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Residencial Santa Ana del Monte forum threads
The Comments
11 May 2010 12:00 AM by mattjo Star rating. 38 forum posts Send private message

 Some may want their house, but where, as the planning permission for the SADM project has expired. Vote yes and get another five years of the same - licenses in dispute etc.

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16 May 2010 8:11 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Hi All,

I am sorry but this is a misinformed remark & yet another attempt to scare people into not saving their money.

Do you seriously think that the court would of agreed that the proposal was deliverable if the planning permision did not cover it?

Can we get reall & stop the lame postings trying to smear any chance of people saving their money.

Shame on those who post misinformation


Tony R17 18


This message was last edited by TonyMal on 16/05/2010.

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16 May 2010 11:37 PM by kayem Star rating. 163 forum posts Send private message

I have been given the same info as mattjo and knowing from experience planning permission is time sensitive i would be gratefull to anyone who can give me written proof to verify either theory.


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16 May 2010 11:40 PM by kayem Star rating. 163 forum posts Send private message


I personally would not be suprised at anything the corrupt Spanish courts would decide.


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18 May 2010 9:34 AM by auntielinda Star rating in San Miguel de Salina.... 646 forum posts Send private message

?????????????????????????????Shame on those who post misinformation???????????????????????????


who would that be then?


Great Auntie Linda


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18 May 2010 4:06 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,

I am afraid that it seems that a solicitor is trying to infer that the planning permission has expired. It appears that this solicitor has stated a few strange things and I believe that they would not stand up to scrutiny.  The  court, the Murcia Regional Goverment, the Jumilla Town hall and even the court in Madrid have all been involved and we are expected to believe 1 errant solicitor over all of them?

I suggest that we get very real. Who is paying for any action if HdT is liquidated?  Who is making money out of this process & what have they delivered?

If you can go to a HdT meeting and ask your questions


Tony R17 18

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18 May 2010 10:32 PM by auntielinda Star rating in San Miguel de Salina.... 646 forum posts Send private message

For god's sake man get a life every thread ruined by you wanting to influence people to vote for what you beleive let em make up their own minds


Great Auntie Linda


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18 May 2010 10:40 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message


You have your money, you are not a creditor and I am not on every thread nor do I post all the time. I am only posting on 4 threads, 2 of which were started by me & another one that has my name in its title.

I am glad that you managed to get your money back and are out of this mess, don't you think that we have the right to try to get out of it without losing everything aswell as you? All I am asking people to do is to consider go to a meeting and asking finding out  things for themselves before they decide.  It is the purchasers not the solicitors whose money is at risk . 

Wishing you all the best

Tony R17 18


This message was last edited by TonyMal on 18/05/2010.

This message was last edited by TonyMal on 18/05/2010.

This message was last edited by TonyMal on 18/05/2010.

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18 May 2010 10:56 PM by auntielinda Star rating in San Miguel de Salina.... 646 forum posts Send private message


I may not be a creditor aymore but like all other purchasers have been bombarded with emails from HDT/SJ  I really want everyone to get what they deserve but unlike you I dont feel saving the crooks to help them fight on is in the best interest of anyone we are all entitled to our own opinions and this is my humble opinion if and my vote would be a great big no I dont see how letting them continue can possibly save anyones money but the crooks.

I would like to bet they are not telling anyone  who votes yes that they will be coming back for more money if they are saved


Great Auntie Linda


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18 May 2010 11:33 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message


You are very naughty you have posted something that is not correct!  Why did you do that? HdT have not asked for any more money nor does it say that they will in the court agreed settlement agreement. I suggest that you read Eugenio's email on the Maria del Castro thread. As for you saying you want people to get what they deserve the rest of your post contradicts that. You are more concerned with throwing our money, yes ours, not your, away to try to spite HdT rather than those of us without BG's getting a postive outcome.

How are you going to justify your comments to the purchasers in Spain who you might meet? I am not too sure that they will understand your desire for revenge being made at their expense.

Shame on you. If your money was at risk and you were in the same boat as us it would not be so bad but you are not.

And as I posted earlier

I am afraid that it seems that a solicitor is trying to infer that the planning permission has expired. It appears that this solicitor has stated a few strange things and I believe that they would not stand up to scrutiny.  The  court, the Murcia Regional Goverment, the Jumilla Town hall and even the court in Madrid have all been involved and we are expected to believe 1 errant solicitor over all of them?
I suggest that we get very real. Who is paying for any action if HdT is liquidated?  Who is making money out of this process & what have they delivered?
Wishing you all the best
Tony R17 18


This message was last edited by TonyMal on 18/05/2010.

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18 May 2010 11:37 PM by brianmags Star rating in London. 380 forum posts Send private message

dearest Aunty Linda,

                                  I have not been on for a few days but on seeing your posing that HDT will be asking for more money from exhixting purchasers. I attended the meeting in london a this question was raised by another purchaser and the answer was a flat no they would not require any more fundng from exhisting purchasers and that they have the offers on the table to complete the proposed project

Regards Brianmags

R4 556

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19 May 2010 1:20 AM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 forum posts Send private message

Brian mags Pleeeeeease leave it to Tony as your posts are irritating in the extreme even to those who support your smutty little deal with SJ !!!!!!!!  Stop trying to be smart ." You just aren't "

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19 May 2010 9:31 AM by auntielinda Star rating in San Miguel de Salina.... 646 forum posts Send private message

No I am not naughty just being realistic I wouldnt want the many purchasers over the last 41/2 years I have met to come unstuck most will not post on here for fear of repercussions so on their behalf I am just keeping the debate alive until June 1st when I will stop because either SJ /HDT will have there way or will in my opinion get what they justly deserve. You have been told no money will be needed I am not so sure but if you want to believe in a corrupt company that is entirely up to you. So please dont try to make out I am the bad one in thisI was caught up like everyone else unitl I got my money on March30th  my gripe is technically over but for all those whom I consider friends I will continue to post


Great Auntie Linda


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19 May 2010 10:12 AM by joanniemac Star rating. 241 forum posts Send private message

Having received an email from HdT last week regarding the vote, I asked them did they want me to vote yes to stealing 35% of my money? I asked did they want me to vote yes to a 5 year wait for the return of 65% of my money? I asked them should I vote yes to keep the thieves in business? Guess what no reply!

