Hand Luggage allowable items?

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19 Jun 2011 12:00 AM by del007 Star rating. 274 forum posts Send private message

I have just been asked if powdered milk and powdered coffee can be transported in hand luggage.  I note from the Government website that there is no restrictiion on powdered baby milk, I assume this ruling will apply to any powdered milk, or indeed powdered coffee.  Is this a fair assumption or have I got it wrong? 


(Guess who asked the question Tam?)

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19 Jun 2011 5:39 PM by jarvo Star rating in North Wales. 77 forum posts Send private message


We always take our own coffee in our hand luggage and nobody has ever said anything to us,

Hope this helps


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19 Jun 2011 6:07 PM by 1098 Star rating in Jardin 9 & Cambs. 147 forum posts Send private message

Liquids are anything that is wet, so powder is ok.

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19 Jun 2011 7:45 PM by del007 Star rating. 274 forum posts Send private message

 Thank you.  I shall pass this information on.

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