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27 Oct 2011 12:00 AM by sat1 Star rating. 18 forum posts Send private message

Can someone explain what taxes non residents have to pay.  We have paid 118.22 euros to Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murica this was the same last year have set up a standing order but have also paid 216.6 euros Wealth Tax, but not sure what the non residents tax is, hopefuly is it the wealth tax, if not feel like there are alot of different taxes.

Also a friend recommended that the more names that are on the property deeds the less tax you pay when one of you passes away.

Not long been home from a weeks break on Condado and absolutely enjoyed it, things are improving, pleased that another bar/eating place has opened and doing well.  We feel Mileniun are doing a good job, just need a club house.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.




This message was last edited by sat1 on 27/10/2011.

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27 Oct 2011 2:32 PM by Faulky444 Star rating in Rossendale, Lancashi.... 399 forum posts Send private message

There are only two taxes to pay. The local Council tax which in your case is the 118 euro bill to Alhama Council usually in June, and the non resident tax (or wealth tax as it used to be known) which is the larger bill of the two and due at the end of December. There should be nothing else to pay - apart from the community maintenance fees to ML.

Jon Faulkner

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27 Oct 2011 11:54 PM by sat1 Star rating. 18 forum posts Send private message

Many thanks Jon for your reply.  Our solicitor named it Wealth Tax but must have meant Non Residence Tax.

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28 Oct 2011 11:27 AM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

On the number of people on the property deed what you say is true.  I'd get some legal advice on it but from what I have read there are certain exemption limits for family when property is left to them.

If you had property in one name then 100% of the value would be transferred to say spouse/family.  But if it was in two names only 50% of the value is being transferred.  So the lower the value the less tax you will pay.  But obviously a big factor is how many people the property is being left to.

There are presumed beneficiaries in spanish law from my understanding...spouse/kids.  I'm not sure if a non-spanish will can trump these or not.  Hence my comment that its better to get legal advice before making a decision.

I think there may be lawyers on site at Condado now who may be able to offer accurate info.


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29 Oct 2011 10:55 AM by dringman Star rating in www.Condadoexcursion.... 772 forum posts Send private message

dringman´s avatar

 for non resident tax    the lawyers on site at Al Kasar do not charge much more and if you prefer face to face and do not want to spend time providing info needed on line then see the lawyer on site.  

Spanish Will

Each person who inherits has an allowance exempt from tax- depends on relationship to deceased and benificary age. Blood relatives get better allownce, friends less. So if husband and wife own 50/50  ( no joint ownership in Spain) then first 50% can be left in a Spanish Will to spouse and others. The more who benefit the more allowances used. I have not come across a restriction on amount who can benefit but will check.  So each child and grandchild , brothers, sisters etc will get a %. There are other factors to consider of course, Local notary does will in English and Spanish and he can sign as translator as he is fkuent in English.


e mail me if you want help making arrangements and prepare pre will information. I make a charge for taking you to Notary and time etc



_______________________   Airport Transfers Day Trips Alhama de Murcia Taxi No 10  
tel +441212881323   +34 622714979

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29 Oct 2011 10:55 AM by dringman Star rating in www.Condadoexcursion.... 772 forum posts Send private message

dringman´s avatar

 for non resident tax    the lawyers on site at Al Kasar do not charge much more and if you prefer face to face and do not want to spend time providing info needed on line then see the lawyer on site.  

Spanish Will

Each person who inherits has an allowance exempt from tax- depends on relationship to deceased and benificary age. Blood relatives get better allownce, friends less. So if husband and wife own 50/50  ( no joint ownership in Spain) then first 50% can be left in a Spanish Will to spouse and others. The more who benefit the more allowances used. I have not come across a restriction on amount who can benefit but will check.  So each child and grandchild , brothers, sisters etc will get a %. There are other factors to consider of course, Local notary does will in English and Spanish and he can sign as translator as he is fkuent in English.


e mail me if you want help making arrangements and prepare pre will information. I make a charge for taking you to Notary and time etc



_______________________   Airport Transfers Day Trips Alhama de Murcia Taxi No 10  
tel +441212881323   +34 622714979

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29 Oct 2011 7:46 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 forum posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Dear Sat1:

I am asking your questions below in bold green (on your same text):

 Can someone explain what taxes non residents have to pay.  You can read an article on this, by clicking here: 

We have paid 118.22 euros to Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murica this was the same last year have set up a standing order but have also paid 216.6 euros Wealth Tax

I do not think this is Wealth tax, it might be non resident tax. Wealth tax, as we will explain later is for homes valued over 300.000 € and net patrimonies over 700.000 euros. Non resident tax is actually a kind of small wealth tax for foreigners but not the BIG, SCARY wealth tax that has recently been reinstated.

, but not sure what the non residents tax is, hopefuly is it the wealth tax, if not feel like there are alot of different taxes. Yes, I am more inclined to think that what you paid ( those 216.6 €) are non resident tax. I would be able to confirm if you sent a copy of the document to me.

