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What are people's predications for Sterling against Euro over the coming months? Can anyone see 1.20 Euros per £1 being achieved over the coming few months? I am interested to hear peoples thoughts and what brings them to their conclusion?
Mark Bentley
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I have a couple of close friends who are quite senior within Barclays in Canary Wharf and they are adamant that the Euro will start to weaken quite appreciably in the middle to latter part of the year. They expect that it will be between 1.20 & 1.25 by about September and could (and they do insist could not will) get back to the 1.30 - 1.35 mark within a year.
As for the technicalities of it all, I did listen but they may as well have been speaking Russian as far as I was concerned. What I did pick up on was that they felt that countries like Spain & Italy have been in denial about the general downturn and have moved too late to stop the ball rolling.
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Thanks for the updates. I have heard similar recomendations but it is hard to gauge how things will progress as looking on Reuters again this morning the rate is hanging at around 1.105. The bad news from the UK just seems to keep hammering away at our chances of the rate increasing. Equally if the European counterparts start to announce some of the bad news that has to have a knock on effect then lets hope we start to see some improvements.
Mark Bentley
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Our friend Dave, otherwise known as Shampers on here has made some good predictions with regards the strength of the pound against the Euro. he also works in the land of plenty (Banking) Maybe if he isn't busy he may impart some of his wisdom on us.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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You would be better off asking Mystic Meg !
As soon as Sterling looks to be gaining strength against the Euro, another set of economic data is released and we fall back again. I think its safe to say that there is a lot more bad news to come out of the Eurozone yet which may work in our favour, however, last weeks budget gave some worrying signs about the long term attractiveness of sterling
In the Budget speech, the chancellor said that public debt would increase to 68% of the UK's economic output next year and analysts said the rise had triggered concerns about whether investors would be as willing to buy UK bonds.
Analysts are paying close attention to what the credit rating agencies say about the UK's increased debt burden. If the UK ratings are weakened, then there may be a rush to sell sterling.
Strap yourself in as this will be like a white knuckle ride at Disneyland
_______________________ Russ & Louise
Salud !
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sterling euro is currently ranging between 1.10 and 1.14.a break above 1.14 could see 1.18/20.
we need a country to pull out the euro which is possible for the poo to hit the fan.i agree that spain is in denial.they have massive unempoyment.a house market in turmoil and they will realy suffer this year as holiday makers stay away due to lack of funds.
how golf fees are staying as high as they are is amazing but hopefully they should start to get cut soon to encourage punters back.the golf courses are empty and there is so much over manga is one that is in deep trouble.
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dont know about the euro or the toffees, but you can bank on this
the lizard has a better chance of coming back

This message was last edited by ant and andi on 4/27/2009.
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Sorry Carol,
The toffees are in for a sticky time in this years cup final, there only one team in blue worth backing!! and its not your lot! just hope were gentle with the margin
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I think we can do a deal here - you guys can get knackered by winning the Chamions League (will be interesting to see how you deal with Messi tonight !) and we can have the FAC - fair shares all round eh ?
It's a blow to lose Jags though (and by the way your lot were lucky to get 0 - 0 the other night - if only Jo could stay on his feet !),
good luck against Barca !
_______________________ carol
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