Iberdrola bills

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04 Nov 2011 12:00 AM by Rustad Star rating in Kent. 89 forum posts Send private message

Has anyone had a sudden influx of bills from Iberdrola? I pay regularly by Direct Debit every two months. Tonight they have just emailed me 6 separate invoices dated 3/11/11 for amounts totalling 432.34 Euros all for periods when our penthouse was unoccupied and for timescales we have already been billed for and paid. Suspect I am being billed for my whole block!

Any advice from anyone on who to call on this or is it just a case of emailing customer services?


Alan R www.condado4rent.com rentals@condado4rent.com alanrustad@gmail.com

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05 Nov 2011 9:03 AM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

Possibly there has been an increase in the tariff . On the other forum people have posted about getting an influx of bills and also a new contract to sign.

We didnt have anything extra in our post box when there last week and have checked the bank account and we haven't had anything extra billed although the last bill was higher than previous ones for times when we haven't been there. Am a little concerned there may be a new contract sitting in the post box now and we have no immediate plans to go back. So may dig out an old bill here with account number and give them a call- unfortunately even with an english speaking member of staff on the line on the one other occasion we phoned it was all rather confusing. But it may be the way forward.


This message was last edited by Jann on 06/11/2011.



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05 Nov 2011 9:38 AM by Rustad Star rating in Kent. 89 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for that - which other forum is that?

Alan R www.condado4rent.com rentals@condado4rent.com alanrustad@gmail.com

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06 Nov 2011 9:15 AM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

www.condadodealhamaservices.com- there's a forum on that site.

I can't work out if people have been getting a new contract because they have asked to have their tariff changed because they are not residents? Apparently there are different tariffs in operation on CdA and there could be a tariff for non resident owners where ever Iberdrola cover. The Jardines seem to have had one tariff set up by Polaris and Naranjos were set onto a different tariff. I do know that earlier in the year people were making enquiries about that but I never read anything about the outcomes. However, I think there has been an increase in whatever tariff anyone is on due to general price increases- that could be why a series of bills have been sent out.

As you can see I have limited information and may be confusing the issue further- hopefully someone better informed may add to the thread.



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07 Nov 2011 8:13 PM by jcollie21 Star rating in Near Kings Lynn Norf.... 31 forum posts Send private message

We have had two invoice amounts taken from our bank to iberdrola. One on the 24th Oct and the other the day after. Our contract ended on the 10th September and the first bill was from the 12th August upto that date, then a new contract started on the 11th September and the second invoice was from that date to whenever they read them, invoice doesn't say but think it was the beginning of October as we were over at that time and saw them reading the meters. We did have a letter from them with regards to contract and price increases but think I have left it over there so can't read the small print, hope this helps as this is the only explanation I can think of as to why we have had several bills all at once.It seems though that we have paid the correct amount from our readings to the amount of units they have charged us


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07 Nov 2011 9:02 PM by dringman Star rating in www.Condadoexcursion.... 772 forum posts Send private message


  www.condadoexcursions.com   Airport Transfers Day Trips Alhama de Murcia Taxi No 10  
tel +441212881323   +34 622714979

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07 Nov 2011 10:05 PM by gill21 Star rating. 93 forum posts Send private message

I too have had 2 bills in October from Iberdrola, one for 57 euros and one for 15,

I rang them today to ask why and was told that there has been an increase in tarrif, so from august up to a certain date in October the charge was 12 cents per kilowatt and from then until the cut off date it is 14 cents per kilowatt.

I am in the Penthouses and I asked about cheaper tarrifs and so called Green Tarrif and she told me I was on the "Normal" one and it was the cheapest, the green one being the most expensive.

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07 Nov 2011 10:06 PM by Rustad Star rating in Kent. 89 forum posts Send private message

Thanks to all for your responses. I have now discovered my six new bills are as a result of Iberdrola coming around and realigning the meters in Penthouse Block 11. It seems we have all been wired up the wrong way. However it may not be as simple as paying some else's bill. For instance I have one period where I used more electricity when my apartment was empty than when I was there. Still a lot to sort with Iberdrola - this may run and run!


Alan R www.condado4rent.com rentals@condado4rent.com alanrustad@gmail.com

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08 Nov 2011 1:22 PM by beebeetay Star rating. 96 forum posts Send private message

After reading all of your posts in this and other threads over the last few weeks regarding utility bills I thought that I had better check my bank statement, and am happy to report that both water and electricity payments seem fine.

I think that any one who has concerns should contact the company directly as it sounds like they are random errors. If it's any consolation I have been overcharged in the UK on a few occasions when meters have been read incorrectly or mixed up with someone else's bill.


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15 Nov 2011 9:14 PM by ace Star rating. 310 forum posts Send private message

ace´s avatar
I have just viewed my electricity bill online and the status of it is 'libre'

does this mean its about to be cut off?


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15 Nov 2011 11:15 PM by thekeeve Star rating in Hope, West Wales and.... 277 forum posts Send private message


I've always had this status on my bills so I don't think there's anything to worry about.  Might be wrong but I assume it means the bills are paid up and nothing is owed. 


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21 Jan 2012 4:47 PM by asillisa1 Star rating. 29 forum posts Send private message

what are the Iberdrola phone numbers


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