I have nagged and nagged. Do you know who your agent was? i am guessing you went though Fairways? or direct to Novasol
I sent them a snotty email yesterday, and within a hour had a phone call saying all our details would be available today, But what a surprise. The apartment is listed but its rendered useless as there are no images and the description is wrong.
I was told they are a one of the best with a fantastic reputation and have been going for 40 years. hmmm i think not.
Have you dropped them a mail? spain@novasol.com or novasol@novasol.com
Like Jan we are getting bookings and this year is a bit better than last, we are booked up from mid July to Mid Sept with a few scatterd elsewhere in the cheaper months, however this has all been done thorugh our own means..
I had never even head of Novasol until late last year. I wonder why..
I'd be verey surprised if they get what they want for the rentals at the moment Peak season they want €435 euro a week. Plus electricity, Plus clean fee's. The Apartment is worth that, however i wouldnt pay that on CDA when there are no facilities..
Is all this being done in the hope that Paramount kicks off?