The Comments |
Having just returned from a lovely half term break in CDA, just thought we would mention that in Los Naranjos garden 2 we saw workmen treating all the fences during the week around the swimming pool & making repairs. We presume it will be happening across the board.
We also went to the coffee morning albeit briefly at Condado Club which was very busy! Looks like it is going to be very popular, especially now they will be serving food. The Clover was very quiet, and on one evening we were the first to arrive at 10pm.
Carla & Andy
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Great to hear they are repairing the fence - in the summer it was becoming quite loose from the ground fixings particularly on the eastern side so I hope that has been addressed before the treatment. There were also a couple of uprights missing allowing young children to climb through - irrelevant of any adult intervention!
Something more substantial would be better but I assume this will all be down to funds being available and every one paying their fees.
Going to try to get out a little more next year so looking forward to sampling the offerings of the new Condado Club!
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I'm sure there was talk about replacing the wooden fencing round the pools with something more substanial last summer, guess that idea has been shelved due to cost? The fence round our pool was repaired last summer due to kids climbing over it. These wooden fences will need constant maintainence and it would probably be cheaper to replace them in the long run.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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There is a commitee of presidents looking into the replacement of the pool fences, they will report at the next presidents meeting on the 26th so a decision should be made then.
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What would help to maintain the life of the timber fence would be for the Children and Adults that climb over to stop this and use the gates provided. Also not to use the exterior path lights as a step to ease their climb over the fence as these are prone to damage.
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When ever i ask people who are old enough to go eleswhere not to play football in the gardens after seeing them hit the fence I get arguments. If we intend it to last longer we need everyone to understand that ball games damage fence and flowers and cost money to replace, but if you say anything you are told it is petty.
Also hitting balls against lights does not help. How can we get people to respect community property
Getting comments about state of football field not being suitable to play on.
_______________________ Airport Transfers Day Trips Alhama de Murcia Taxi No 10
tel +441212881323 +34 622714979
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Hi Dringman,
Its been a while since i participated in this Forum, but would like to confirm the Football Pitches around Summertime were in a very poor state, resulting in my Son Lewis, picking up a serious Groin Injury whilst running with the Ball. On my return home i decided to email Mileniun to first of all congratulate them on putting on activities around this Period but also expressing my concerns with the poor playing surface on the Pitches, i also witnessed another adult player with a badly gashed knee. Unfortunately Mileniun chose not to reply to my reasonable email .
Now im not saying all Ball games should be allowed throughout the Gardens, but please have some considerations for small games away from lights and fences. Apart from my Sons injury the Summer Camp Football organised mainly by Sara, were a great success, bringing together all boys and some girls from all different nationalities participating in what i personally consider the Worlds Most Beautiful Game being played in any Country or Language.
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Sorry to hear about son on football pitch . I am making a comment about how the gardens are being treated as play areas.
Young children with soft balls one thing , but older larger , harder playing is another. I heard there is some dispute over ownership of football field and comunity have paid for some maintainance, not sure who has long term respnsibilty,
No matter what the individual thinks they should be allowed to do , we have to consider the damage to comunity property and cost to all. If you want games on the garden get rules changed by a majority vote. Garden rules are clear no ball games. Ok we say nothing when young ones play because of their safety going eleswhere.
Fences are being replaced on a regular basis and plants and lights being replaced or repaired
_______________________ Airport Transfers Day Trips Alhama de Murcia Taxi No 10
tel +441212881323 +34 622714979
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Posted this back in July regards football pitches! Nothing has changed and I am not surprised about injuries while playing on them Lewjesdan and also not surprised about no reply either!
Hey Jay pal ALL the pitches were virtually devoid of grass just 3 foot weeds dotted about them.
The only way they will get the pitches back to mint as they were when 1st done is by long term seeding and watering or turfing them pal!! They have not been watered or loked after at all in my eyes!
Berano if they cut the weeds down you are left with gravel and dead bits of grass..
This is what someone posted back then!!
Looks like Millenium are sorting the football pitches out......
Attention Footballers!
The perfect first pitch
This is the news you have all been waiting for!
The gardeners and tractors have been working on our football pitches all morning and as you can see in the photo, it looks pretty inviting. This was done just in time for the football sessions we are running as part of the July & August Condado Fiesta, all kids are welcome, but of course no one will be able to play without plenty or water. Please wear your hats too and if you have a special football, you’re welcome to bring it, just make sure your name is on it.
If their are any volunteers to help with the running of the fiesta, please email me on

Milleniun have been working hard to ensure that the land around the football pitches has also been leveled as well just in time for the best fiesta Condado has seen this weekend. There will be so much choice for activities for you and the kids so make sure you pop down and have a look.
Things are changing on Condado, soon there will be so much to do, you won’t need to leave.
Complete Rubbish!! Only thing they fit for is taking your dog on for its use!!! DONT LET YOUR KIDS PLAY FOOTBALL ON THEM THEY ARE NOT SAFE
This message was last edited by chaddyowl on 02/11/2011.
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Having played a lot of hockey in the past, would it not be cheaper in the long run to replace the grass with red ash, no need for cutting and the only maintainence would be weed killers.
