Hi Ali, Hope you're being good 
I know Terry and Jill will tell us, but it doesn't seem fair to keep nagging them for info about ours. Just want to be kept informed and up to date about what's going on. For instance, although I haven't had another look on here yet, Terry is the only president so far that has gone onto their forum and explained about the meeting that took place with security on Monday and the outcome. That should be posted all over the forums, it's a good step in the right direction, especially after all the negativity about "Vandalism".
I don't want to have to keep posting stupid questions on here or on other forums. I just want to stay updated, without having to broadcast it all over the internet.
Anyway rant over, Speak soon
June x
Apologies to anyone that has posted since I looked this morning, and many thanks to Mick, Sonatigh for PM