I have stated many times that if SADM ever goes ahead, where are you going to get a mortgage from? As stated by our Tony there is an economic crisis, hence HdT`s woes, Banks in Spain are very reluctant to lend to non residents. If you are lucky you might get a 60% mortgage based on the Banks valuation not HdT`s prices. That would leave many purchasers with a significant short fall and add further stress to an already stressful situation. Cheers Joanniemac

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19 May 2010 11:26 AM by roywatson1950 Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message

This message is for Tony, AuntieLinda, HdT/SJ, etc, etc,.

I haven't posted any thing on this blog for a very long time so I apologise if I haven't seen or heard all the facts but I would like to just say this; If HdT/SJ want creditors to vote Yes to their proposal then they should get the banks to issue BGs first to all those who did not receive one in the first place and then perhaps creditors might be more willing to vote YES and if things don't go according to plan at least we can all go to the banks and get our deposits back!

Best wishes to you all

Roy & June



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19 May 2010 12:24 PM by joanniemac Star rating. 241 forum posts Send private message

Just had a reply from ALMU, apologising about the situation, she`s very disappointed that I have voted no, I bet she is! I have replied stating that they broke the law by not issuing BG`s long before the financial crisis, which they are saying  has caused their present difficulties. I have also pointed out that they cannot guarantee issuing BG`s this time round again against the law. If I get a reply i will keep you posted. Cheers Joanniemac

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19 May 2010 3:47 PM by kayem Star rating. 163 forum posts Send private message

Summed it up nicely there Roy.

I think you should post more often !


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19 May 2010 7:58 PM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 forum posts Send private message

Spot on Roy they can not offer BGs and will probobably not be able to get finance to start let alone finish SADM.  If allowed to continue they will sure as hell  be back begging purchasers for more money up front  to complete SADM andonce again  threaten that  if it is not forth coming you will lose everything  .It is getting a bit hard to belive total blackmail they must think purchasers  zip up the back wich is not surprising with SARC giving that very  impression  

Shame on them all



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19 May 2010 9:34 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Hi Roy,

I suggest that you come ot one of the meetings, as that is exactly the type of question that was asked at the previous meetings and answered by HdT.  As it stands they cannot give a BG whilst they are in administration  but would be able to when they come out and have said that they are in negotiation with banks to do so.

I would also like to thank Roy for posting on the forum and hope that perhaps we can all have a polite dialogue.


All the best

Tony R17 18

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20 May 2010 7:30 PM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 forum posts Send private message

Tony you are full of Sh*t and only repeat what Almu tells you to ."As it stand they can not give BGs " exactly Tony-baloney and completely illegal in the first instance and NOW .

If they can not give BGs NOW  they ARE not fit to continue "Simples "  No BGs no vote .

How dare they ,with you HELP put innocent purchasers in this position with  yet another pie in the sky ,madcap ,flying  by the seat of their  pants  plan with no real substance and how dare you endorse nae aggressively push purchasers into  such  a situation on behalf of the perpetrators of their misery .Shame on you Tony  , time alone will tell how wrong you are !!!!!!!!

Get real Tony this is madness .Where are the guarantees !!!!!!!!!!! There is only more heartache in all  this nowt else !!!!!

Do you not understand that many if not most on this forum DO NOT BELIEVE A WORD ALMU OR SJ HAVE TO SAY ANYMORE whether from you or by any other waste of money schemes  !!!!!!!!!! For God sake give it a rest  JA


This message was last edited by julie anne on 20/05/2010.

This message was last edited by julie anne on 20/05/2010.

This message was last edited by julie anne on 20/05/2010.

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CBN Purchaser Power /HdT offers Bank Gaurantees to purchasers - 10 posts
May 21 - 23 HdT meetings- take your questions there - 0 posts
Furious!! - 5 posts
Simply Networking - 21 posts
SAVE YOUR MONEY - 40 posts
Building defects - 4 posts
Legal information on rentals - 0 posts
Its your choice - 2 posts
Creditors recieve only 15 % for Farepack (christmas club) - 0 posts
Possible Outcomes - Information - 11 posts
Court extends UK signing at Notaries to the Friday 30 April - 0 posts
Meeting in Jumilla today - 13 posts
the final chapter - 5 posts
SARC letter to purchasers - 11 posts
Some good news but more need to sign up to the agreement - 10 posts
SARC report of HdT UK meetings - 6 posts
Important new information - Esp for those without Bank Guarantees - 8 posts
Solicitors opinion on SARC Position statement - 4 posts
Presentation in Southampton 13th April - 9 posts
Reasons to vote NO - 23 posts
Please read this Tony - 6 posts
What do you all think ? - 5 posts
Justin and Marias podcast - 1 posts
The truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth !!!!!! - 3 posts

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