The Comments |
Hi Everyone,
I'm posting this for people like myself, who don't trawl through all the posts made on EOS since I last logged on, who haven't seen the minutes from the AGM and who just pay for their community fees by DD. So I apologise in advance if ppl already know this.
Like most we contacted Milenium to confirm they had our bank details when they took over, they did. However they still haven't supplied us with a schedule of payments and when they will be debited. There was another payment taken on 4th June,so my husband contacted them for the schedule, which we are really glad we did as they informed us that the next payment will be taken on 1st July.
It was apparently agreed at the last meeting that from now on all community fees will be debited 3 months in advance as opposed to in arrears. We only transfer money quarterly so have just sent another payment to our Spanish account to cover this. So I would suggest ppl take advantage of the better exchange rate and transfer enough to cover this payment so not to incur bank charges.
They informed my husband that they are not intending to send a letter to residents to advise them of the change as residents will read this information once they have the minutes, but we've still not rec'd those, so It may well be too late.
Kind Regards
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This was posted on the community website on June 7th
Payment of community fees / El pago de gastos de comunidad.
At the AGM the owners voted to pay the community charges in advance, which means in June (Between the 1st & 5th) we will pay 3 months for April, May and June. Then on 1st July we will pay for the 3 months of July, August and September. From now the fees will be paid every January, April, July, and October. Over the past year the communty has always been overdrawn with the banks and has incured interest and other charges, this step was required to ensure that the community has money in the bank in advance to pay the bills.
Estimados propietarios:
En la junta general de propietarios celebrada del 29 de mayo se trataron muy diversos apartados. En un punto de ellos, al tratar del presupuesto, se aprobó por votación de los asistentes y representados que a partir del 1 julio, las cuotas de comunidad se cobrarán al igual que ahora trimestralmente, pero por adelantado.
Es decir que entre el 1-5 julio se pondrán al cobro las mensualidades correspondientes a los meses de Julio, agosto y septiembre.
Los meses de cobro serán: enero, abril, julio, octubre.
Este acuerdo ya se contempla en los estatutos generales pero con periodicidad semestral, en la junta se adoptó para aumentar la liquidez de la comunidad en su pago a proveedores.
Del mismo modo en esas fechas se pondrán al cobro la parte proporcional que corresponda a los recibos del 2.008 desde del mes siguiente al de la escrituración.
Ej si una persona ha escriturado en septiembre del 2.008, pagará los meses de octubre, noviembre y diciembre del 2.008. Estos recibos tienen un importe mucho más reducido que los anteriores dado que los servicios existentes en esas fechas eran mínimos.
Comunidad de propietarios.
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I would hope that all owners read the community website after all thats were all the official notices are posted.
The intention is to send the minutes out to the owners early next week.
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Don't get me wrong the website has it's value but I’m not sure that I agree with you on this question.
For something of this nature owners should have been advised officially via email or snail mail asap. I think to reduce costs, the owners should be requested to take this information via email. There is reasonability on both sides to make this happen but the onus is mainly on the management company to get this information out to all in a proper and recorded manner.
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Yes, the site is managed by the community presidents. Depemds on the nature of your queries concerns? For any queries regarding the payment of community fees etc you should contact the administrators.
The website is the official face of the community where all official notices will be published. This particular item will be in the minutes of the AGM which will be sent to all owners, as we considered it an important issue it was posted on the website first rather than wait for the minutes to be distributed. Individual presidents also posted this information directly to thier owners or posted in on thier garden websites.
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Thanks for the feedback but I never received any update from anybody on this issue even though my email and registered address are with the administrators.
My other concern is that while I think the Presidents are doing a great job keeping this site up to date, we are in fact paying a company "good money" to administer and advise the members on issues of this nature. It shouldn’t really fall back on a volunteer to inform registered members on issues of this nature. This is really the point that I’m making.
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I think it would be worthwhile everyone checking that the new administrators have your correct details.Dont presume they have. It was posted on here last week that even though someone had had correspondence with the old administrators they had found that their contact details had been passed incorrectly to the new company and as a result they had not received an email requesting certain information from them. PTAN then suggested that people should check.
