As to carmens mail it really shows how out of hand things have been allowed to become. I am not a lawyer so the best thing you have done is to put this case in the hands of the lawyer although it can be said that the creditors list at this time, is for those that are owed money from the Grupo Trampolin account and not the solera account, as I see it you may be the Solera account but check you contract just in case by luck it says the trampolin and a trampolin account. However some are advising that the solera account may not be far behind going the same way as Trampolin as the 2 seem to be closely linked.
As to Juiliet, as I have been trying to scratch for more information, it seems that as mentioned that as solera is a different account (solera being the account for Royal dream and seperate to the trampolin account) that the administration have not yet organised a list of creditors yet, however, it is closely linked to Trampolin and so again may not be long in having a creditors list organised by the administration, so this is why at the moment it is best to keep eyes wide open in order to be prepared.
As for taking legal action, yes you would normally wait till your contract has expired. However if the solera account of the company goes bust then I would imagine that time would be of the esssence and legal advice rapidly needed and to get on the creditors list once organised.
Normally a buyer would turn to their lawyer to denounce a company once their contract has expired as this would help with any crimanal proceedings against the company. However,if there is a list of creditors for example for solera then the question is if it would still be necessary to denounce the company or if the buyer could just put his name on this list of creditors and not have to denounce.This question, I am also trying to have confirmed myself so if anyone has info on this it would be appreciated .
As for the action group, yes they do also cover Royal dream and once giving them your details then you woud be a member. But if you decide to take legal action through them then they would charge around 350 euros or so which is quite cheap due to the numbers in the group although, not being an organiser of the group myself you again would need to contact them directly. They do communicate in Spanish but Isome translations can be done via google translate etc. Its just that they are the only group that seem to be making themselves heard.