bulbs missing from stairways

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27 Feb 2011 12:00 AM by arky25 Star rating in erskine, scotland. 351 forum posts Send private message

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we are just back from roda and i noticed that half the lights in our block (35) were not working.

on closer inspection i found that the whole light fittings in half the light shades had been cut and taken out leaving bare wires inside the shades.

im not sure if the comitee has done this to save energy/money or maybe the theiving companies on phase 3 have stolen them?

anyone know?



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27 Feb 2011 1:16 PM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

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Arky - As far as I am aware this has not been done by Phase 2 Management.

The problems of thefts on communities was discussed at Entidad AGM yesterday - somewhat heatedly.
It has not been proved yet whether it is one of the companies on phase 3 that is responsible so you comment below may well add more heat to the fire.



This message was last edited by pommers on 27/02/2011.

Cheers Pommers

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27 Feb 2011 2:12 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Again the  replacement costs of these "missing" electrical components in lights, garages and lifts awarded to those lucky owners who pay up all of their community fees.  This is becoming a somewhat alarming situation. With 430,000 euros approved for security and even the light bulbs and other items mentioned above aren't safe! 

We also noticed on a recent visit on walks to the Clubhouse and back again in the evening that the lights on one side of the pathway were not working making it quite a spooky experience.  Was this cost-cutting or just someone who forgot to flip the on switch?

I think personally we are paying money for old rope.  We don't live on Roda but we are prepared to pay our way as this is our commitment and obligation.  But I do feel the management committees of both the Phases and the Entidad should really really look at each of their expense lines and cut them down.  How can we spend to "desirable" rather than "realistic" levels.  How can we spend 430k on security ?  Why are we not buying our own patrol cars and then buying in staff from a security company.  I can guarantee we are being charged an absolute fortune for the facility of the car sitting outside of the guard house for long periods  (I have seen it as our apartment is not far from the gate).    And I do have experience of this having recently been a President of another community on another resort where we have cut our expenditure cloth according to our expected income - taking account of the debtor situation.We too are taking action outside of Spain  via UK debt collection agencies and in Spain via the Spanish Courts. 

Now it would appear we are being asked to subsidise the debtors by paying even more in fees whilst the Community take them to Court. 

Yours - an extremely peeved but committed Roda owner!






This message was last edited by sandrab on 27/02/2011.


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27 Feb 2011 6:42 PM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

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I wish all presidents on Roda had your attitude. I agree, we need to cut things to a minumum when we have huge debts but most just like to carry on spending as much for their own pleasure as eveyone else's.

Us "goodies" just get penalised by the "baddies".

Cheers Pommers

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28 Feb 2011 12:34 PM by arky25 Star rating in erskine, scotland. 351 forum posts Send private message

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the reason i thought it may be the comunity who removed the bulbs is that the whole fittings were missing - not just the bulbs!

as i say, if this was theft then these wires may still be live which is dangerous?



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28 Feb 2011 6:12 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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Firstly are we talking lights within the apartment block or outside lighting?


In both case it is possible some bulbs may have been removed to keep costs down if unnecessary light.

As far as I know there should be NO reason for bare wires to be left unless thay have been cut and fittings removed. I would add that as yet no proof of theft has been made on any Phase. Seems odd to me that anyone would want to steal fittings that are already in place elsewhere, but anything is possible.

I am happy to contact Housing to get them to make enquiries of Gregorio, who as you know is P12 maintenance man and responsible for all light fittings etc.


If you can give me a little more detail such as numbers, floors, location etc. either by pm or email hugh_man@btinternet.com or on P12 website

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02 Mar 2011 3:52 PM by arky25 Star rating in erskine, scotland. 351 forum posts Send private message

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hi hughman

i only checked the lights in my block (35)

the lights outside each apartment are fine but the comunal lights on each level and on the walls between each door were out and so i looked inside the shades and saw that each of the fittings had been totally removed.

it looks like the wires have been cut and the wire ends are left hanging.

these are the upside down shades which point to the ceiling and are inside our block.

i initially assumed they had been removed by the comunity to save energy , but i did receive an email recently that said many fittings from doors and elevators have wenmt missing from out phase only to turn up on phase 3?

is this not true?

i can dig out the email and post here if you wish?

it says some fittings were marked and the matter has been passed on to authorities? - again is this not true?



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02 Mar 2011 7:52 PM by celtic Star rating. 103 forum posts Send private message

Hi, everyone
We have just come home after a week in rodagolf and noticed that the outside lanterns outside block 45 have all now been marked with numbers.Also not a single plant remains on most of phase 2, all grass has been lifted from round the pool areas (if I had read this post last week I would have thought someone had pinched them !)fortunately they are replanting grass and plants and hopefully it will look a lot less like Bosnia by June !The weather was fantastic and we still enjoyed our visit.

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03 Mar 2011 12:23 AM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks for the info I will attempt to ask Housing what the problem is.

Yes you are correct there was an email sent round alledging the theft of various items from Phase 1 and Phase 2 which have alledgedly turned up in Phase 3. I gather the police are investigating so I think we have to await their findings before jumping to too many conclusions but it is indeed a very worryimg state of affairs.

I believe we had the same email but mine was sent second hand from a concerned owner, neither I nor the other Vice Pres on P12 who lives onsite have received any official notification of these events and though the supposed thefts have been going on for some time neither of us had any knowledge or information of the alledged thefts, which does seem odd. 



We did have a meeting last Dec re garden improvements and I have posted a number of times on the P12 website updates so that owners could be aware of what was happening. Unfortunately I was not aware myself till late Jan that we had apparently decided to dig up all the grass and reseed the communal areas,apparently a better long term option, this work is nearly complete and I gather replanting of the outside areas will commence shortly, hopefully by Easter a marked improvement will be seen but more updates will be given by our President at the forthcoming AGM.


The outside lights have been numbered so that owners can report any problems easily to Gregorio onsite or Housing for attention though some unnecessary lights have been permanently removed.

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