I do agree that owners should have had the information about the two Community Charges being taken in consequetive months as soon as possible- so probably immediately after the AGM and that didnt happen. Its an expensive time of year for many and stumping up that money in the summer months will be difficult for some. That said I can see they just want to get on and get it sorted as its costing us late payment fee's. The site has been running for a long time and is informative based rather than for chat, its also regularly identified on here and the other forum as a source of information for owners.Its password protected and it was delevoped in response to requests for a forum for information specifically for owners. The Community Charge update has been on there for a week or so. Its probably owners responsibility to check these sources until Milenium have a reliable method of communication for everyone. The information was also availabe for everyone to see and hear on the podcast on the other site
I think the Presidents do an excellent job(for no pay) and I doubt they are looking to line their own pockets, they may want to have a role in their community but thats not a bad thing. Whilst they volunteer their role in no way represents anything casual or half hearted. Anyone who takes that approach can be voted off as as happened recently on the development I now live on and for precisely that reason. It is their role to inform and several do that on these forums and on the official one. The forum has a document that identifies individual Jardin Presidents details and most have contact emails on there too- so you can contact them until you do they cant contact you.
I'm now awaiting the decision on the outstanding Community Charge for 2008 as I suspect that will cause some ripples. I'm sure I heard that mentioned on the podcast that the figure Polaris want was three hundred thousand euro's.
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I see you edited your post since I replied TomGeorge, and yes you can say what you like and I wasn't being nasty, but you were being very insulting to a lot of people that work very hard on our, and that includes your behalf.
if you say something on an open forum you should expect replies and not always the sort you want. Just as, if you send me a PM I have the right to reply to it on here.
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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TomGeorge, the receipts for the money taken will be on your bank statement, that is all the evidence you need, I would rather have everything through the internet as you can check it at any time, much better than unreliable mail. One question with your criticism of the presidents etc, why didn't you stand for election and then perhaps you can change things. I don't see how the presidents can gain financially, as they could not withdraw money from the acounts!!!. Strange post
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The information relating the the dates for the payment of fees was posted on the community website on June 7th.
At the AGM the owners voted to pay the community charges in advance, which means in June (Between the 1st & 5th) we will pay 3 months for April, May and June. Then on 1st July we will pay for the 3 months of July, August and September. From now the fees will be paid every January, April, July, and October. Over the past year the communty has always been overdrawn with the banks and has incured interest and other charges, this step was required to ensure that the community has money in the bank in advance to pay the bills.
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Thanks Phil.
I am more concerned about extracting back payments from those that are not up to date with their community fees. There is no good reason for anyone who has completed not being up to date with their payments. I think we were promised a list of the non payers a while ago - any idea when this is likely to be published ?
By the way - the Presidents do an excellent job and deserve our support - they don't deserve some of the stupid comments made by some.
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Thanks Phil I hadnt realised the information about the CC was on from 7th June although I was checking I only saw it a week or so ago. I suppose the 7this only a week or so after the AGM. I know some accounts have been published as to where our money will go as well. its got to be better having the money available up front then paying late fees to the Banks. I can see that people may find it a bit hard to have CCharges available two months on the run though- however its a correct decision to do this.
I dont think its too much to ask people to regularly check a dedicated site for updated information. Mail isnt reliable when you may have a UK address and a Spanish address so the internet is much better.
Phil, any idea about the outstanding 2008 fee's . Which I may add are not due because people failed to pay but because RPM couldnt get themselves sorted enough to calculate them and never asked for them. Given the varied nature of the payments required I expect they present quite a problem to calculate as people started completing from June 2008.
This message was last edited by TheQuietMan on 22/06/2010.
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1 down a few more to go
hi Tomgeorge,
Norman Sands on the EOS general forum really needs a pal he is also a shxx stirrer like you, and also gets the same responses from people, so you wont be alone.
if you know how people are going to react why say anything?
This message was last edited by Alison&Simon on 22/06/2010.
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