The Comments |
Hi All
I thought I would start a new thread, I should not have wrote in the other thread sorry but I get wound up. Anyway I am working in the jungle in Africa, can you believe they are destroying the wealth of natural beauty they have for Oil. I get bored so rather keep interfering with people who are trying to get there deposits back and by the way I wish them all the best I hope they all get there money back. So like I said I get bored and drift off to San Juan quite often, do you I mean the people who have bought and are still waiting think after all the bad press that we will as a community come through all this. I just wish we had some proof that we are going to get the sub station as that is all we need as we have the water conected now & if they dont conect to gas it is no hardship using the bottles. So if we have any Electricians out there who can build sub stations please come forward, I am sure there will be plenty of helpers. We have noticed on our last 2 visits that there seems to be a lot of Spanish moving in, there is three familys across from us & may I say how very friendly they are. When I asked about the Electric & habitation licence they just say all will be Ok dont worry, even the bar managers on the front say that the site will be fine.
Anyway must do a little work, well time for a coffee I hope I have not bored everyone. Keep the faith & I will see you all in San Juan Next year if the Lions dont get me. Adios Amigos.
PS Sean your bush is in magnificent condition
Mick & Pam 
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Hi Mick,
We are going over on Tuesday and can't wait! After a very nice bottle of red ( or two!! ) I really don't care if we are on builders electricty or not, as for the last 2 and a half years we have been getting it free with no problems so it's fine by me if it stays like that. Probably most of the people buying on CDP have no intention of selling in the near future anyway so as our Spanish neighbours are saying, it will happen eventually and I am starting to adopt their laid back attitude to these things. During the summer when we were there for 6 weeks, the generator only went off once and one of our neighbours had a key and went and fixed it so once again there was no problem.
Like you, I really feel sorry for the people who had to try and get back deposits as they have missed out on a fabulous site. Everyone, both Brits and Spanish, that we have met have been brilliant. We had an end of season party around our pool for the last two years and I hope all the other phases do the same. Sometime I think we can be a little too cautious and while I do appreciate that we have all spent a lot of money, sometime you just have to bite the bullet and take a chance. We have spent a lot of time there in the last 2 and a half years and no matter when we go, be it during busy times or very quiet, we don't regret it for one minute.
Anyway, hope Pam had a good half term out there with the family and we look forward to seeing you both very soon. Take care in Africa and we will have a nice drink or two when we see you again, hopefully in the Abanicos bar!!! Will inspect Seans bush while we are out there and if necessary give it a little trim or spray it incase of infestation!!. See you all soon, Lynn xx
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Hi All
Mick what do you mean we have the water connected?? I'm still on that bloody plastic pipe which Patricia tells me will be there until the license comes through.
Still a fan!
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Bush fire in Sierra Aguilon
Certainly a bit of life last night.
Heres the view from my solarium.

Dont panic the bush fire didnt reach San Juan.
All the best from a very sunny but windy Terreros.
_______________________ Richard Clark
Property Management
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What's all this concern for Sean's bush? Sean, we checked it out last week when we were over and it's looking spectacular. But what about my bougainvilla? One trip it's covered in leaves and no flowers, next trip it's got no leaves with lots of flowers. I'm dreading our next trip, it might be a short stick. Since there's nothing to trim, there's no point in asking Sean for advice. Any gardeners amongst you?
Has everyone else paid their IBI btw. We haven't received a bill yet? Can we do it online? We paid non-res tax - that was easy.
Jo and Jim
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Jo Jim
You'd have to go back through a few threads and many posts to get the history of my bush. Its now a protected species so everyone has to ensure its health!!
As regards the bouganvillea i have the same issues - they seem to come and go until they are really settled. Apparently they get "traumatised" when they move to a new location!!!! I also think they need to be treated mean not keen! So not too much water just let them be and eventually they'll settle in and take hold. I hope!
I've not paid the taxes yet when are they due, how many of them are there and what do they cost??
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Got back late last night from CDP, weather was lovely but only Pepe's, the Chinese, the pizza place and Annie's open. Mi cortijo was open but closed last night for a weeks holiday so at the moment there is very little life in Calas del Pinar!!! We arrived the night of the fire so naturally, our first port of call was to ensure the safety of 'Sean's bush'. We are pleased to say that all is well and we didn't even have to dampen it down, it is flourishing in all it's glory!!
All the roads are now in, Mick, you have a parking bay in front of your house now. Even though it was very quiet, we still had a great time and Dave and Cheryl arrived on Saturday so we had a bit of company for a while which was lovely. Every time we go back, I find it harder to come home and I'm already looking forward to going out again soon. Is anyone over for Christmas and the new year? If you are, Mi Cortijo are doing a Christmas lunch and a medieval night for New Years Eve and the menus look excellent, I'm sure both will be great fun.
Lynn xx
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Hi Lynn
we're not going for new year but we are going down early Jan for about ten days. I know it will be quiet and probably cold but can't wait to get over there anyway
Sean and Margot
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Hi Sean.
I know how you feel, I don't care what time of year or how the weather is, I just want to be there!!!!! By the way, we were there in Jan 09 and the weather was glorious. Very warm and sunny, in fact, t-shirt and shorts weather, although we did get a few strange looks from the Spanish in their boots and overcoats!!!
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