Can anyone help

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The Comments
05 Jun 2009 12:00 AM by Nigel Wain Star rating in Llanelli. 3 forum posts Send private message

 We are due to complete on our phase 2 appt in the next month or so but we cant get any figures for the community charges, does anyone have an idea what they are ?   Also does anyone know who we should use to install the lights etc ? This is the first time we have bought in Spain so any help would be appreciated.  Thanks Nigel & Jacqui


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05 Jun 2009 9:34 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

sandrab´s avatar



I am one of the Phase 1 Apartment Presidents and the reason you can't get any information is because until the Phase 2 community is formed there will not be a budget set.  What I can tell you is that your community charges will be based on the co-efficient of your property which will be in the title deeds when you complete.  This co-efficient will be applied to the total costs of running your particular community as well as to your community's share of the General Resort budget.

Your furniture provider would normally put in the lights for you - but if you need more help just  pm me and I will be delighted to point you in the right direction of all sorts of help and assistance.

Best regards





Luxury holidays in Murcia spain at 



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