The Cabbage Patch / Golf Course.

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Condado de Alhama forum threads
The Comments
13 May 2010 12:00 AM by mozba Star rating in Bridgend @ Jardin 4,.... 24 forum posts Send private message

Hi all.

Last played on Condado in february (72 holesin total) and although I was extremely impressed with the course construction / standard and layout etc. the presentation of the course left a lot be be desired, it had more giant weeds and unfinished areas than you would care to imagine for a Jack Nicklaus Signature Course.

At the time I was happy to look past all that, I thought it's ok they will tidy all that up by my next visit and it will all be looking pucker, Jack / Polaris won't settle for it looking the way it does, it was after all supposed to be a signature course, the flagship resort.

Well silly me, have had a report from my friend who is in the apartment now and has been playing the course and he said it was worse than it was 4 months ago the weeds are just bigger and no clearing or refinement of the course has been made what so ever, the rough was up to your knees 5 yards off the fairway which made it even less enjoyable, can't wait then to play it myself in a few weeks time.

I for one am extremely dissapointed and getting concerned, it appears that Olagolf are only managing the golf course on behalf of the banks who own the course and how much money are they realistically going to plough into the golf course to get it to the standard it deserves to be in?.  If any one has any positive news on this I would love to hear it.

Time will tell, but i'm not holding my breath, polaris sold us all out on this one i'm afraid and i'm concerned for the future as it's the only asset the resort has to get people to go and visit the place, the flag is at half mast for me and the ship has definately sunk,  Flagship my a**e.


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13 May 2010 5:59 PM by Alhama Gardener Star rating in Preston and Jardines.... 119 forum posts Send private message


I played the course last week, and would make the comment that the grass is staggered from fairway, semi-rough, rough to long grass...I took this to be part of the set up much as other top quality championship quality courses I have played on.  you go wide, you get punished and I liked that!

the unfinished areas are not great.  I saw a lot of trees being moved around the outskirts of the site on Monday and Tuesday this week and thought they maybe being brought in to fill the gaps...

I think we need to give Ola golf a chance, because clearly it is mid handover from Polaris - PW stock removed from shop on Friday and PW stickers being taken off the shop doors and buggies on Tuesday.



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13 May 2010 6:07 PM by jeb321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

jeb321´s avatar

OLA Golf closed the course for three straight days a week or so ago. I was p***** about that because I wanted to play but on the otherhand it was a good sign (I thought) as it was straight after they took over and on reflection felt this is good, these guys are really goingn to bring the course up to scratch - would be interested to hear a bit more from those there now to see if that's the case


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13 May 2010 6:25 PM by Faulky444 Star rating in Rossendale, Lancashi.... 399 forum posts Send private message

Hi there, out there right now currently over looking the 12th tee (I think) as I type this. Had a walk round the course yesterday and it looks great - very green. I do not play golf much but the fairways and the greens have been worked on a lot and apparently that´s why the fees have been reduced recently whilst they get them back up to scratch.

The semi rough is quite long - much longer than previously but the desert like areas are still much the same and need work in my view to really finish the course off. Around the edges of the course the long rough grass is starting to take hold. On the one hand it makes the place look more realistic but on the other hand it still looks a bit rough in places and not at all 5*. The lakes are all full at the moment and attracting lots of stray balls!

Of course the one thing the place really needs is the club house.

I think Olagolf are trying to get the course up to the standard required for bigger tournaments to take place which is what is needed to attract further investment..

Jon Faulkner Penthouse Block 11.

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