Also a friend recommended that the more names that are on the property deeds the less tax you pay when one of you passes away. Co-owners do not pay taxes when any of the same pass away. It is the heirs who do pay IHT then. IHT is calculated on the value of inherited goods.

Not long been home from a weeks break on Condado and absolutely enjoyed it, things are improving, pleased that another bar/eating place has opened and doing well.  We feel Mileniun are doing a good job, just need a club house. Congratulations on this!

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



This message was last edited by mariadecastro on 29/10/2011.


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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29 Oct 2011 8:27 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 forum posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

And the addittional information on Wealth Tax:

Legal tip 626. Wealth tax explained 
29 October 2011 @ 20:16 


Wealth tax, if the new government do not delete it, will be on in Spain during 2011 and 2012.  It is a direct tax on individuals and not on on companies. The taxable facts are merely the owning of goods and rights. Of course this restablished Wealth Tax is for RESIDENTS.
Taxable amount is calculated by addding all goods and rights and substracting debts the individual have by December the 31st. 
What goods and rights are included?
- Real Estate: value to be used is the higher among cadastral, revised value by Administration or acquisition price.
- Proffessional and commercial activities as per value established in the Code of Commerce.
- Bank deposits by higher value between December the 31st or average balance of 4th semester.
- Public debt titles, fixed income security or promissory notes of any listed market
- Cession of capitals to third parties in unlisted markets
- Shares in listed companies, including SICAVs, SOCIMIs and those holding companies where control is not effective. Watch out here as there are a number of exceptions to the taxation of these investments in companies based on ownership and effective control are not applicable in any case to SOCIMIs SICAVs 
-  Investments in unlisted companies, taking into account the criteria for exemption on beneficial ownership and control of the company.
-  Life insurance and annuity or temporary income
- Jewelry,  sumptuary furs and vehicles, ships and aircrafst
- Antiques and works of art.
- Any other economic  rights  
Regarding debts,  the tax base will be reduced by all those debts who have incurred and are not earmarked to exempt estate assets such as the residence
After accounting of the items above, just those estates over 700.000 € will have to pay Wealth Tax
Wealth tax is a progressive tax that increases the rate applicable in terms of increased tax base. This taxable income is calculated by subtracting the taxable minimum and applying the following rates:
Base liquidable: Taxable amount
Hasta Eruos: Up to…Euros
Cuota: Quota
Resto base liquidable: Rest of taxable amount
Hasta Euros: Up to… Euros
Tipo aplicable: Rate
Porcentaje: Percentage



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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29 Oct 2011 10:32 PM by anthomo16 Star rating. 104 forum posts Send private message

Hi ...I hope this will be helpful..please see Euro Weekly dated 27th October page 34, non residents now share wealth tax exemption, it is a very interesting article one I will be following up especially as the Town Halls are now reassessing all properties values.

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29 Oct 2011 11:57 PM by kyleman Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

I have just received a reminder from my solicitor about payment of non residence tax due end of December.  Hoe dificult is it to complete this payment my self as the fee being charged by my solicitor is more than what is due.

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30 Oct 2011 12:46 PM by malcroach Star rating in Congleton Cheshire. 13 forum posts Send private message


Taxes in Spain

Wealth Tax

It has been recently announced that Wealth Tax is to be re-introduced in Spain for a limited period of time. This is a temporary measure and will be abolished on 1st January 2013. So for tax years 2011 and 2012 (submitted in 2012 and 2013 respectively) you will need to remember to include any Wealth Tax portion in your annual Tax Returns.

It is not all bad news though. With any re-introduction comes changes, and I have attempted to pick out the salient points from the announcement and these are presented below.

1. The new Wealth Tax will be introduced on a gradual scale from 0.2% to 2.5% with the highest percentage being paid by the owners of the largest assets. Please bear in mind that the responsibility for collecting this tax has been transferred to each individual Autonomous Spanish Community (ASC’s or Comunidades Autonomas) who will be free to apply the percentages as they think fit and even to change the percentages if they think it is appropriate.


2. The tax exempt amount has been increased from 108,182.18€ to anything over 700,000€. This means that those persons with total net assets over 700,000€ will pay this tax. Again, please bear in mind that individual ASC’s are free to change the exemption amount should they consider it appropriate. One very important change to note is that the minimum exemption amount of 700,000€ will also apply to Non Resident Tax Payers in Spain. There will no longer be any discrimination between Resident and non-Resident tax payers in this respect. One subtle difference, however, remains. When calculating the Wealth Tax payable for Resident Tax Payers the exemption applies to your worldwide estate and for Non Resident Tax Payers the exemption applies to your assets in Spain.




There is a further tax exemption for residents of 300,000€ allowable on their main home an example of the tax payable on a 1,300,000€ worldwide estate including assets held in the UK and offshore with a main home value of 400,000€ is as follows:

Main home 400,000€ minus exemption 300,000€ = 100,000€ to be added to other world-wide assets in this case 900,000€. This would then be less the 700,000€ leaving 300,000€ taxable at the regional rate.

