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Can anyone offer any advice or someone to contact ref: my electricity supply or lack of it.
Or key holder has informed us that the meter has been removed, however I have never recieved any information or bills for our electricity and just assumed we were still on the builders supply.
Am over next week so really need to get sorted.
Thanks All.
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Hi Sorry to hear about your problem.
You need to contact Iberdrola their numbers are on their website at
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but if you don't speak spanish I think you will struggle.
If PW gave your details to Iberdola on completion and they could not take the connection fee for what ever reason or the DD payments for usage then they just remove the meter. We were told it then takes up to 6 weeks to reconnect.
You could try the new administrators to see if they can help.
_______________________ Phil
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You should of received a contract in your mailbox last Sep time, and had the connection fee taken.
If not then they will have cancelled your contract, so you will have to set up another one
Call Iberdrola on +(34) 901202020, at the first menu selct 1 ( electricity ), then 1 at the next ( new contracts )
when you get an answer, ask for an english speaker, then have two in that department who speak excellent english.
Explain what has happedn and ask for a new contract to be emailed to you and the meter re fitted.
The best time to call is around 10:30
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Thanks All.
Have not even picked up the keys to mailbox yet as I have not been out, will see if our key holder can sort that one for us.
Cheers, hope I can get it back on in time or I might be looking for rental.
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Getting a new contract is the first step the second is waiting we have recently had two owners in our Garden who waited some time 1 took a week, the other 10 days (After paying dues and signing new contracts) unlike Urbaser the water company the Iberdrola do not rush.
You may need a friendly neighbour with an extension lead?
Sorry to inform you but this is how they work i'm afraid.
I got too old soon, and too late smart !
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I had the same carry on last year, although it was Bancaja's fault who, for some reason, decided 'that the amount charged by Iberdrola was wrong'!!!! How they knew that is beyond me but it took around 5 weeks to sort out and I had to do a new contract etc. A right royal pain. However, if you email (underscore after solicitudes I think) you may get some sense. Also a lady named Marie Sol (on extension 40612) was most helpful. Some of the rest just hang up if you can't speak Spanish. I made 27 phone calls in all to them and spent a small fortune on mobile calls as it happened on the last day of my hols there. They just turned up and took the meter away without even knocking on my door. Good luck though. Arlene
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Hi, me again.
Still strugggling wIth Iberdola and not getting much sense. They keep asking for my building certificate number in order to go any further, can any one enlighten me as to where I might find it.
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Hi Mark,
Your building certificate number should have been in your documents your received after completion from your solicitors.
If you haven't got those documents, ours took over 6 months to come through, then I think the Administrators may possibly have a copy as the apartment had to be "signed off" before you could complete at the notary.
_______________________ Phil
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All houses were issued with a bunch of certificates for Water Installation, Electric installation, Air Conditioning Pre Install etc I think its the Electrioc one you need, Also issued with this certification is the Habitation Certificate.
I know all these were held by Polaris in the old Sales office and were handed to owners as and when they went to the office.
If you have not got these then i dont know how you will get them? or where they will be? Possibly Polaris at Balsicas?
I got too old soon, and too late smart !
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