The Comments |
Last week I ran into a little problem that could happen to any of us .
I came back to the apartment at about 8pm.Drove into the gararge to find that water was everywhere, running down a stairwell , dripping from the garage ceiling...obviously a burst somewhere. We walked up the stairs through the water and found that an apartment on the ground floor had a burst or somebody had left a tap running. Found this out by listenning at the door. This apartment was occupied but the owners were not there. Luckily in this case the keyholder had pinned his number to their door and I could contact him.
My question is what could i have done if i hadn't have seen that number? Who can we ring if the apartment above us springs a leak and starts cascading into your lounge. I do not have an out of hours emergancy number...does anybody?
I don't wish to alarm anybody ...they are lovely apartments and most likely won't happen...
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That's a very good point, John. What is the norm for owners down there, does anyone know? Obviously a lot of property all along the coast is vacant a fair amount of the time. There must be a widely used procedure for this sort of emergency, I would have thought.
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Although AEA are meant to have posted a list of emergency phone numbers, I am yet to receive a copy despite a number of requests.
Suggest we start compiling and publishing our own list of emergency service telephone numbers on a thread, if this is agreeable. This message was last edited by michael52 on 3/18/2007.

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I dont know know if there is a formal procedure to adopt, but i would suggest either contacting the Ros y Falcon sales office in the Marina or perhaps AEA, the community managers?
As a minimum, i would have thought AEA should have an out of hours numbers for emergencies?
Chris & Colette
Block 8
Cheadle Hulme & Duquesa
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As we are on phase 3 & a good way off completing, not too sure of the set at DV as yet. However experience elsewhere is that stop taps for each individual apartment in a block are often located all together with the water meters (this very often close to main entrance to block).
Perhaps those on site at the moment can explore & comment, where getting the water turned off would need to be a priority.
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Thanks to all...i will be emailing AEA for their action and views too...its a good point and an obvious one about the stop taps...perhaps I should have known this...I like Michael's idea of publishing the emergancy numbers although you are provided with a list of numbers but not an out of hours emergancy number.
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As Steve said there are stops taps 2 per floor on the stair well back to back with the lifts. My flat is on the left as you look at the cupboard on the wall but my stop cock is on the right. I found that the taps are so close to each other I could not turn mine fully off as the tap hit the tap next to it.
Solution was to undo nut/screw and remove tap head rotate thru 180 degrees push back on and put nut screw back on - time taken 5 minutes. The taps are the same as the one you have in the bathroom/utility room.
Also there is a notice board with a load of contact numbers on it, I walked past it last week don't remember where it was but it must have been in the middle of the lower pool area or middle of blocks close to block 7/8. I am there on Wednesday and will check and post information.
This message was last edited by manilvajl on 3/18/2007.
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