener en cuenta estos recortes, se reduce en 92.000 €.


Con todos estos recortes de gastos, las cuotas de comunidad serán más reducidas y entrarán en vigor, una vez sea aprobado el nuevo presupuesto de ingresos y gastos, tras la reunión general de constitución de la comunidad.


Es necesario contar con la incorporación de la Isla y del foro, que van a alterar los coeficientes en relación con el nivel 1, siempre con tendencia a disminuir.

Una vez esté constituido el fondo de reserva, si este no se consume en el ejercicio por algún imprevisto grande, la cuota bajaría al año siguiente en torno a un 20%.


En la reunión con Polaris, su presidente nos informó:

1.-El foro abrirá a finales de julio 2.009 y contará con una arrocería, un pub irlandés y una tratoria-pizzeria. Además de un supermercado de 1.200 m.

El supermercado provisional se convertirá en gimnasio y el bar de condado de alhama frente a las pistas de tenis se seguirá manteniendo.

El acceso a las pistas deportivas, será a partir del verano, sólo para uso exclusivo de los residentes.

2.-El campo de prácticas de golf abrirá en Agosto del 2.009

3.-El campo con sus 18 hoyos , abrirá en noviembre 2.009.


4.-La casa club de campo, se hará provisional, de madera, similar a la de Hacienda Riquelme, hasta que se pueda hacer una de las características que este campo requiere. Su construcción futura, está aún por determinar.


5.-Los servicios de telecomunicaciones llegarán en Mayo.


Ahora, estamos tratando de que el administrador solucione el tema del alumbrado en los viales exteriores a los jardines y en que la convocatoria general  sea lo antes posible,  para el 25 de Abril o bien el 2 de Mayo.


Atte.- Comisión de propietarios Condado de Alhama.



On April 6th of 2009, as you know, the committee held two meetings of owners. Both were positive.


The first with the manager and some of our subcontractors.


The second with the president of Polaris.


Agreements reached at the first meeting


    1. The election of officers and adoption of the budget for 2009, will be one general meeting to be held in Alhama de Murcia and will be as soon as possible.




    2. Security has established a security protocol, because lately it left much to be desired.




             Proposes a cut in the budget for security at about 120,000 € / year, leaving only a caretaker for gardens and orange groves.


             The 2nd Guard come to serve only a few days (8 days per month and by surprise).


    3. Gardening and cleaning are achieved cuts of € 50,296 and 40,368 of STV Ciscocompany without reducing services.


They continue, with both companies for a discount of 2 additional € 50,000, with a reduction in the maintenance of the ring.


    4. 83520 administration cut without reducing services.




    5. In liability insurance cut 9584 € / year.





    6. In telecommunications, we have a 2nd budget, a cut in the maintenance service on the weekends that would save 150,000 €.




    7. The fund reserves to take account of these cuts were reduced by € 92,000.




       With all these spending cuts, the contributions of community will be smaller and will enter into force once approved the new budget revenue and expenditure, after the general meeting of incorporation of the community.


       Requires the incorporation of the island and the forum, which will alter the weightings for the level 1, with a tendency to decrease.


       Upon the establishment of the reserve fund, if that is not consumed in the performance for some unexpected big share fall next year by about 20%.


       At the meeting with Polaris, its chairman told us:


       1.-The forum opens in late July 2009 and will have a rice, an Irish pub and a pizzeria-Tratoria. In addition to a supermarket of 1,200 m.


       The supermarket will become interim gym and bar Alhama County off the tennis courts will be retained.


       Access to sports, will be from the summer, only for the exclusive use of residents.


       2.-The golf driving range opened in August 2009


       3.-The field with 18 holes, opened in November 2009.


       4.-The home club, will be provisional, wood, similar to the Hacienda Riquelme, until you can do one of the features that this field requires. Future construction is yet to be determined.


       5.-The telecommunications service will arrive in May.


       Now we're trying to settle the issue by the administrator of the lighting in the road outside the garden and that is the general call as soon as possible to the April 25 or on May 2.


  Atte .- County Commission Alhama owners.


_______________________   Airport Transfers Day Trips Alhama de Murcia Taxi No 10  
tel +441212881323   +34 622714979

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29 Apr 2009 6:56 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Yes, they may be doing what we want but unfortuntely saying they are a group of owners just doesn't cut the mustard with me again who are these people, where do they reside, which garden, are they all spanish, I'm sorry if i'm asking too many questions but if these people want my vote I have to know who they are first.  Yes we have to act as one but until I know a wee bit  more about these people they are not getting my vote.

I may have a suspicious mind but why are they so reluctant to identify themselves, Have they something to hide?

