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Hello everyone..
Stella & I are going over for a week 7th October and thought it would be a great idea to maybe arrange a night out if anyone is interested, we did this a while ago and I recall about 14 or so turned up and this was before people had completed...anyway if you are in San Juan and fancy a beer maybe the Friday 8th Oct would be good or even Saturday..
Roger & Stella
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Great that your down in Oct. I'm there with a couple of mates and the brudder - hope there's no ash cloud crisis like you had!!
Anyway we're good for friday 8th just let us know where. I think Mick and Pam will be there as well that week.
Look forward to catching up - you'll be amazed at the progress of the roads, kerbs, paths and even pools in the last couple weeks. I woke up one morning to see the last of the tarmac going down on our street. Looking good now.
See you in a couple of weeks
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Hi Roger & Stella
Sean is right we also fly out on the 7th so just let us know Friday or Sat. We have had Ray & Ann staying at our house for a few weeks and they tell us the site is looking like the finished article now, really looking forward to this visit. Not sure if Jim & lynne will be there but know doupt they will be reading this. I have been trying to find out if you require a licence to fish off the beach or the nearby rocks, people keep telling us different stories if anyone knows the truth could you let us know & if we need one where do we get it please. Well must dash I have a helicopter to catch out of the jungle into town (get in a few beers at last) see you all soon.
PS. Hope you trimmed the bush Sean !!!!
Mick & Pam 
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Hi Sean,
Yea....I wonder what happened to that other volcano that was supposed to be going off...anyway we`ll probably get to Pepas around 7.00 on the Friday so see you there and of course anyone else who can make it.
Can`t wait to see the place again, I suppose it`s too much to hope for that the front of the site has been tidied up.
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Not yet but they have finished the road in front of the site site for the commercial centre. They also moved in a huge digger that started digging a large hole in front of phase ten which I presume is for burying junk. You never know it might get done in the next few weeks!
See you on the 8th
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Reference whether you need a licence to fish off the shore.; there was a report in the local free paper of a man being fined 300 euros and his fishing tackle being confiscated, so yes you need a licence. I understand they can be obtained from the Ayuntamiento in Aguilas, not sure if they are available from the Pulpi Ayuntamiento. Think you need some Passport sized photos. Perhaps Richard at Golf San Juan might know more or Derek at Guardian Angels.
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Hi Mick & Pam,
Sorry, I somehow missed your great to see you & Friday 8th seems as good a time as any to fix something up, I was thinking about doing a bit of fishing myself and didn`t really know about the licence thing so thanks for the info Bernard.
After all the `doubt` of previous years it`s good to hear things are almost finished...still got a couple of `snagging` issues though which don`t seem to be being addressed, but maybe now the season is over they`ll get sorted.
I have to say Sean I`m very dissapointed you`ve been neglecting yer bush
Roger & Stella
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Thanks for the info Bernard, I do think you need a licence for everything in Spain. It does look like the site could with a bit luck be finished for the end of the year, not sure how many houses have been sold as I would imagin a lot of people are trying to get there deposit back. You just have to take a look at CDP now to see it has all been worth it, the next step is the Power cable from Pulpi.
Just seen the news this morning, the Tax on flying is going up again god knows how much but you can bet it will be a big hit.
Anyway see you all on the 8th, lets hope Sean has got his bush trimmed by then 
Mick & Pam 
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Don't worry Roger, my bush is now neatly trimmed and showing signs of new vigorous growth - will be happy to demonstrate it when I see you.
My only problem is that I have now killed off my second bouganvillea! These things can grow out of concrete out there but I cant get it to grow n good soils with lots of TLC - will need input over several pints!!
Mick, Lynn was there last week without Jim so I don't think she'll be there in OCt. Derek Jackson's friend Steve by the way is a very good fisherman and he confirmed that a license is necessary but, not much in the way of fish off the rock as the local fishermen usually mop them all up. Nevertheless it'd be a nice way to while away a couple of hours with a beer or two.
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Sean....did you go `Brazillian` I wonder! I lost a bouganvillia too, I think they need a `drought` every so often but I`ll do some research. I also planted an orange tree in July so cant wait to harvest the crop, I`m hoping for at least 3.
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Hi All,
Unfortunately Jim and I aren't out until November but we do hope you all have a very good night at Pepa's, we will be there in spirit! Calas del Pinar is looking great and it can't be too long before its finally all finished, even though I have heard a few snobby comments from people who have villas or apartments on other developments in San Juan. I have been told that it is know as 'Toy Town' and a council estate!!!
