Having carried out inspections on numerous Polaris sites over the last 6 years I know how difficult they can be to deal with and to get to actually carry out the repairs professionally, and in a reasonable timescale
For this reason I actually at one time stopped offering services on Polaris sites but have recently started inspections on MMR2 and have found fairly responsive
It would be more helpfull if you were, a bit more specific abount the issues you had and to give Snagit Murcia the opportunity to respond, was it that defects were missed or that the repairs were not correctly re-checked and monitored or perhaps just that Poliaris didn´t fix anything
If the developer fails to repair defects within the agreed 30 days there are ways, using the offuces of OMIC snd the complaints form systen to apply pressure and if amybody would like a copy of a Q&A document that explains your rights relating to snagging please PM or mail me
There are still benefits to using a snagging company as they should be able to manage the process for you and typically 6-8 visits will be required to a property before the snagging is done and this should include testing of the utilitiies, sockets wiring, AC, boiler any furniture fit
To see references on our servvuces take a look at the Corvera thread on this forum