Close Door on Customer Service

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19 May 2009 12:00 AM by The Corrs Star rating in Stoke Bruerne, North.... 9 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

I don't  want to put my problems onto you all but would like to know if anyone else has had problems with their front door.

Our door, once shut will not open again in the normal way, not everytime mind. I reported it last September 2008 when we completed and its item 1 on our snag list. Its now happened 4 or 5 times, once to guest we had staying, a few times to us and now to our cleaning agents. Our agents asked Customer Service for assistance but they were unhelpful and rude, about as much help as a bail of hay in a fire.  

I have now e-mailed them 4 or 5 times over the last few months demanding action but they seem reluctant to do anything.

Should I now see a solicitor or should I get it repaired myself and try to claim it back from Roda.

I now have to go over in June to sort it out as I have guest staying and don't want them locked out.

It seems whenever I call on Roda Customer Service for assistance I am fobbed off or even lied to just to get rid of me.


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19 May 2009 5:57 PM by BAXTER spain Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

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20 May 2009 2:23 PM by redchester Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

I don't know if this is the same issue, but some neighbours could not open their door, and after a locksmith came out the problem was due to the internal lever handles not being fully in the 'up' position when the door was closed. According to the locksmith it was a common problem.

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20 May 2009 5:02 PM by Arun Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

We had identical problem but with the bathroom door. And yes, we were fobbed off by the customer services 6 times.

In the end I took a couple of spoons of 3 in 1 oil from the UK in a small bottle. I put the drops on the key and opened/shut the lock several times whilst the door was held open. I also applied drops on the levers that come out when the lock is in close position and again I turn the key to lock/unlock about half dozen times. The bathroom door lock has behaved ever since (and no longer we have to see Angela or her boss!). This was a year ago. I am in phase 3A.

Hope this works for anyone with a sticky lock.


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20 May 2009 5:13 PM by The Corrs Star rating in Stoke Bruerne, North.... 9 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for your help.

It seems that the oil has done the trick and it was caused by the handle on the inside not returning to the horizontal.

Thats what customer service has told me and I am happy to leave it like that unless it happens again.

Just one other thing ... why does customer service have a spare key to our apartments?




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20 May 2009 7:48 PM by Arun Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jonathan,

We had ongoing very minor problems with things in the apartment so we deliberately did not ask for the keys back in order that the service and furniture people can do the remidial work. But as soon as the first year was ending they sent us an email asking us to collect the key. So unless you ask for the key back they will keep it for a year. Cheers.



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