I'm also around 10k down (owed this money by Huma) plus the legal cost after much legal rangling and got absolutely no where. As I've said before how can any company get away with it even after court hearings and decisions against them !!
Lawyers and solicitors never loose in these cases and after quoting you one fee to take on the case to obtain your money suddenly require lots more funding to persue the case .............Strange that......... It's like me paying for shopping at a supermarket then on the way out asked to pay a little more the goods !!
Regarding the land and building: I believe there are ''laws'' that say any debts are passed on to new owners. So, whoever buys ACC will forsure get hammered with the outstanding debts Huma leave / pass on and people like us claiming against them. So does that make the land worthless if you added up all the money owed by Huma from it ?