I have not a clue about what JA is going on about

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Residencial Santa Ana del Monte forum threads
The Comments
21 May 2010 12:00 AM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Hi All,

I have not a clue about this new rubbish that JA is going on about or the need for the continual personal attacks.

Therefore, I will explain why I have behaved the way I have:

In 2001 I had a serious motorcycle accident , that resulted in the loss of the use of my right hand and problems with my right hip. I also developed a condition known as RSD, which is very painfull & as a result I was medically retired and lost my job. I spent a few years doing all I could to prevent my house being repossesed , I had legal action taking place for my injuries and I had gone from have a very comfortable income to only 20% of what it had been. This was very stresful & the anger at the car driver and the demands of the legal action took over my life. This was not a good time but during this I actively tried to regain the use of my hand and eventually after 3 operations, physio and  will power I managed to get my hand to function  enough to return to work in 2007.

I learnt from this how stressful sudden changes are, how alone one can feel when dealing with what appears to be a problem with no solution and how important it is to help one and other. This was my epithany.

When HdT went into administration, I realised that there would be lots of isolated people, scared and worried about what was happening and what was going on. It was and still is what has motivated me, as I truly believe that it is only by working together that we can save ourselves & at no time have I sought any personal advantange. The crass and selfish remarks by a JA and few others do not warrant consideration for they behave like bottom feeders and should be pitied for their continued base actions 

I do not know what rubbish or smear JA posted but I think that I should also point out that I am an elected representative of a NHS Professional Body,  I sit on several national NHS committees and I am known for my integrity, tenacity, strategic planning and team building.

I stand by each and every one of you and the risk that we face we all share together.


Tony R17 18

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21 May 2010 1:40 PM by KayT Star rating. 38 forum posts Send private message

Dear Tony,

Thank you for sharing your personal story with us.

However, i do not think you need to feel the need to justify yourself to her or any of us. Many of us have been impressed and grateful for all your efforts in this really horrible, horrible situation and as you quite rightly stated- it has helped to know that we are not alone.

We look forward to reading new information posted by anyone.

All the very best


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22 May 2010 8:47 AM by suemac Star rating in Jumilla, Murcia. 1001 forum posts Send private message

Dear Kay

How nice to read your friendly, civilised reply!  Whether or not people agree with Tony´s stance, he is the only person who decided to form a group to help other purchasers.  When we first heard the news that Herrada del Tollo had gone into administration we were all shocked and unsure what to do so we were grateful for his help.  It is a shame that those who disagreed with his view on the way forward didn´t form their own group and air their views on this forum in an equally helpful way rather than just making negative comments about what Tony was trying to do.

Tony, as Kay said, you shouldn´t have to justify yourself on this forum, but thank you for sharing your thoughts.

All the best.




 Sue Walker

Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon

See my blog about our life in Spain: www.spainuncovered.com

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22 May 2010 2:28 PM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 forum posts Send private message

Suemac  said "When we first heard the news that Herrada del Tollo had gone into administration we were all shocked "

Well Sue there were a few  of us who were not !!!!!! and saw it coming  .We did form our own little group  ( you were asked to join in  but preferred to stick with Tony and the crooks . I am glad they have helped you  ) despite Tony's constant spouting of  crap our little group are now out of  this awful situation and need worry no more praise be to God !!!!!!!

However those who choose  not to  join us and are still in this mess are intent on showering  praise on Tony and SARC this beggars belief .Some are even  soooooooooo sure of their expertise in this matter  that they feel able to write a book advising others on how to retire to Spain !!!!!!!!! God help us all !!!!     Good Luck Suemac I fear you may need all your resolve and good spirits in the years to come . However I do like you agree that Tony's intentions were originally good if somewhat a little misguided and poorly influenced  .  Best wishes  JA



This message was last edited by julie anne on 22/05/2010.

This message was last edited by julie anne on 22/05/2010.

This message was last edited by julie anne on 22/05/2010.

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22 May 2010 6:33 PM by suemac Star rating in Jumilla, Murcia. 1001 forum posts Send private message

Julie Anne

I have never claimed to be an expert - and in fact it was lack of expertise that led me to pay a deposit on an off-plan property without having a bank guarantee.  I wrote my book in good faith, hoping that by highlighting how different buying a property can be in Spain and admitting how naive we were, I could help other people avoid the same mistakes.  This is the second time that you have made scathing comments about my book, which was originally written as my personal story and experiences of retiring to a different country, though with the intention of showing some of the pitfalls you need to avoid when buying abroad.  It was never intended to be an "expert guide", just a warning of how things can go wrong, which as we all know sadly happens to far to many people.

I can´t remember being told about your little group and your intentions (maybe you can send me a PM reminding me?) however I do remember that although many people knocked Tony, there wasn´t an alternative forum with information for all to access that might have helped those who didn´t want their house and who didn´t have a bank guarantee but wanted their money back. For many people, their only source of information was SARC.  As I said before, there are a lot of people on here who would have appreciated specific advice on what action they could have taken to be as successful as you have been.

We didn´t see it coming unfortunately although we had been getting more and more worried about the situation, which is why we decided to move over here rather than relying on estate agents´ updates.  I am surprised that if, unlike us,  you saw it coming, you didn´t take steps to cancel your contract before HdT went into administration, or did you in fact do this?

I may not be fortunate enough to have recovered any money, however I have a wonderful family, good friends (Spanish, British and many other nationalities), at the moment I am fortunate to have good health, I feel proud that somebody chose to publish my book (even if you want to sneer at it), and I don´t waste my life being bitter or making unkind comments about other people.  I am also open about who I am and what my agenda is.  I am glad that you can now appreciate the fact that Tony´s intentions were good, so I trust that in future you will refrain from knocking him on this forum. If you wish to make constructive criticism however, obviously nobody minds that. 

Best wishes to all.




 Sue Walker

Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon

See my blog about our life in Spain: www.spainuncovered.com

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23 May 2010 12:00 AM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 forum posts Send private message

Yawn Yawn Yawn !!!!!!   

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23 May 2010 12:27 PM by jillyg Star rating in Deepcut, Surrey. 57 forum posts Send private message

Hi all

Julie Ann, I also do not remember anything about any group intentions, if i had i would have been only too interested in a plan of action.

Suemac, i was also very shocked regarding San Jose, as they came highly reccommended. Also good for you writing a book on all your experiences.

Hopefully we will all find out soon what the outcome will be.

Kind regards


G S Gee

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the final chapter - 5 posts
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