any pictures from phase 4 apartments

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29 Jul 2009 12:00 AM by ace Star rating. 310 forum posts Send private message

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Can anyone post a few pictures, its grand for all ye sitting down in roda taking it for granted. what about all of us who have to sit at home in ireland running to get to car to avoid getting wet from pissin rain..


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29 Jul 2009 11:23 PM by Ann Mc Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

Hi Ace,

If you do a search on Roda Golf you will see a site with independent info on Roda golf. There are quite a lot of photos of phase 4.

We were out there for 4 weeks in June/July and the work rate was incredible. Looks like there is a phase 4a and 4b (but I could be wrong) One section just has foundations which I assume is 4b but the rest was flying up. We're on phase 3B and didn't know there was a B until 3A was nearly finished.

Like you we are sick of the rain here in Ireland is it ever going to stop! It's rained every day except one since we got home 2 weeks ago, thankfully we are going back out in 2 weeks. Will update you with progress.



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29 Aug 2009 6:51 PM by SheilaB Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message


We were in Roda at the end of June and were impressed by the building works on Phase 4a BUT we are buyers on phase 4b, and at that time nothing had been started although we were told that completion would be July 2010. Has anyone been out there recently and if so how recently and had any work started at all on 4b.

Many thanks

Sheila B

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11 Sep 2009 1:38 PM by erinjake1 Star rating. 61 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone on phase 4,

We were out until 2nd September, yes phase 4a is coming on well, we have signed on block 11 and there are 2 blocks behind us but the area of phase 4 b we are told will not be constructed until all the units are sold as I believe some blocks of brisas are still not fully sold there. I think 4a will be finished on time for next July.

It is also quite a walk from the clubhouse, it took us a good 25 mins walking at a good pace. The phase 5 waste ground doesn't look very nice along the way!

Clubhouse is amazing and good food, coffees etc, beach club is a great asset to have and we ate in the restaurant which although expensive was worth it.They even cooked pasta for my 7 year old cos there was no kids menu. Watch out though they charge for the bread that they put beside you and also the water they pour in your glasses at 5 euros a bottle! a bit sneaky!

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14 Sep 2009 11:09 AM by SheilaB Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message


Many thanks for the update, although not what I wanted to hear regarding Phase 4b. Do you know who it was that told you building would not start until all the units were sold, did you go to the sales office and it was someone in there who you spoke to. When we were there in June they sounded positive re phase 4b, but as they are sales people they obviously only tell what they think you want to hear!


Sheila B

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14 Sep 2009 1:45 PM by erinjake1 Star rating. 61 forum posts Send private message

Hi Sheila,

What block have you purchased on?

Another owner we spoke to said that he had been offered to transfer to a key ready apartment. He said he was told that they did not want to half build a phase as this was not professional, some of the brisas I believe are unsold on the waste ground which is closest to phase 5. What I call 4a is being built now and is 3 stories up and the builders were starting to fill in the walls, this should be ready for July 2010 but there is no building work starting on the other half, they have just dug the holes and fenced it off.

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14 Sep 2009 3:35 PM by SheilaB Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message


Thanks for your reply. Our block is 12 but it is not a Brisas it is a Cantil, which are apparantly new for that phase.

The letter we received from Roda in January of this year states 'the date set for handover of the property is 18 months following receipt of the licence  (which is dated January 09). Therefore the latest date on which your property may be handed over to you is July 2010.  Obviously we dont know how 'legal' the letter is.

We are not planning to go out again until the New Year but I think we need matters clarifying well before then.



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15 Sep 2009 12:07 PM by erinjake1 Star rating. 61 forum posts Send private message


I have looked at the phase 4 plan and your block is definately being built now they are currently filling in the external walls with bricks and Customer service state that this part of phase 4 will be ready by July next year. The brisas I refer to are on the side closest to phase 5 which they have not started on yet, this is fenced off. Ours is also a cantil and I think the best layout of apartment on the resort. Did you sign up for their loyalty offer in January?