Ever heard the statement Open and Honest

Just my personal thoughts 



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29 Apr 2009 8:04 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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David very kindly sent me the revised community fees from RPM :- 

Jardines 1 to 5 Jardines I nivel 3.xls
Jardines 7 to 14  Jardines II nivel 3.xls
Jardines 1 to 5 ( After Villa Janas complete ) Jardines I CON JANA.xls
Jardines 7 to 14 (After Villa Janas complete ) Jardines II CON JANA.xls

Naranjos Jardines 7 & 8 and Penthouses Blocks 1 to 7 Naranjos I nivel 3.xls
Naranjos Jardines 1 to 6 and Penthouses Blocks 8 to 16 Naranjos II.xls
Covering note from Victoria

Aquí te adjunto los cálculos de las cuotas con el presupuesto.
Estas cuotas sería lo máximo que habría que pagar, ya que hay que tener en cuenta que lo más probable es que haya dinero en las cuentas. El presupuesto primer incluía servicios que no se prestan tales como el mantenimiento de las telecomunicaciones, agua de riego, el inspector, la seguridad que hay es menor de la que se está prestando y además estaría el fondo de reserva.

Si le echas un vistazo a los Penthouses, verás que son los que menos se rebajan. Esto es porque los gastos de limpieza de escalera y ascensor que sólo recaen sobre ellos, no se han modificado.

Te mando esas cuotas.

También te adjunto las cuotas que quedarían si entran ya las villas Jana, que estoy pendiente de que me confirmen los coeficientes de las que se han construido, pero creo que es un 17% dentro de la parcela R-9. Le expliqué a Ramón que aunque en el acta de constitución aparezca en la R-9 y R-12 (naranjos I y II) un coeficiente que creo que es de 3,89 y 5,70 respectivamente, a la hora de hacer el reparto del presupuesto estos coeficientes cambian porque no está la totalidad de la parcela construida, si no que queda pendiente la parte correspondiente a las villas Jana.

En este caso te envío sólo las que corresponderían a Jardines I y II.

Si tienes cualquier duda me dices.

Un saludo
Victoria Ruiz Cuenca


English ( Ish )

Here attached the calculations of contributions to the budget.
These fees would be the maximum to be paid because we have to keep in mind that you will most likely have money in the accounts. The first budget included no services are provided such as maintenance of telecommunications, irrigation water, the inspector, there is the safety of the child being given and it would be the reserve fund.

If you have a look at the Penthouse, you will see who are the least sales. This is because the cost of cleaning stairs and elevator only fall on them, remain unchanged.

Te mando these assessments.

You will also be attached to the shares would fall if Jana and villas, which I am waiting for confirmation of the coefficients that have been built, but I think it is 17% within the plot R-9. Ramon explained that although the record appears in the formation of R-9 and R-12 (Orange I and II) a factor which I think is 3.89 and 5.70 respectively, making the division the budget because these ratios are not changing the entire field was built, but the remaining share of Jana villas.

In this case you only sent to the corresponding Gardens I and II.

If you have any questions, I say.

Un saludo
Victoria Ruiz Cuenca


This message was last edited by ptan on 4/29/2009.









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29 Apr 2009 8:22 PM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

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Phil, do we take these as being the new amounts?, as it appears to be less than what i was quoted last week.



This message was last edited by danseex on 4/29/2009.

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29 Apr 2009 8:25 PM by fozzie Star rating. 73 forum posts Send private message

Do we know if these are agreed and final?  Mine of J5 has come down then from E122 to E100.  Still higher than expected, but suppose better than where we are at

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29 Apr 2009 8:26 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Dan,

Yep, they are the revised figures as of 26h April.











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29 Apr 2009 8:27 PM by skinnymags Star rating in Dublin - Jardines J0.... 291 forum posts Send private message

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This message was last edited by skinnymags on 4/29/2009.


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29 Apr 2009 8:43 PM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

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I for one am very pleased with the new figures. Just a few months ago figures of 130 Euros were being talked about. Now from my apartment (J1544) its 83 euro and 79 after Janas are completed!

Have I got this wrong as it all seems too good to be true. Do you think there will be any further reductions or am I getting carried away now?


Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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29 Apr 2009 9:55 PM by tarapa Star rating in East Sussex & Jardin.... 85 forum posts Send private message

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I cant open the link to the new figures, please could someone tell me the new cost for ground floor in Jardines 7 is?

Also when will they actually take some money because I keep asking RPM and no answer. I want to know so can make sure it is in bank account,


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29 Apr 2009 10:15 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All

Nice to see that the new figures show a saving and thanks must go to those who have been fighting our corner, whoever they may be,

What I can't understand. and maybe someone can enlighten me, is how the hell can the Villa Janas be attached to the Jardins when they are the oppsite end of the complex. If the jana folk want to use a pool or walk round a garden or let their kids play on a playground, they aint gonna walk down to the Jardins to do it are they. They will either go into Naranjos 7 or 8 because thats where they are. Don't get me wrong I don't begrudge them using the facilities far from it but shouldnt it be Naranjos who benefit from their share of the community fees.



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29 Apr 2009 10:17 PM by skinnymags Star rating in Dublin - Jardines J0.... 291 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Tara,


107.90 for ground floor and 88.56 for top floor for garden 7


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29 Apr 2009 10:33 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Mart,

About 67% of the comminity fee is to pay for the shared infrastructure i.e Maintenance, lighting, watering, gardening of the exterior road plus TV, security, etc etc.  So the more properties that cost is shared out amonst the cheaper the fees.










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