help with running costs

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27 Oct 2011 12:00 AM by tee5 Star rating. 67 forum posts Send private message

we are thinking of buying in jardin 5 and would appreciate any help as to app running costs it is the 2 bedroom with roof terrace looking for info of what the following charges are likely to be council tax non resident tax community fees electricity bills and anything else i will need to pay but dont know yet thanks in advance for any help

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27 Oct 2011 3:13 PM by Faulky444 Star rating in Rossendale, Lancashi.... 399 forum posts Send private message

For my penthouse in block 11 which just happens to be the cheapest place on the complex for some reason, (more luck than good management on my part) I have worked out as a general rule that it costs around £100 per month (sterling) to run the apartment for the year. Total around £1200.  This includes all taxes, service charges and fuel bills. It is actually cheaper than the cost of running my touring caravan that I had previously!

The Jardines are a little more expensive to service, but only by about a max of 50 Euros per quarter for maintenance. If you go for a place on La Isla or the few Janas Villas, then they are a lot more expensive.

Since we moved in 3 years ago the service charges have reduced and may do so further with more residents moving in but I would say currently very good value for money.

Jon Faulkner

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27 Oct 2011 3:17 PM by rich&bops Star rating in Fleet . 266 forum posts Send private message

This is what we budget for each month in a Penthouse

Community Fees        € 83
Local Tax        € 25.00
Water        € 50
Elec        € 50

we obviously over pay some months when empty, but when we have guests we have had some electricity bills at €150+




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27 Oct 2011 4:19 PM by smivs Star rating in Oldham - Jardin 2,.... 700 forum posts Send private message

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You will also have your Council Tax which is around 60 euros per person a year and your non-residents tax in December which depends on your property but if you budget 150 euros per couple you won't be far out.  The water and electric bills are every two months, water is pretty cheap I only pay around 20 euros and that's on a bad two months, electric depends on if you have air con etc and how much you use it but on average 50 euros a month will probably give you a lot of change by the end of the year


Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!

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27 Oct 2011 4:54 PM by Fighter2 Star rating. 236 forum posts Send private message

Can anyone be specific about the following costs for the 2 bed property asked about:

Monthly ...

Community Fees

Electricity Charges with standing charges listed

Water with standing charges listed

IBI payable to Alhama Council

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27 Oct 2011 9:52 PM by Hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message


Jardin is a great garden with lots of great people living & holidaying there.

Not that I am saying that the same does not apply every where else. Its just that we are biased.

If no one answers your questions before the "old man" gets back i will get him to supply as much as possible

Of course prices will differ re your untility bills acording to your usage & the number of times you will be over there or renting out.

However I am wonderin, are you thinking of buying to live on Condadp perminantly or using it as a holiday home.

Our utilities bills  often change monthly due to usage or the lack of.



West Mids & Jardin 5

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28 Oct 2011 2:22 PM by tee5 Star rating. 67 forum posts Send private message

We would be using it as a holiday home and only for our use not renting we will prob only be out for oct to march 4 weeks and april to oct 6 weeks

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28 Oct 2011 3:04 PM by Hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message


Jan again.

Ham was very late getting home last night so didnt see him & he had gone out again well before I got up this morning.

We will be over in January( fingers crosse) & we were over in October last year.

I will get him to look @ his bank statement re utilities & will let you know about all the expenditure.

Be mindful of  the coat of furniture. We bought most items  here in the UK as there were some really good sales both before & after xmas & filled the consevatory with boxes etc. In the early days there was a great guy who transported furniture to Condado from the UK at really low pricres. Unfortunatly he has now retired to pastures new.

The only Items we bought in Spain were the electrical items. We thought that if we bought in t UK & it breakes down who would we call.and our outdoor furniture .

Be carefull when doing this as not all rattan furniture covered or uncovered will last for more than a few years due to different weather changes. 

You may choose to have you apartment snagged before moving in. Not the cheapest outlay but if you are not over very often we felt it was money well spent. Carol Millar our apartment manager looked after the snaggers & the people puting all things right for us & afterwards did a really good pre clean the day before our furniture was delivered.

If you are looking to buy from Ikea then you might as well do it in Murcia but remember only Ikea sheets & covers will fit Ikea duvets & matresses because they are a different size or at least they used to be.

There is someone living on Condado ( I think) who will buy & set up your Ikea purchases for you. This is great if that is what you aim to do as everything is set up & just awaiting your arriva

Sorry do not have his details but I am sure there will be many who do. 

Do you want air con. Some have invested in plu in radiators but we bought the  Panasonic inverta type. one in lounge dinner & one in each of the bedrooms. If you leave the door open to your bathroom when not in use it will soon warm up.

We thought we would use the cold air in the summer but we are very rarely inside then, so it hasnt been switched on but  it is great in the colder months. 

The floors get really cold during the night during these months & if you need to get up for what ever reason can I suggest slippers

Hope this is of some help. If you should be over during January. We are over from the 22nd until the 3rd of Feb. Please dont hesitate to call round & see us in Jardin 5.  No 488.



West Mids & Jardin 5

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28 Oct 2011 7:53 PM by 1098 Star rating in Jardin 9 & Cambs. 147 forum posts Send private message

I would allow approx €70 for Comm charge and €10 each per month for the others.

As a total it should be about right but that doesn't take into account any future increases.

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28 Oct 2011 9:40 PM by michaelhardy Star rating in Bishop Auckland & Ja.... 597 forum posts Send private message

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Hi tee5, we are in Jardin 5 and have a 2 bed apartment which we just use for ourselves & family.

Our fees typically are as follows

Community fees €71/month, Water about €20 every 2 months, electric can be €100 if out for a fortnights stay in high season due to the aircon and kids using tv/computers or as little €30 if no one is out for a couple of months.

IBI tax for Dawn & myself is €50 each/year

Non residency tax about €50/person from memory

Apartment contents insurance €62, buildings insurance through Mileniun

Then after that will just be any fees for key holding/cleaning etc.

Hope this helps


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28 Oct 2011 10:14 PM by Hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message


Hello Mike & Dawn

Hi Tee5

I think Mike has just about covered everything.

Our summer electricity bill is less as we have no children to cater for & we rarely have the aircon on during that time.

I`m usually found on the roof terrace & Ham is happy indoors with the door & all of the windows open

Ham says our bill is about  70euros & would be slightly less if we ate out more but Ham likes to cook. he is a dam fine cook & his speciality is curry so I am happy to go along with that. ha ha



West Mids & Jardin 5

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31 Oct 2011 12:39 PM by tee5 Star rating. 67 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for all the info i will let you know how we get on

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