The Comments |
Hi is anyone going to the meeting today for our community ( Apart from Jim ) ????
I guess there will not be many as the letters did not go out until 2 weeks before so getting flights and work commitments are always a problem for people
I am going to stand as Vice President and am hoping help sort out the problem of debters on our phase, hopefully we can set up a website so we can all be kept upto date with whats going on.
Holiday Rentals Roda Golf
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Hi all Phase 2. ,,,,,,,,I happen to be going to Roda . And I went to Meeting, was sad to see only 20 people truning up, yes meeting was short notice. ..
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im not surprised by the low numbers at these meetings.
they always seem to be short notice - i did not even get notice at all - and dont even know the purpose of the meeting.
were the letters sent to roda mail boxes or home in uk?
could someone please post outcome/purpose of the meeting?
_______________________ OUR APARTMENT 
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Formal minutes will be issued by Marisol hoeever feedback from the AGM for the phase 2 townhouses from my own notes is as follows:
Attendees: Marisol Morenilla, Nadesh (on behalf of Calidona), Hedley Bowen, wife Carol plus Jim Young (owners). Not enough for a quorum at 10am so meeting delayed till 10.30am. Apologies from Heather Lingwood and Adrian Smith.
2009 minutes approved.
Financial statement for 2009 approved after clarification of the following:
Cost of water and electricity versus budget. Now clarified.
Insurance Co. No significant issue with actual v budget, however company is proving continually difficult to deal with and claims being challenged or refused in almost all cases (e.g. damage to pool in town houses next to us last year during floods, which eventually had to be paid from Miscellaneous Expenses). We agreed that Marisol should change to other insurers used by neighbouring communities.
Fire Extinguishers: Delay in sending 2009 invoice to Marisol (which she received after the accounting period end).
Extraordinary expenses:Largely due to flood damage and other items not met by insurer. I have asked Marisol for a breakdown.
Jim Young ( and Heather Lingwood were duly elected as President and Vice President for the year.
Hedley Bowen was elected Auditor for the year.
The budget for 2010 was approved after discussion about the following items:
Electricity: Budget reduced slightly from 2009.
Gardening and Maintenance: Figure now incorporates Garage and Communal Areas Cleaning Budget as all will be done by the one company i.e. the current gardening contractor. Gardening cost continues to account for 19k€ which seems a lot for 31 properties. This appears to be in line with other communities however and is agred in the absence of a better option. We can give the gardening company 14 days notice if a better alternative can be found. Total budget reduced by c.2k€ from 2009 actual.
Administration (i.e. Marisol's Fee): Reduced by c.15% from 2009
9. Power of Attorney was granted to Marisol to pursue debtors. The debtors position was discussed at length. Debtors owe a total of c.31k€. This includes just 6 owners now owing 12k€ from 2008 (was 19k€ at end 2008) and 19k€ from 2009. The action to pursue debtors has been limited to legal correspondence to date (with some success) as court proceedings would have been slow and costly with limited hope of recovery since only Spanish assets can be used to pay debts. A change in the law in May 2010 will mean that any assets in the EU can be used to pay debt so legal actions will begin after that point if no progress is made with these 6 owners.
NB. On a separate note Marisol explained that our community is currently obliged by law to collect fees for the Entidad (which means we will be liable for non-payers too). This law is also about to change so if and when it does the Entidad will bill owners directly and our liability as a community for non-payers will end.It was agreed to use 10k€ of our cash reserve (i.e. about half) to reduce community fees for the second half of 2010.
10. Other Business:
Heather Lingwood's points sent by e-mail:
1. The accrued Entidad money is in our balance sheet under 'Reserves' and is not being used for the benefit of debtors.
2. The gardening fees were high last year in spite of poor/no service because of the changes from one company to another. The fees for this year are explained above.
3. 'Checking of Fire extinguishers' should say more accurately say 'Checking of fire safety equipment'. The inspections are a statutory obligation and include checking of hoses, sprinklers and extinguishers.