Just a thought
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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We were over at half term and looked at the football pitches which are now unplayable due to most of the grass having died due to lack of watering leaving bare ground , and what grass remains is about 18 inches high.
Any parent would be negligent to let their children play football on them due to the risk of injury. If the community do not wish football to be played in the gardens they should provide an appropriate alternative.
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Alright Chaddy mate
Remember the conversation well and you weren't wrong they were in a real 2 & 8 and after reffing for three days on them it was no shock when young Lewis got hurt.
Peter I'm Billy and Hannah's dad and we'dall like send our best to Lewis and hope he's fully recovered now.
A lot good things are happening out there with the opening of the club and Sarah running the kids events and actvities etc. Surely with a bit of pressure and maybe an onslaught of emails from all of us (THOSE WHO WANT THEIR KIDS TO PLAY IN SAFETY AND THOSE WHO WANT TO KEEP THE GARDENS IN PRISTEEN CONDITION) we could get the pitches sorted out and we'd all be very happy with that.
All the best
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I had a conversation with millenium about the pitches, due to someone complaining about the kids playing football on our garden, I asked if they could be made usable so all the kids could use them, but they said IRM now own them so they cannot do anything, so until that is sorted not alot can be done, they are no longer pitches just weed areas!!!
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Would be a really good gesture if IRM gave the Football fields to the comunity not much good to them ! anyone have an e mail address we could send our messages to. Do they not have a duty of care to ensure someone is not injured on their land . Maybe some claims for negligence might make them want to get rid of it!!
_______________________ Airport Transfers Day Trips Alhama de Murcia Taxi No 10
tel +441212881323 +34 622714979
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Well said mr. Dringman,
Is there anyway we could make this a reality??? would try Mileniun< but the only time they have replied to any of my Emails was when i was 1 month in arrears with my Community fees!!! laughable really when other folk have yet to pay anything and they then had the cheek to fine me 40 euros for the pleasure .
Impressed???? i think not
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Regards the football pitches the only solution i can see is that the community aquire them from IRM the owners prefferably free of charge and then re-seed and water and restore them to former glory.
In order to take them over and use community funds and maintain them will require money from community funds, as this is not in the Budget and will provide additional community assets it will require a vote from the Owners at the next AGM in March.
Any increase in assets that require funding requires a vote at the AGM.
So if we get it on the agenda and its voted in we will have the pitches and we all share the costs.
I dont think the cost will be that much spread over 3,500 owners but we must be aware that a little extra here and a little extra there and before you know it our charges will have risen 25% ?
I will ask Mileniun to reseach the Cost of restoring 1 Pitch and all 3 and to keep them maintained. Then perhaps we can get it added to the Agenda in March AGM if successful we will have the Pitches or a pitch back by the summer.
Personnally I dont think it will stop people playing football in Gardens which is a big problem even without damage to plants, lights and fences listening to the thud thud is not pleasant, these people will say the pitches are to far away?
If the pitches were restored and could be used for other events it would give more ammunition to the cause.
I got too old soon, and too late smart !
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If IRM own the football pitches they should have a care of duty to maintain them and keep them up to scratch.Am sure if this was taken up at the next meeting or Millenium approach them regarding this they surely would take responsibility to upkeep them.
We are all to eager to buy everything back and stick it onto the community where we should be holding companies repsonsible for the upkeep of their land.
Best Regards
Kev & Sandra Heslop
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As Al Foro, various community areas [ inc football pitches ] and unsold apartments are now held by IRM, they seem to have a big part to play in the welfare and development of CDA. What are the communication lines with them ? Is it via the Community presidents, or Millenium ? Does the community have constructive dialogue with IRM ?
From my understanding of current sales of aparrtments on CDA, that if they are bought from IRM, they are sold as seen, i.e IRM will not do any kind of building repair work to them. IRM merely wish to realise cash from their assets, which they gained by Polaris defaulting on debt repayments. IRM are not builders or developers. However IRM must surely recognise the fact that if the whole resort looks neat and maintained, they have a better chance of selling apartments.
_______________________ Mark + Sandra
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Just a note of caution if IRM get pressured by people saying they owe a duty of care they may be as likely to padlock up all the fields as to bring them back to a reasonable standard (I assume they are still open).
I'm all for the community doing what it can to get these properly maintained and would if necessary pay a little more towards my fees.
But I am totally against bigger kids playing football in the gardens whether or not they have alternative options. Aside from the damage they can do to the gardens it is dangerous for the smaller kids. I have seen little ones playing on the playground in our garden hit and knocked over by shots at "goal", and some near misses that could have been quite dangerous (little ones climbing etc).
This is not all kids who do this and I have seen games where an adult has been supervising and kept things in check. But unfortunately this is not the case all the time.
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What good would it be to IRM or anyone else to take the huff and close them totally, As Onecall says they own a number of properties on the resort so it is in their own interest to have the place looking nice friendly and with plenty amenities rather than people coming in and viewing somewhere that is locked up.
Best Regards
Kev & Sandra Heslop
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