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I have just received an email telling me that 12 townhouses were burgled on La Torre last night. The community is up in arms (quite rightly) wondering wht the hell security were doing whilst this huge raid was going on. There are also muttering of actual residents stealing from each other. Hope our place is a bit better protected but you have to empathise with the owners over there. It's a horrible experience for them and PW should be ashamed to have allowed this to happen. The owner are annoyed that any old Tom, Dick and Raffles can get into the resort. I noticed billboards in Los Alcazares a couple of weeks ago with the wording ' you don't have to own a Polarid Worls property to enjoy our resorts' or something of that ilk (from what my limited Spanish translation skills deciphered). So really with big ads like that the burglars will think Christmas has come early!!!
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Hi Arlene,
Got the same email, must admit some of the mails on the other forum have a point. At the security gates there are two lanes Residents and Visitors, perhaps now is the time they were put to use. I'd be more than happy if the residents side required a card key to gain access and that all visitor were stopped. After all what's the point of a 'Gated Community' if anyone can just drive in. There is after all a security guard on duty 24x7, let get them earning thier money.
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Phil I agree
I just received the same email, its now all the more important we challenge PW about our security, I suggest every time we see a laps in security we report it to PW:
No one on the gate.
No number plate recognition working, with them doing nothing like manually taking numbers.
Just sat on mobile phone.
The other prolem is the mobile security just drive up and down in ther car, thay should be walking around the gardens also.
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We were over at Condado last week. We were told by one of the keyholders, well-known and recommended on this site, that Security were due to start foot patrols round the gardens on May 1st. Next time we go, May 7th, we will look for evidence ...
Chris & Alison
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I have to say that I agree with the idea that we all email PW with our concerns
I know from experience that the only way you get things done is by bombarding those concerned on a daily basis with your grievance.
If we all pinpoint the same things & what we are looking for as a solution It just may work
I would be interested to hear what does everyone else thinks?
West Mids & Jardin 5
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How many times have we all been through security with the guards just sitting there with there shades on either chatting to some of their mates or on their mobiles. I agree we need some sort of pass system to gain entry but how can this be done when the Foro and the sports area open to the public. I believe they have opened them up to all because Polaris have delayed the building of Oasis and the sports area on the outside of the resort which was for the residents of Alhama. The restaurants on the other resorts are advertised all over the Mar Menor saying they are open to the public.
Would it not be a good idea to register your hire car with security on 1st arrival at the resort then they could set the barrier to accept that registration for a certain number of days cross checking the details of the apartment. That way they would know who was actually staying on the resort or were visiting. Visitors would then need issuing with passes after providing details of why they are on site.
I believe Camposol & Mazarron Country Club have had many break ins over the last year, how long before they move up to new pickings at Condado.
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when I signed up to Condado it was because it was meant to be a secure gated community. I was told all residents would have a key fob/ zapper to gain entry into the development. does any one know what happened to this idea - or was it just sales patter!
Julie. Here's to living the dream

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Hi Mike & Dawn
I agree that the notification of Car reg Nos is a good idea
We have friends who live in a smaller site than condado On the Costa Blanca near to Formentara Del Segura
Every one has to notify the security dept of their time of arrival & apartment No. along with notification that they will be in a rental car or owners car
If some one is renting out. The security has to be notified 48 hrs before arrival. & the name of main person renting. The number of people in the group & apartment No they will be staying in.
Security registers their rental car & the amount of time they will be staying on the site.
Each owner has a password & this has to be given on the first day / night of arrival
The security have been known to email owners if there has been any slight suspicion that there is something wrong
The security system was in place before they moved onto the site & they were first phase owners
never had any problems.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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does anyone know if they was all in the same area or spread around. not that it's any excuse, security should have been alert to it strainght away. I stayed on La Torre over the christmas period and it was very quiet - not many residents at all, with anyone been let in any time non owners could easily have worked this out.
PW definately need to deal with this and have some way of identifying residents/owners/renters or any tom, dick or harriot!
Julie. Here's to living the dream

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Is the number plate recognition any good? I think it just scans your number plate so they know your on site and when you leave.
They do not check any vehicles when leaving the complex and with the number of vans delivering furniture, installers delivering and installing air conditioning etc what actual security is there! Just some guys looking cool in there shades.
I will be more than happy to email or contact whoever if we cancome up with something pheasble.
If the Foro is going to be open to the public then should the security gate be behind the town centre and walled off in some way then it is open to the GP and the rest of the site is secure, probably miles too late now.
What happens when all the golf courses are open more joe public to help themselves.
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I have stayed at LTGR 3 times last year and was not stopped once - a smile and a way of the hand and I was in.
I stayed at Condado over the new year and in March and once again have never been stopped. A gated community I think not, more like a swing door with welcome written over it.
Something does need to be done and soon.
_______________________ May be tomorrow.......... Always better today!!
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i have just been reding this on another forum and just recieved a phone call from my mother:
my mother has just turned up at 10.30pm and when she went to put the key in the door she has also found another key already left in the door,door open, this key belongs to polaris, as they said they needed it to fit the electric meter, so we left the key with them, can you believe the total disregard of someones property which is fully furnished with very expensive furniture, not one to moan or is this an absolute liberty? we trusted PW with our key and they have done this, also the meter isnt installed yet so what have they been doing in our home? this may be a one off, but if any of you are in the same situation, i would get your key from PW and get them to inform you when they need access, and not give them the right to access without your consent, from a very angry owner, good night all
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When we were at Condado over Easter I raised this issue with RPM and Victoria mentioned that quite a few people had complained so they were discussing this with the security company. My next door neighbours were stopped that afternoon and I was stopped the next day!! I said I was a resident and they asked for my apartment number. They then made a half hearted attempt to look through a list of residents before waving me in without actually really checking that I was a bona fide resident. I was pleased to see this slight improvement as anyone watching the security process has to believe that you might be challenged but I too want to see more stringent measures and will send (another) letter of complaint regarding this issue.
I have visited La Torre and Mar Menor for restaurants, bank etc and have never been stopped at either of them so its an issue for all PW communities not just us (although I seem to remember that they have cctv around those developments).
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Good evening Ant & Andy.
To prevent the situation you found yourselves in & hearing of the same thing happening some else some time ago. we informed polaris that we wanted them to hand over the key to Carol, our key hold.which they did.
If ever they needed to get into our apartment they had to find Carol who would get key back & also be able to check that every thing was ok once the workers had gone.
Maybe you aught to do the same
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Couldn't they fit a simple access barrier on the sections of road beyond the new Foro which residents only can operate via a card? This wouldn't cost the earth but it does mean that, beyond the Foro, no-one else other than residents and their guests can get in. Should an ambulance or delivery guy need access then security can open it or give them a temporary access card.
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I have just been on the La Torre forum and there is no mention of a robbery unless the people burgled are too upset to mention this on EOS. How did we find out? Do all the people on Jardines put away all their garden furniture into their living room when they leave because I have read on other blogs a while ago that someone's outside lights had been taken and someone had an outside washing machine used when they were not there.
We have a ground floor penthouse and I am concerned about our washing machine being in the 'cupboard' on the patio. (Am thinking of not getting a dishwasher for inside and just having washing machine). We are also concerned about any patio furniture being left out when we are not there in case it gets stolen because I have no belief or trust whatsoever in the security on site.
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