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Hi Folks
Just checked my bank and noticed the electric company has taken their next direct debit for electricity use,so far I have been charged 25.02.09 - €72 and the latest charge for 04.05.09 - €99 was wondering if any of you guys have had your bills in and they are roughly the same as although we have had a few weeks rentals not sure if this is reasonable or expensive ?
Any feedback welcome.
Best Regards
Kev & Sandra Heslop
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Don't know how it compares to other resorts but it's comparable to what we are paying.
We don't rent out and have only stayed there for a few days at a time until easter. Our bills have been €17, €39 and €91. For the last bill the apartment was occupied for about 19 days.
Hope it helps
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Hi Kev & Sandra,
Just checked my bank account and a bill for 49.65 was taken out for March/April, we were over for 1 week in Feb and my brother was over for a week at Easter, the bill before that was for 64.70 which we were only over for a week after Christmas. The price seems to be on par with the prices in Dublin, so we were expecting these high prices! I think that people renting dont think of the cost of water and electricity so maybe you might have to revise your renting prices!
_______________________ Margaret
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hi all, just a thought ,but have your bills been estimated or have your meters been read
there has been alot in the spanish press/media over the last 6 mths about electric companies taking more from your bank accounts than they should due to estimated bills all the time , it happened to friends of ours in mojaccar, in the end they got it sorted by some spanish speaking friends only to find the bill estimated again following month, its a total nightmare especially if you are not there permanently to advise them of customer reading, my friends lived out here three years and said the average bill was 60-90 euros every 2 mths , hope this helps
just as a thought, if you intend to rent out have door switches fitted to your air-con, if door open air-con will not work, if the door is shut and they go out the temp will stabilise and then thermostats will kick in and cycle air-con,cheaper in long run, i would think this is something gary from polarair can fit, all the large hotels use them ,otherwise people will sit inside with windows/doors open and air-con running
_______________________ Alison
Looking forward to lazy days in Condado !!!
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Do you have any idea on what it may cost for such a device through the guy you suggested or any reputable air-con intsaller for that matter????
I do recall such systems in place in hotels I have used and agree it may be a saving in the long run if the electricity charges are going to be so expensive!!!
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No idea at the minute, I know it can be done though.
I will look into this and post on forum what i have come up with. If anyone speaks to Gary at Polarair they can ask him. I will speak to him when i am out there in two weeks time.
_______________________ Alison
Looking forward to lazy days in Condado !!!
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Hi all
Our meter was definately read as we have registered with Iberdrola for ebilling. The reading was only 1kw higher than the meter reading on the day we left after easter.
We have heard rumours that the cost of the electricity on Condado is a lot higher than that on the neighbouring resorts. Would anyone out there be able to compare electricity prices from the neighbouring resorts?
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Why is the cost of electricity higher at Condado than any of resorts - this wasn't in any of the sales patter when I signed up, was told costs would be considerably lower than in UK!!!
Julie. Here's to living the dream

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hi all , anyone who has a bill handy can you tell me what the standing charge is per month and what you pay per kw for electricity
I will compare with a bill i have for my mates appt in mojacar, i can say that at present his is used by family /friends only and his standing charge is more than what he is charged for usage , his standing charge is 11.65euro per month billed every 2 months
_______________________ Alison
Looking forward to lazy days in Condado !!!
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Hi Mark
Copy of our last bill if you can understand it
Contrato TLR42
M.F. 1
Potencia 5,75 kW
Tarifa ATR 2.0A
1. Término de potencia 5,75 kW x 2 meses x 179,4167 cent.€/kW mes 20,63
2. Término de energía 416 kWh x 13,0655 cent.€/kWh 54,35
3. Descuento kWh gratuitos en 2,07 meses -25,88 kWh x 13,0655 cent.€/kWh -3,38
4. Impto. sobre Electricidad 4,864% s/71,6 x 1,05113 3,66
5. Alquiler equipos de medida 2 meses x 84 cent.€/mes 1,68
6. IVA 16% s/76,94 12,31
1. Prima del seguro de pagos 2 meses x 91 cent.€/mes 1,82
(*) Importe a cobrar pero no incluido en el total facturación
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hi all , ok here are the figures for my mates place in mojacar in similar format to yours this bill is for 1 month dated dec/08, i dont think the prices have gone up since then , possibly down, his electric company is sevillana endessa
He is paying 9.44 euros + iva per month standing charge
10.68 cents + iva per kwh for elecric used, but he is in a different area appx 85km south of us
there is a difference though of 25% per kw which is quite considerable but who knows if this is just condado price or rest of costa calida and also are standing charge is more appx10% , we will need to see another bill from somebody local ie campsol or similar to see what they pay
here is his bill
1. Término de potencia 5,75 kW x 1meses x 1.643255 cent.€/kW mes 9,44
2. Término de energía 271kWh x 10.6888 cent.€/kWh 28.97
3. Descuento kWh gratuitos -12.5 kWh x 10,6888 cent.€/kWh -1,34
4. Impto. sobre Electricidad 4,864% s/37.07 x 1,05113 1,90
5. Alquiler equipos de medida 1 meses x 60 cent.€/mes 0,60
6. IVA 16% s/39,57 6,33
we do pay less per kw than i pay in uk but i have no standing charge plus my heating and cooking is gas so my electric would be less than i would use if in spain all the time
hope this helps
_______________________ Alison
Looking forward to lazy days in Condado !!!
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Looking at our past bills there seems to have been a rise in 2009 for Iberdrola.
The energy price for November and December was 11.4968 cent €/kwh. Since 2009 this has rose to 13.0655 cent €/kwh so last years rate is only a little bit higher then your bill. We have found out the all electric prices have rose this year due to Spain having to conform to green emission standards.
Thanks for giving us something to compare.
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You need to be careful using the bills for Dec/Jan as a comparison as this was the transition period for the changes in price.
My apartment is in Vera Playa which is very close to Mojacar but our electricity is supplied by Portillo.
The monthly standing charge of 9.44 euros is the same but the amount per Kwh is higher for my February bill at a rate of 0.122480.
The figure of 0.109684, I think, represents an average price at the lower & higher rates through the transition.
Therefore the 0.122480 is currently the correct price per Kwh.
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I appreciate that this thread is now quite old, but I'd like to throw a related issue into the arena (particularly for Michael Hardy). I moved permanently to Spain in December 2008 and received my first Iberdrola bill in February. I compared the standing and price per kwh charges with a neighbours bill and found his to be lower in both cases. When I looked more closely I discovered the following differences: his bill headed "Factura de Electricidad", my bill headed "Factura de Energia Verde (Electricidad)" (green energy), his bill with a tarifa of 2.0.3, mine with a tarifa of ATR2.0A (and Contrato of TLR42). Now I didn't ask for green energy, in fact my developer did the electricitry application (and claims also to not have asked for green energy). Should you be concerned - I think yes - simply because in the 4 months we remained on that 'tariff', we paid 140 euros more than we would have done if we'd be on 2.0.3. We've now moved to a different tariff altogether, but I'm still arguing with Iberdrola (who seem grossly incompetent - or is that just Spain in general!) about a refund for being on the wrong tariff.
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