Entidad charges

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27 Jan 2012 12:00 AM by PAL Star rating. 31 forum posts Send private message

Just checked my bank account and noticed the Entidad charges have been taken out.

I've had absolutely no warning or advice about this. Has anyone else?

I'm aware the administrators have changed, but surely the new administrators must have got contact details, after all, they've obviously got bank details.

All in all, not very impressed.

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27 Jan 2012 3:30 PM by whatman Star rating in Kent. 64 forum posts Send private message


I was informed by email a couple of weeks ago. Money taken out a couple of days ago.



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27 Jan 2012 3:31 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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This was sent by Resortalia by email on 17th January, probably should also have been sent by post to ensure all owners receive it... Owners name, apartment number and amount were attached.

Resortalia also recently sent an email to ALL known owners asking for them to confirm their current email address, of course it should also have gone by post to ensure as much coverage as possible.

I would suggest you contact roda@resortalia.com to ensure they have your correct contact details and to direct any queries or check the Entidad website for info.




Dear Owner,

As the administrators of the “EUCC RODA GOLF & BEACH RESORT” enclosed you will find invoice regarding your fees for the Urban Entity of which your property belongs to, corresponding to the 1st Quarter for 2012 (From January 1st to the 31st of March 2012).

The amount indicated will be debited on Tuesday January 24th in the bank account detailed in your information in our database. Please remember to have sufficient funds.

The procedure for the payment of the fees has been established in the Art. 47 of the by-laws for the Urban Entity were it establishes that “the fees will be debited quarterly, individually to each one of the properties, by the Urban Entity” as well as the Art.48 which establishes an automatic surcharge of the 20% in case of non payment.

Information of Interest:

- The details of the budget and Minutes of the AGM are available in the web: www.eeuuconservacionrodagolf.com

- The Urban Conservation Entity is the one that manages, within other aspects, the security, the rubbish pick up, the street cleaning, etc….

- The non payment of the fees means a 20% automatic surcharge as well as the beginning of court actions that might end in the sale of your property in auction.

- All the costs that arise from the non payment will be charged to the debtor.

- It is your obligation to notify and change in your personal contact details or in your bank account details.




N.I.F. V-73664781


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28 Jan 2012 2:07 PM by PAL Star rating. 31 forum posts Send private message

Thanks hugh_man

I've sent Resortalia an email, so hopefully I'll get a response!



This message was last edited by PAL on 28/01/2012.

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04 Feb 2012 5:12 PM by PAL Star rating. 31 forum posts Send private message

One week later and no response from Resortalia, other than an out of office reply!!

In the past I did email Housing a couple of times and they responded promptly. I know theres another thread on the topic of administators, but these people are looking after our money and our interests. I think as owners paying our dues, we ought to know what's going on.

So far then, not impressed with Resortalia.

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06 Feb 2012 3:21 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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all i can say is so far both in emails and meetings Resortalia have come across as reasonably professional, they are after all hoping to continue to retain each communities business after the respective AGMs.

They promised us in a meeting that owners would get a response as soon as practical, which like you we feel on our community is important.


The best thing to do is always ensure you copy in your community President as well as the Administrator, then at least you have 2 parties aware of your concerns and they will hopefully respond.

The President was elected by the owners and therefore has a responsibility to ensure fee paying owners are served properly by the paid service contractors. I expect debtors may find themselves ignored, however.

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06 Feb 2012 4:01 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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For what it is worth and it may be of interest to the "Housing" thread

I have sent this today to Resortalia.....................................................................................

Hi, I am aware that the Entidad board met last Friday, apparently for a long meeting.
Can I ask if owners are allowed to be informed of any discussions or decisions made especially with regard to Entidad AGM date and information with regard to the reasons behind the resignation of Housing.
I have checked on the website and no updates have appeared for some time.
Kind regards
other owners may wish to send similar and copy in their Entidad representative or community President

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06 Feb 2012 6:09 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Actually, I have to agree with Hugh_man.

In all of my dealings thus far, since Resortalia were appointed on 30 November last - that is both on a personal visit to their offices and in quite a few emails (which are always immediately acknowledged by an automatic reply - which ensures that an email has been received by them) Resortalia have been nothing but courteous, professional and mostly prompt in their replies and assistance.  So, so far so good - but as Hugh_man says - they are trying to ensure they are considered favourably when it comes to ratification or otherwise of their appointment at the AGM.

Hope this helps.








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07 Feb 2012 11:39 AM by innes Star rating. 32 forum posts Send private message

I am sure the long Entidad meeting referred to by Hugh_man was not just about agreeing a date for the next AGM. No doubt there would have been a lot more on the agenda to talk about. Hopefully the minutes were correctly noted in accordance with protocol, that owners may be enlightened in the near future as to what was discussed. I somehow doubt it.

It is more likely that the meeting was to add more bricks to the wall of silence which surrounds the resignation of the previous Administration.

I know of situations where a President refused to give an explanation as to the demise of the previous Administration, but invited the owners to contact Housing direct, for them to comment. This in my opinion is an insult to owners who are genuinely concerned about events.   


This message was last edited by innes on 07/02/2012.

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08 Feb 2012 2:48 PM by PAL Star rating. 31 forum posts Send private message

Sent a follow up email to Resortalia and this time, I'm pleased to say, I got a prompt reply. Turns out they had an error in my email address.

They say they use email for communications, rather than sending out documents by post, unlike Housing used to. It would seem more efficient to use email (as long as they've got the right address!).


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08 Feb 2012 10:59 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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Yes PAL I agree, we know of a large number of email errors and we on P12 have asked for all correspondence to be made through post until we can propose a change at next AGM.

mind you I think there are still many postal address errors throughout the resort, database and communication was never very good, I know owners who were not aware they had a mailbox at Roda for a year, could not understand where their electricity bills were going, luckily dds had been set up otherwise rather costly once disconnected

Now its a major problem to update contacts, still it is owners responsibility to ensure their fees and charges are paid so the onus is on them to contact the Administrator/Community, all owners knew fees were due when they purchased,not hard to find out how to pay them.

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09 Feb 2012 7:13 PM by janejohn Star rating. 183 forum posts Send private message

So far I have found Resortalia's communication to be very prompt, courteous and helpful.  I received our Entidad fees invoice via email and they recently asked me for an up to date phone number so they seem to be trying to get contact details etc. sorted out, which must be a nightmare of a job. 

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