Roof Tiles

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09 Feb 2011 12:00 AM by pboughey Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

On my latest visit I noted several roof tiles which have damaged surfaces -revealing white underneath tile . The outer terra cotta colouring is very thin and appears to have flaked off. As far as I know the tiles have not been damaged inadvertently and it look likes poor quality tiles may have been used .At the moment the problem is fairlysmall and confined to about 5 tiles,but not pretty.

Has anyone else experienced this and have they sought repair ?

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09 Feb 2011 6:57 PM by Waddle Star rating in Chesterfield & Los N.... 210 forum posts Send private message

Waddle´s avatar

I noticed a couple of tiles on our roof terrace are starting to show similar signs of flaking

I thought I would report it to Polaris for a laugh and sure enough they came back to say they are not covered by the maintenance 'guarantee' so looks like a self replace exercise or some sort of repair

Russ & Louise Salud !

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09 Feb 2011 9:43 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

Last summer we also noticed this had happened to several tiles leaving light patches of tile visible- although only up on the roof terrace. To be honest we hadn't though PW would even consider replacing them but if any one comes up with a solution we'd be interested to hear. Its not so much the fact that these few tiles may need replacing but the fact that it could become epidemic across the tiled surface and then individual replacement isnt practical. We had previously treated the tiles in order to protect them.



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10 Feb 2011 4:56 PM by pboughey Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Perhaps we just wait and see if others have this problem and then approach Polaris together . If its a big problem we could get the presidents of the community involved . I would not expect this so quickly- it may just be down to a bad batch of tiles. 

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10 Feb 2011 6:23 PM by Sonatigh Star rating in Condado de Alhama Re.... 621 forum posts Send private message

Can i make a point clear before this gets out  of control?

ANY defect to a private property be it Build or after build is NOT the responsibility of the Presidents. or the Administrator.

The Presidents  and Administrators role are to ensure that your Community fees i.e. the Budget are spent wisely and do not go over Budget, these fees are used to maintain common areas.

Defects to private property is the responsibility of the Owner and the Builder

Probably the best way to get Polaris to fix any building defect is to get a Solicitor involved.

In this instance it would not cost much to replace a few tiles, I know we should not have to do this but it is probably the best, quickest and cheapest option.

Perhaps all owners with damaged tiles can form a group count no of tiles contract someone to replace and divide cost by tiles?



I got too old soon, and too late smart ! 



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16 Feb 2011 6:56 PM by onecall Star rating in Liverpool, and Jard.... 181 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,

I have just got back from CDA and noticed that on our roof there were 15 tiles with damage. I suspect that they are a random bad batch, as non of my neighbours have reported damage, and we are just unlucky. I didnt waste my time going to report them,just organised someone to replace them. I think we have to realise Polaris aren't going to react to any warranty issues in the short term, and that as owners we will need to maintain our own properties, otherwise they will just deterioate. Hopefully this incident is just isolated to a few apartments, and is a relatively small problem to fix.


Mark + Sandra

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16 Feb 2011 8:27 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

This is also our plan when we get over next time. It was only a few tiles, though mid terrace area so quite visible. I noted that it hadn't seemed to have happened to terraces either side of us and so its likely to be a poor batch. We had hoped that by using the tile protector liquid it would help to prevent this type of problem but obviously not.



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