4. Heather offered to do a website at less than the cost offered to Marisol. The website needs to have quite a bit of functionality (e.g. various sections including president's newsletter, owners forum, password protection and critically it needs to be in Spanish as well as in English which must be done by the website manager). I have written to Heather to ask if she is she confident you can do all this for her quote. If not then the 600€ per annum fee Marisol has negotiated with the designer of the Entidad site sounds like good value. When Heather responds I will advise Marisol so the website can be set up.
Marisol asked if Heather, Hedley and Jim could keep her advised of dates we plan to be at Roda so that she can arrange regular meetings on site with the gardening and maintenance company to inspect work done etc.
2011 AGM. It was agreed that none present could commit to a date for next year now i.e. so far in advance. Marisol advised we could wait till the start of 2011 and ask for a date any time between March and June.
Meeting ended.
I hope this is helpful. If anyone has any specific questions or points which they would like me to take up with Housing Communidades please feel free to e-mail me at
This message was last edited by jdy on 28/03/2010. This message was last edited by jdy on 28/03/2010.
hombre con falda
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Hi Jdy, We are phase 2 owners and would like to thank you for your posted information regarding the recent community meeting. I would just like to indicate that we also as yet have never received any indication that a meeting was to take place therefore are not surprised by the low attendance. We may not always be available to attend all meetings through work commitment etc...but how can one ever try to arrange such a trip if we do not know anything about forthcoming meetings. It would be a great idea for someone to take charge of informing all phase 2 owners of any future meetings so that anyone who can manage would hopefully do so. Surely an e-mail to those concerned would not be that difficult in this day and age. We also think the Phase 2 website sounds a great idea. Keep up the good work.
Cheers June and Stewart (Block 37)
_______________________ A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.
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Hi Locins
Phase 2 is split into more than one community for some reason. The part Heather and I represent is the town houses which is only 31 properties. Is this where you are? If not your meeting may be yet to take place.
hombre con falda
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Just to confirm that the Phase 2 Apartments AGM was held last Saturday 20th March, although I haven't heard much about what the outcome was as yet. I thought every owner should have received a copy of the agenda for the meeting, we received ours a few weeks ago, together with a copy of the list of debtors, a Proxy Form and our invoices for community fees and entidad fees. The date for this year's AGM was agreed at the 2009 AGM and included in the minutes sent out a few weeks later. If you aren't receiving these notifications I would contact the Administrator to make sure you are on the address list as it seems communication is still a problem.
Hope that helps
This message was last edited by janejohn on 31/03/2010.
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Hi All
Just to let you know that I post under the name Hevs but I am actually Heather Lingwood now elected Vice President along with Jim the President on phase II
I would formally like to thank Jim for his time and effort and attending the meeting on behalf of our phase II Adosados P5
With any luck we can now progress and get some of the debters to pay up and get the website up and running so people can access the information.
This message was last edited by hevs on 01/04/2010.
Holiday Rentals Roda Golf
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hi heather.
well done for taking the position.
there seems to be so many different groups and meetings taking place these days that its getting a bit confusing who is running what.
can you clarify if you are vp for whole of phase 2 comunity?
and also it would be a good idea to posty an email address for anyone with phase 2 issues to contact as since roda has turned over the running of phase 2 it can be difficult to know who to contact when any issues arrise.
it would be good if someone with knowledge could lay down simply who is in charge of what.
im sure i speak for not only myself here?
_______________________ OUR APARTMENT 
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Hello Arky
I am the Vice President of P5 Adosados Fase II (approx 31 properties) not the whole of phase II So dont really want to put my e-mail up and be sent 100's of e-mails from the whole of phase II that I would not be able to answer, I am very new to this and only have limitted infomation at the moment but if we get a website up and running for our community I will e-mail them the new website details.
Holiday Rentals Roda Golf
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i see.
i am in block 35, and i dont really know who is running things for us.
as i said there seems to be s many groups with different duties and it can be confusing who to contact with any issues.
