Delays to the build

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27 Mar 2010 12:00 AM by happysurfer Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

All seems to have gone very quiet on here recently !

Anyway I discovered fthe following artcile below recently and was wondering if anyone has heard anything about this and if it is anything of major concern etc ? It infers these issues have caused delays to the build but I was led to believe that delays were the choice of the Med Group as a result of current ecocomic woes.

Incidentally has anyone been down there recently to see if any progression and what the plan is for continuing the build out of the development ?



Irregularities claimed at Playa Macenas
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By h.b. - Mar 13, 2010 - 10:01 AM
A report from the Cámera de Cuentas has found irregularities

The Andalucian Chamber of Accounts has noted irregularities at the Playa Macenas in Mojácar where 1,395 homes, a hotel and a golf course are planned to be built.

Ecologists have described the project as the new Algarrobico.
El País reports that the Cámera de Cuentas has issued a report which says that the sale of the municipal land involved in 2007 by the then Socialist Mayor, Gabriel Flores, was irregular.

The plot, valued at 6.9 million €, was over 25% of the total resources of the Mojácar Town Hall, meaning that such a sale needed authorization from the Junta de Andalucía.

However to get round this requirement the report claims that the Ayuntamiento split the land into two at auction. It also notes that of the seven companies who bid, four, including the winner, were linked to each other. Now the project and payments are on hold as one of the companies at the auction has presented a complaint to the Andalucia High Court of Justice.


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27 Mar 2010 7:13 PM by chico Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Are you attending the AGM this coming wednesday as that may be the best place to ask some questions?

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12 May 2010 6:04 PM by chico Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

We have just returned from a weekend there and no further building has taken place apart from a privately constructed villa at the 18th tee being worked on.There has,however, been considerable landscaping carried out between Los Patios and the coastal  road. Repairs are continuing slowly to the properties damaged by the flooding.The AGM was very vociferous with a lot of Spaniards raising many complaints so at least the developers are fully aware of the dissatisfaction among many owners.

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13 May 2010 9:18 PM by be Star rating. 15 forum posts Send private message

  Hello, I've been doing some research about Happy surfer post and this is a problem of a land outside our resort  (including the hotel and Los Altos,) 

This problematic sale was at the end of 2.006 and our place was started long before. Not just our resort is playa macenas but all the land around  that beach it's also named that way. Unfortunately the construction of the hotel and the Altos is going to take a while but only due to the crisis.

I remember when i bought the property in 2006  medgroup commented that in a future somme land around our resort towards the montains and to the south was going to be also built in a similar project so maybe is part of that. Anyway is good to be aware about any news related. 

By the way i'm very happy with the decision of the security improvement, now we need to follow up close the humidity problems :-( 



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24 May 2010 11:19 AM by Nigel99 Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

Hi All,

I am in the process of purchasing a property in the Los Patios part of Playa Macenas. I would be grateful if you could let me know  how many weeks rental i should be looking to achieve for my apartment.

Thanks Nigel.

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