We spent almost 6 weeks there in the summer and the place was buzzing, it was nice to see so many people there and everyone was very friendly. We even had a party for our phase on the last Saturday we were there where we all took food and drink and one of the Spanish residents had a karaoke machine so there was lots of singing and dancing, great night. We did it last year as well so hopefully it will become an annual event. I was back last week for a few days and it was very quiet again, so there is a nice balance, it's good to see it so lively but just as nice to have it quiet again so I will not let the comments bother me or spoil my enjoyment of the place. Can't wait to get out there again.
P.S. I saw Sean last week, and all I can say is that his bush looked wonderful. Margot is a very lucky woman to have so obviously talented and adept!!!!
Lynn xx
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we are over on Friday for 5 days so will miss out on meeting you all again, may be at some point we will meet up with you all it would be nice to have a few drinks and make new freinds.Hope you all have a great time.
Happy hols
Mark Ange
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Mark & Ang
Have a great time, you will see a big difference to the site when you arrive. Sorry to have missed you again but as you say someday we will all be in town. Keep an eye out for Sean's bush will you as we are not sure if he has trimmed it !!!
It's a pity we will miss Jim & Lynne as well, I would have put money on at least one of you would have been there. As you say Lynne there is always someone waiting to knock CDP for one thing or another. Ray & I have finally decided to try and get a car in Spain, sick of getting ripped off with the hire car. I am also going to try & get a fishing licence when we are over there next month from Aguilas
This message was last edited by miguelcarr on 23/09/2010.
Mick & Pam 
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Sean with a bit of luck someone who has bought a car in Spain will be reading this. I think as long as you buy it in Spain fully registered you will be OK, if you buy in Britain & take it over that is were the problems will be. As long as you have your NEI & ownership of property you can buy a car, the next step is the price of second hand cars they are expensive over there.
Mick & Pam 
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Hi Sean,
We asked Stuart about how to go about buying a car as the one we have at the moment is a liability!! He told us that you need to go to the town hall in Pulpi and register for an Enpadramenta ( not sure if thats the correct spelling ). We have done this and you need your NIE number as Mick said and also a copy of your deeds for the house and we also took our passports as they seem to be required for everything in Spain. It only cost a couple of euros but it only lasts for a few months and then you have to re-new it which we will have to do. We are also considering buying a left hand drive here a driving it over as Jim worked for GM so is on the car sceme. If we do this, its registered here and then you have to re- register it there for about 2000 euros. This would still be cheaper for us as we pay a lot less for the car here, so that is probably what we will do. Stuart has already found the agency that registers it for us so I'm sure he would give you the details.
Anyway, hope this gives you a bit of an idea whats involved but your best bet is speaking to Stuart. If you are looking for a cheap run around, we have one for sale but before you do, just ask Stuart to tell you the story of the car if you have an hour or two to spare!!! And as they say 'Buyer beware'!!!!
Good luck in your car hunting, Lynn xx
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Hii Mick Pam
Ye willl have a look at seans bush.
we bought and drove a car over in March got a full years MOT thinking all good for a year but we keep hearnig diffrent stories the people next door went to register in Pulpi but had problems due to no habittion licence but did get it done eventualy so if it does cost 2000 euro it would prob be cheeper to drive it back to UK MOT and drive back having a couple of stops in France its a nice drive.We use plane parking who are realy good.
Mark Ange
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Regarding the `acerbic`comments made about CDP, I reckcon a bit of Jealousy is going on here, a while ago we bumped into a chap from Guardian Angels who said that the villas further up were suffering badly as regards rental bookings, due to CDP and it`s closer proximity to the beach, village etc.
So perhaps a few noses have been put out of joint, and personally I think CDP will be the making of San Juan, hopefully setting the bar for any future development in the area.
There will sadly, always be members of the `flat earth society` who instinctively resist any change to the/their status quo....please no jokes about Rick Parfitt..
Looking forward to the 8th and of course inspecting Seans nice bush.....
Roger & Stella
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322 views on this site 'Seans Trimmed Bush' is certainly hitting the headlines. As for the jealous people who have those large villas in the hills or the ones who have just dropped out of CDP two words come to mind but I am sure if I write them down this will be removed from EOS. Thanks for the info Lynne, Mark & Ang nothing ever seems easy here, how will us simple people buying on CDP manage god knows !!!
See you all next month
Mick & Pam 
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I heard a British tradesman call CDP Legoland. I see it as a term of endearment since look at the millions of people who flock to Legoland. Once the site is established with lots of trees and shrubs it'll look fantastic. We won't be out until the end of October so we're going to miss out on the 8th unfortunately but Lynne hopefully we'll meet up. Some form of transport would be good across there. As like everybody else we just hire but it can be expensive depending on the month.
Jo and Jim
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