Eye On Spain - virus alerts

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03 May 2009 12:00 AM by rockstarphotograph Star rating. 221 forum posts Send private message

rockstarphotograph´s avatar

After the site was down yesterday Saturday, was anyone else getting virus alerts from their anti-virus software for much of today ? 

Some people were still posting while I was being warned off using the site. Hopefully your  PCs haven't been compromised ....


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03 May 2009 6:57 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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I haven't had any problems, but I know others have.

I emailed Justin

Hi Justin,
I assume this is due to  your problems yesterday?



I think the site fist had problems yesterday and that the service provider is working to sort them out, Justin hopes that all should be well by tomorrow.



This message was last edited by ptan on 03/05/2009.




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03 May 2009 7:10 PM by payton Star rating in Doncaster, South Yor.... 331 forum posts Send private message

Hi Chris,

I couldn't access the site from Friday evening right through to Saturday when I kept getting a message saying "service unavailable".  Then later on Saturday, when I tried to access it through google, I got the message "this site may harm your computer".  This happened not long ago and Justin confirmed that their server had been hacked into.

I did eventually get on last night but have had loads of virus and trojan messages through my anit-virus protection software.  Have just had another one now about some dodgy program! 

Hope Justin can provide some information and reassurance!


Debbie and Paul   





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03 May 2009 7:45 PM by srule Star rating in The Midlands. 74 forum posts Send private message


I also had trouble getting on yesterday, also had the message regarding virus!

Logged on about an hour ago and got on first time but anti virus still picked something up.

Make sure anti virus up to date!!



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03 May 2009 8:26 PM by Carlisle Family Star rating in Cumbria - Jardine 4. 208 forum posts Send private message


I've been getting virus alerts also today


Graham, Michelle, Reece & Bethany Jardine 4      

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04 May 2009 11:48 AM by stonephil Star rating in Stone Staffordshire .... 399 forum posts Send private message

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Has anyone had a response from Justin regarding viruses ?


Still getting loads of virus alerts from site.



This message was last edited by stonephil on 04/05/2009.


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04 May 2009 12:19 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

Alison&Simon´s avatar

Hi All,

I'm also getting lots of different virus notices.  Not too keen on carrying on using site at the minute till I know Justin has sorted the problem.  My anti virus software seems to picking them up, but it only takes 1 to get through and that's my pc potentially gubbed.  Might wait a few days and try and log back in then.

bye for now.



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04 May 2009 1:20 PM by chrismg Star rating in North Wales and gard.... 292 forum posts Send private message

Hi all, we've just had a virus alert as well so like simon will stay off site for a few days.

Chris and Tracey

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