For DV owners who rent their property

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08 May 2012 11:16 AM by AnnaZ Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

Dear all,


I am the owner of an apartment in DV, block 13. We are renting out our apartment and I was exploring opportunities to increase booking enquiries.

I live in Switzerland and we have a site which gives big exclusive discounts for their members for hotels, etc (it is like Groupon). It actually works because of big volume of revenue.

 I contacted them with my apartment (my prices are initially high and 50% discount means 300 Euros per week in Low season, 450 in Middle and 600 in High) but they said that in order to be considered for a deal I need to have at least 8 apartments as they have very big revenue (I can forward you their e-mail). It is when I though about a cooperation with you.

 What I propose is: I will take care of everything, including modifying my web-site and preparing the deal. I will not charge you anything, there will be only a commission of the site DeinDeal (not sure how big, but I think not more than 5%) and cross border bank transfer commission. After closing the deal I will take the first bookings every week for me and give the rest in equal amounts for each of you and transfer all the money as well. After you can go for normal procedure like sending booking contract, etc, but you will already have the money (if I understand how it works correctly)
Thanks and please PM me with questions.



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13 May 2012 12:55 PM by lynn carleton Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

Ann we have a three bedroom apartment in block 9. I have only let it out in the past to people we know but as its not used very much would like to rent it out to others. Would be interested in what you are proposing. We live and work in England so would not be able to have first hand dealings with renters . We have somebody who is a key holder for us and cleans etc. sounds interesting what you are thinking about

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13 May 2012 12:55 PM by lynn carleton Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

Ann we have a three bedroom apartment in block 9. I have only let it out in the past to people we know but as its not used very much would like to rent it out to others. Would be interested in what you are proposing. We live and work in England so would not be able to have first hand dealings with renters . We have somebody who is a key holder for us and cleans etc. sounds interesting what you are thinking about

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13 May 2012 6:41 PM by AnnaZ Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

Hi Lynn, I sent you PM.

Dear all, the proposition is still valid - we are looking for 4 more owners. Please PM me


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24 May 2012 4:47 PM by AnnaZ Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

Thanks you all who replied, I will start preparing the deal submission shortly.

If there is still  somebody interested , please do contact me.




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26 Jun 2012 6:45 PM by FOX1A Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Hi Anna,
I am interested if you are still needing more apartments.
Many thanks,

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