In Sept of 2008, whilst on holiday, and after watching San Cayetano from the first buildings going up, we arrived and fell in love with the Town, and immediately paid a deposit at the Torre Masa Hotel, Jaoaqin showed us around and we struck a deal with him at 2007 prices. He was fantastic and we do ot blame him for anything that has happened. We again met with Masa and laid our cards on the table letting them know of my retirement from the British Fire Service come May 2009, and my wife retiring early from her customer service manager job with TKMAXX. communications up to May 2009 were great, then it started to go quiet after we had submitted all the required paperwork asked for. we made arrangements to fly out for a Month on June 9th, to holiday in the area and hopefully complete on our phase 1 quad.. On June 4th due to the lack of communications I contacted Masa who enlightened me that there could be a small problem with the mortgage, I am not going to mention any names of Masa employees who were supposed to be acting on our behalf. The problem was that the gauranteed mortgage we were asured of getting was not gauranteed. And we were expected to find the shortfall of approx 35k. I was in hand of that money but it was our nestegg to last us until we were settled and myself my Wife and our our Daughter found work. At this point our UK home was sold. arrangements to have our belongings delivered were well in hand as were our flights booked and accomodation booked. after several agonising phone calls we were then given the sad news we could not get the mortgage, Gutted to say the least, in four days we were going to be homeless, as I was not going to risk bringing my family out to a Foriegn Country with my limiited language skills not knowing how the system works and the famiily included two young children. I chose to stay in the UK where my daughter stiill had her Council home albeit we had nowhere, and we could call on family friends and neighbours to assist us. On the Saturday Masa phoned and asked if I had CALMED DOWN, Calmed down , c,mon our UK home was gone, our villa was fast dissapearing due to the mortgage not being asured as we were told, and we had two days to find somewhere to live. My Wife and I are now sat on the tenth floor of a flat belonging to our Social Landlord here in Middlesbrough. A new name from Masa is now in touch, and he is not up to speed with what is going on and now aftter we have resigned ourselves to losing the dream as we have had to spend monies on purchasing items for our temp home, and even here have no jobs, we are spending the monnies for our dream to survive, Masa have now told us some 7 days later they can get us the mortgage, talk about kickiing a man and his famiily when he is down, and the stress chaos distress we have gone through, to the point where my Wife is under a doctor for depression / stress, I have had to purchase a car, my grandchildren have had to be re introduced to School as they were taken out, etc We find it insulting that Masa can do this to us. Do they really expect us to trust them now after all that has happened, The new fella is now stating that Masa told us we had the mortgage, Untrue, they could only assure us 35% of what we wanted in our last conversation. We are in fact shattered, all the work, the trust in such a supposed international company who should know better than to mess with peoples lives / homes / families is the last straw, I could never trust Masa again to live up to thier supposed reputation. Can I thank all those who have shown support, as we have contacted some in private, but we are to upset to think about the dream right now. We have lost money, our UK home, and our family is extremely distressed, therefore can I say good luck to others who still dream, but make sure your agents keep you up to speed with all problems no matter how small they may be, and dont leave things to the last minute like Masa did with us.The man I really feel for is the builder who trusted us as we did him only to be let down badly in my opinion by Masa. Adios y gracias