Jan again.
Ham was very late getting home last night so didnt see him & he had gone out again well before I got up this morning.
We will be over in January( fingers crosse) & we were over in October last year.
I will get him to look @ his bank statement re utilities & will let you know about all the expenditure.
Be mindful of the coat of furniture. We bought most items here in the UK as there were some really good sales both before & after xmas & filled the consevatory with boxes etc. In the early days there was a great guy who transported furniture to Condado from the UK at really low pricres. Unfortunatly he has now retired to pastures new.
The only Items we bought in Spain were the electrical items. We thought that if we bought in t UK & it breakes down who would we call.and our outdoor furniture .
Be carefull when doing this as not all rattan furniture covered or uncovered will last for more than a few years due to different weather changes.
You may choose to have you apartment snagged before moving in. Not the cheapest outlay but if you are not over very often we felt it was money well spent. Carol Millar our apartment manager looked after the snaggers & the people puting all things right for us & afterwards did a really good pre clean the day before our furniture was delivered.
If you are looking to buy from Ikea then you might as well do it in Murcia but remember only Ikea sheets & covers will fit Ikea duvets & matresses because they are a different size or at least they used to be.
There is someone living on Condado ( I think) who will buy & set up your Ikea purchases for you. This is great if that is what you aim to do as everything is set up & just awaiting your arriva
Sorry do not have his details but I am sure there will be many who do.
Do you want air con. Some have invested in plu in radiators but we bought the Panasonic inverta type. one in lounge dinner & one in each of the bedrooms. If you leave the door open to your bathroom when not in use it will soon warm up.
We thought we would use the cold air in the summer but we are very rarely inside then, so it hasnt been switched on but it is great in the colder months.
The floors get really cold during the night during these months & if you need to get up for what ever reason can I suggest slippers
Hope this is of some help. If you should be over during January. We are over from the 22nd until the 3rd of Feb. Please dont hesitate to call round & see us in Jardin 5.
No 488.