Hi All,
I think that this shows that it has already failed. Polaris stopped doing annual memberships about a year ago when they introduced the 25 year scheme. At that time they offered 'never to be repeated' discounts for a 'limited period only' to those taking them out. This causes an uprising in the established resorts, and I think both the Mar Minor and La Torre golf associations stopped playing at pw courses, mainy because the residents either couldn't afford a 25 year membership or didn't expect to live that long
So now, a year later, I guess that PW have seen the error of thier ways, and failing course takings, and have brought back a 'never to be repeated' and for a 'limited period only' annual membership scheme. If I were a resident and playing 5/7 rounds a weeks I'd think about it, but as for the next couple of years I'm limited to 6 weeks a year so for me it ain't worth it.
Maybe ( are you reading this PW? ) if the membership extended to residents and renters of thier property in the same way that the resident discount does I'd think about it? ( did you read that PW, sounds like a good idea doesn't it? )