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15 Sep 2009 5:47 PM by lappie Star rating. 66 forum posts Send private message

Hi Everyone

So - Has phase 4b got it's build licence or not because there is no way that part of phase 4 will be built in 18 months?  It is hard to find out.

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16 Sep 2009 11:28 AM by erinjake1 Star rating. 61 forum posts Send private message

I don't know, it was never determined which blocks were in which phase, I thought blocks 1-10 were granted the licence first but that both a and b were due for completion around July 2010. Which block are you on?

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16 Sep 2009 4:13 PM by lappie Star rating. 66 forum posts Send private message

16 Sep 2009 6:34 PM by erinzak Star rating in dublin. 99 forum posts Send private message

block 8 is were they have stopped building at the moment anything after that is still just a whole in the ground


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16 Sep 2009 7:54 PM by SheilaB Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

Up to block 8 is phase 4a where they are building at the moment, anything after that is phase 4b. When we were out there at the end of June, Vanessa in the sales office told us that 4a were ahead of schedule and would be handed over in March/April. We are in 4b and have to say after all we were told we are more than disappointed to hear that nothing has been started on 4b. We were sent a letter in January of this year stating that the Building Licence had been granted for our apartment which is block 12 and they also included a copy of the licences which were also dated January 2009 and the letter states that 'the property would be handed over eighteen months following receipt of the licence, therefore the latest date on which the property may be handed over is July 2010.' But I have to say now being half way through September that is looking very doubtful. We also signed up for the 'free' four weeks rental and the Client Card.

If anyone is going out there in the near future perhaps they could call in at the office and see if they can get any sense out of them.

Sheila B

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16 Sep 2009 10:04 PM by Scottebabe Star rating. 99 forum posts Send private message

I don't want to dampen anyone's spirits anymore than they already are.......we are on phase 3b which was originally due for completion July 07.  We visited at this time and the apartments were further on than the phase 4 ones are now - our eventual completion was October 2008.  The completion date I'm sure was longer than 18 months after the licence was granted and this did not seem to have any bearing on anything.

Don't take that negatively - Roda is fab and we did not have any concerns over the quality of the product or whether we actually would ever get it completed (unlike so many other developments)  Just don't be disappointed if hand over isn't quite July 10 - it's worth the wait!

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17 Sep 2009 11:14 AM by ace Star rating. 310 forum posts Send private message

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i dont have any pictures of roda but here a few from La torre (polaris resort)


I'd say they need to look at putting in a few emergency pumps. Not good for the owners there.Hope it gets sorted quickly for them




This message was last edited by ace on 17/09/2009.

This message was last edited by ace on 17/09/2009.

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17 Sep 2009 11:49 AM by erinjake1 Star rating. 61 forum posts Send private message

Hi Sheila and other phase 4 owners,

When we were out in August we had a close look at the construction and were sure that block 11 and 12 were included in the current building works, I even confirmed this with customer service as we are on block 11. As you say if they are only building block 1-8 then the rest won't be finished on time and therefore we can get our deposit back! Both phases have been granted a licence as far as I know.

I am going to ask some important questions!

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18 Sep 2009 4:42 PM by SheilaB Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message


I would love to think that both your block (11) and ours (12) were under construction but I know when we left at the end of June there was absolutely nothing started on either of these. If you are getting in touch with the sales team in the near future would love to hear what they have to say.

Sheila B

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20 Sep 2009 12:25 AM by muscos Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message


Just got back from 2 weeks holiday at Roda and can confirm that only Blocks 1 to 8 are under construction (we are in Block 3).

There are no signs of build beyond this point that present.



This message was last edited by muscos on 20/09/2009.

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02 Oct 2009 8:43 PM by ace Star rating. 310 forum posts Send private message

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Has anyone got a few pictures of the state of play in phase 4 that they can load up?



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02 Oct 2009 8:56 PM by muscos Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message

Hi Ace,

Yes I have some taken during our holiday in first two weeks in September. I will Pm them to you.



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