I'm sure the Clover will open again as everybody knows that it could have been a decent business if it had of been run by people who actually gave a hoot about it, which the staff clearly didn't, as practically everybody complained about it.
The Clover's inability to please customers is emphasised in the fact that it only lasted for a month when it had a bit of competition, so I have no sympathy for it as I'm a business owner who knows that business is simply a case of, 'Survival of the fittest', and although I'm Extremely sad the Clovr has closed, I am not at all surprised because it was nothing other than terribly run and not like an up and coming, thriving business at all, but more like a bad council managed leisure Center, where nobody got fired because there was no boss.
I have no doubt that the Clover will open again and it's gonna be better, as a pair of chimps could have run the Clover better than it was run for the past two years or so.
I'm sorry if the staff lost their jobs, but maybe they shoulda thought about that more when they were playing Spanish dance music so loud that nobody could hear anybody else talking even tho they were standing 6 inches away from them.
There was supposed to be a small town centre built beside the tennis courts and the Clover at Al Kasar was a poor attempt to make up for not building any town centres anywhere on CDA and the staff of the Clover obviously took it for granted that the Clover was the only bar that CDA had to offer and customers could like it or lump it, so hopefully a lesson learned there by them and the many many hundreds of residents on the Jardins, who bought on the Jardins because of the proposed small town centre at the tennis courts, who had to walk 20 minutes from Jardin 1 to a poorly run Clover bar,who won't really shed many tears.
The Condado Club owners stuck their necks out to give CDA 'Exactly' what we wanted and have been needing, so Thank you Condado Club and unless the Clover was to open and become a very different bar, it will never be successful, or missed that much, especially by residents in the Jardins.
So hopefully someone with a brain will open the Clover and hopefully change its name and brighten it up, as who on earth wants to go from dark and gloomy pubs in the UK and Ireland, to a dark and gloomy pub in Spain, it's a total useless mess.
Get a life Clover management.........lol