Hi All
regarding the build quality, i visited the site about 12 months ago and took along my binoculas due to not being allowed on site, my proffesion is a building control officer so i am looking at buildings every day of the year, i was not impressed with what i could see, the terracotta infill blocks were laid without much bonding ( straight joints) also lots of rough and damaged blocks, the appartment we are buying had the barbacue chimmney knocked down by the adjacent overhead crane, from what i looked at a multitude of rough workmanship is covered by the spanish type render, in defence i think that most builds are done in this manner.
I would not worry about minor snagging defect but would ask and check out the foul drainage systems and where they dispose, i have stayed at many resorts in spain and many have issues regarding foul drainage and smells.
also check storm drainage, i know it dosent rain in spain like the uk, but when it does ensure you are not going to be flooded out by apartments above by the lack of outlets etc.
I recently stayed at roda and was not impressed with some of the build quality, wasted space which could easily have been utilised, staining of the walls by the timber pegodas, large cracks to the walls adjacent to the main steps to the front entrance doors, uneven slabs around the pool areas, even the main block areas leading to the clubhous are showing signs of settlement, base not compacted properly when laid.
I do not know if the spanish have the eqivilent as the uk in regards to building control, are statutary inspections made and logged, are the drains checked and tested when laid ?, is the habitation licence the same as our completion certificate.
in the uk the following certificates are required for a new build, before building control can issue a completion certificate.
part p electric certificate,commisioning certificate for boiler, sound test certificate, co2 air leakage report, der and ter emission rate to show comliance with part L heat loss, are any of these required in spain, we are both part of the eu and the targets set.
there is so much more to a building other than snagging and minor defects