 Note: if the main home is valued at Less than 300,000€ then the unused allowance cannot be used against other wealth assets.



Non-residents have a maximum tax free allowance on their assets in Spain of 700,000€ only. No tax is payable on assets outside of Spain. Regional tax rates will apply on all assets in Spain.



Companies from the UK, Spain and the rest of the world are not subject to the new Wealth Tax.

4. Non- Resident Tax Payers, who are subject to paying the new Wealth Tax, are recommended to submit their annual Tax Return using a Fiscal Representative who acts on their behalf in dealings with the Tax Office. The Fiscal Representative should be appointed in the following situations:

a. When the Non- Resident Tax Payer is operating from any kind of permanent establishment, eg office or shop.

b. When the Non- Resident Tax Payer is requested to do so by the Tax Office due to the amount and/or characteristics of the assets-

c. When a non-resident does not trade in Spain, then they must appoint a fiscal representative. This can be a person or company that is resident of Spain.

The appointed representative can be an individual or company but must be resident in Spain. Failure to comply will be considered to be a serious tax violation, punishable with a fine of 1000€.


Income Tax

Income tax is payable by non Spanish residents on their income in Spain @24% no deductions are available, If there is no income then on broad terms 2% of the Catastral value or deed value of the property will be charged @ 24% tax. No income  tax for Companies.Non residents will require a fiscal representative to submit their tax return and receive any enquiries from the tax office. It is wise to make sure that you have in your possession a copy of the receipted tax return after you have paid, I am finding that many clients are paying their taxes to their fiscal representative and not receiving a receipted tax return ,when we check with the tax office we find that sometimes no tax has been paid over, I am not saying that all advisers would do this but as no regulation is required to be a fiscal representative it is prudent to check that your tax is being paid over.


Plus Valia Tax

This tax is charged by the Town hall on the land on a daily basis for the time that the land has been owned and is payable when any changes are made at land registry.


Capital Gains Tax

This Tax is charged to non residents when a property is sold and is charged at a rate of 19% of the profit on the sale of the property, a tax free period is available if the property was owned before 1997, when there was no CGT, This tax free period is now being eroded each day from January 2007.

UK tax is payable on the sale of Spanish assets at a rate of 28% less the tax free allowance of £10800 per year if not used on another gain, this tax is less the tax payable in Spain,

It should be considered that the UK tax is calculated on the sterling value when purchased and the sterling value when sold, so to give an example a property purchased in 2005 when the exchange rate was 1.5 to the £ on say a 300,000€ property would give a cost value in sterling of £200,000, if the property was sold now for the same money as it was paid for then there would be no tax in Spain but the tax would now be calculated in the UK based on the cost price of £200,000 and the now sale price of 300,000€ at 1.13 =£265,486 showing a profit of £65,486 this would be taxable in the UK at 28% after the deduction of allowances.


Inheritance tax (IHT) (ISD)

This tax is charged to the inheritor on the value of the inheritance were the owner or inheritor are non resident of Spain,residents are charged on local rules by the region but both deceased and inheritor must be resident of the same region.

There are some small tax free allowances depending on the relationship of the inheritor to the deceased,but the tax rates vary between 7.67% and 82% depending on the type of asset IE cash or property, the relationship of the inheritor ,the amount of inheritance and the pre existing wealth in Spain of the inheritor if you follow the link below you can obtain a free calculation of your inheritors potential liability.

A UK  domiciled person will need to probate the estate in the UK and would need to add the Spanish asset to the other UK assets a £325,000 tax free allowance is available and £650,000 on the second death of a spouse if the first allowance had not been used. the estate is then charged at 40% , no direct relief if allowable for the Spanish tax paid , There is an allowance called unilateral relief but this is subject to many criteria and depends on the value of the Spanish assets against the UK you should consider that your estate will be taxed in the UK and your inheritors in Spain. no tax is payable by Companies. A UK Will should be made in all cases a Spanish Will is not required by UK domiciled people as it can sometimes be in contradiction of a UK Will and can cause cost and confusion to sort out , only a UK grant of probate or letters of administration are required to transfer a Spanish property.


It should also be considered that a Spanish Will can not be varied after death as a UK Will can be if it suits the inheritors.

Some advisers say that the inheritors should wait for 4.5 years before probating in Spain as this will save the tax, well the problem here is that in the UK it is required to appoint an executor of the estate and the executor is personally liable to discharge all taxes and debts of the deceased, I can not see any Executor wishing to carry the personal tax liability of a Spanish debt in these days were international recovery of debt is improving


Resident Tax 

I do not intend to confuse readers with Resident taxes at this time


If you need any further information visit our Eye on Spain link in the inheritance tax section Wincham Consultants Ltd









This message was last edited by malcroach on 01/11/2011.

Malcolm D Roach MICM Consultant in Company ownership of Spanish Propert...

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30 Oct 2011 9:11 PM by Faulky444 Star rating in Rossendale, Lancashi.... 399 forum posts Send private message

Well that's  about as clear as mud. Nothing like the Spanish to botch tax affairs which leads to no body paying anything.

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