_______________________ OUR APARTMENT 
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Hi Arky
Do you not get sent dates of the meetings held for your community ect?
If not you can contact a lady called Frankie I am sure she would not mind me putting the contact on for the the Housing Community on it is 00 34 902 107 361 she will be able to tell you who your president is for your particular community.
Hope this will help you
This message was last edited by hevs on 01/04/2010. This message was last edited by hevs on 01/04/2010.
Holiday Rentals Roda Golf
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no we seem to hear about meetings on here and they always tend to be last minuite.
is frankie in charge of housing for all residents in phase 2?
or is she woring on behalf of roda?
_______________________ OUR APARTMENT 
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I usually talk to Frankie cos her english is perfect ( or maybe she is english not sure )
She works at the housing comunity and deals with all clients from different complex as well as roda, she has always been very helpful.
The main person is Marisol but she it is very difficult to get to talk to her so best relay through Frankie.
I am of course prosuming that your community uses the same agent as ours :) I have not got the address on me as it is in the office and I am now home.
Holiday Rentals Roda Golf
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Hi arky,
I agree it is confusing! As I said earlier, we should all get notifications by post, we got our Agenda for the Phase 2 apartments AGM a few weeks ago - didn't you get one? This should also include a list of useful email addresses, including our President and VP and of course Marisol etc. If you aren't receiving these, no wonder you're in the dark. Would you like me to send you a copy of the info I have?
I also would be in favour of a dedicated website of some sorts. A couple of us did try to get this off the ground last year, but it hasn't really taken off because of lack of support. The idea was that it would help with communication between the various parties, something that seems to still be necessary.
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Hi All
Apologies for not responding to my last post especially Jim but we have been away from home for a number of days. It seems we are just totally confused with phase ll and how it is seperated and who is in charge of our apartment block. We did receive a short notice of the agenda for the proposed community meeting but once again slightly confused as to what meetings were being referred to on this earlier thread. Can anyone give us details of who our President and Vice President is for block 37 and who best to contact with queries. Is Marasol/Frankie in charge of the whole of phase ll or just certain sections ? Sorry for being such a dippy but thanks all anyway......
_______________________ A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.
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Marisol and Frankie are your contact for any phase on Roda they will be able to tell you who your smaller community president and vice president are, each phase is split up.
Adosados P5 phase II is only for around 31 properties all of which are townhouses on phase II nearest to the villas, please contact frankie to advice which yours community it should be on the minuites and invoices you receive for your community fees.
Holiday Rentals Roda Golf
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Hi Locins
As Hevs has said Phase 2 is divided up into a number of communities from the smaller townhouse groupimgs to all three areas of apartments known officially as Apartmentos P12 Fase 11 whose AGM was held on 20th March, hopefully you received both an agenda and budget from the Administrator (Housing Communidades) as well as invoices covering both the community fees and Entidad fees.
Apartmentos P12 comprises 288 apartments from bock 35 to block 60 covering three pool areas and surrounding gardens, fees payable cover gardening,lift maintenance, communal area and garage cleaning, communal utilities as well as admin fees etc.
Entidad fees cover, security, road cleaning, rubbish collection as well as utilities and other services that are not part of an individual community.
AGM minutes should be sent out once translated into both languages as soon as possible, Benjamin Escolar was elected President and Jill Sylvester and yours truly were proposed and elected as Vice Presidents for this year, probably because no one else volunteered for the job.
If there is anything you would like to know or suggest re our community please free to contact me initially on or pm
It is never easy ensuring all owners needs and requirements are rtaken into consideration especially when only about 20 can make the AGM, which is still our only opportunity to discuss issues affecting us.
Hopefully this will change with the introduction of a dedicated website but in the meantime I am happy to listen to thoughts of all owners as are the President and Jill and hopefully working as a team we can help to improve things at Roda for all our benefits.
Best wishes
Chris P
PS any owner in blocks 35 to 60 is welcome to contact me for further information
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